
jīnɡ jì yán jiū
  • economic research
  1. 美国国家经济研究局(NationalBureauofEconomicResearch)新近发表的一篇论文,将婚前的幸福水平作为控制变量。

    The new paper , published by the National Bureau of Economic Research , controlled for pre-marriage happiness levels .

  2. 根据美国国家经济研究局(NationalBureauofEconomicResearch)的记录,上次经济衰退从2007年12月正式开始。

    The last recession officially started in December of 2007 , according to the National Bureau of economic research .

  3. 我们只不过进行监管,这就像在真实世界中由央行、财政部长或国家经济研究所对经济进行监管一样。

    It is simply monitored by us just like any other economy in the real world is by a central bank , finance minister or national economic institute .

  4. 美国国家经济研究局(NationalBureauofEconomicResearch)的商业景气数据委员会负责确定经济衰退的起止时间,但它尚未给本轮经济低迷正式定性。

    The National Bureau of Economic Research 's Business Cycle Dating Committee identifies recessions , and hasn 't weighed in formally on this downturn .

  5. 经济研究已表明,专利产出主要与RD投入以及知识存量有关。

    It is proved by past studies that patent creating is related to the input of RD and knowledge stock .

  6. 汇丰(HSBC)亚洲经济研究联合负责人纽曼(FredericNeumann)说,印度手脚被束,因此更容易受国际经济放缓的影响。

    ' India 's hands are tied , and because of that it 's much more exposed to the global slowdown , ' said Frederic Neumann , co-head of Asian economic research for HSBC . '

  7. 国外天然气经济研究机构及其研究方向

    Foreign Research Institutes for Natural Gas Economy and Their Research Orientations

  8. 内生增长理论下的循环经济研究

    Research on the Circular Economy under the Theory of Endogenous Growth

  9. 区域矿产资源经济研究的发展趋势及值得注意的若干问题

    Development tendency of regional mineral resources economic research and notable problems

  10. 加强虚拟经济研究进一步深化金融体制改革

    Strengthen Study of Fictitious Economy and Further Reform of Financial Structure

  11. 健康经济研究领域的潜在问题分析

    Research on Potential Problems in the Field of Health Economy

  12. 高等化学教育与市场经济研究

    An research of the relation between higher chemical education and market economy

  13. 这使得城市旅游经济研究迫切需要更多的理论支持。

    This makes urban tourism economy research urgent need for more theoretical support .

  14. 企业安全投资行为的经济研究

    Investigating Enterprises ' Safety Investment Behaviors in Economic Method

  15. 湖南发展循环经济研究

    Research on the Development of the Circular Economy of Hunan Prov in ce

  16. 在泡沫经济研究中,股市泡沫是重要的问题之一。

    Stock Market bubbles are one of important questions in studying bubble economy .

  17. 矿区工业生态经济研究

    Study on the industrial ecological economy in mining area

  18. 经济研究、统计和信息系统司

    Economic Research , Statistics and Information Systems Division

  19. 我国传媒经济研究的量化分析

    China 's Media Economical Study : Measure Analysis

  20. 新技术革命与经济研究工作

    New Technological Revolution and Economic Research Work

  21. 农村市场发育与村庄经济研究

    Rural Market Development and Village Economies Approach

  22. 渔业经济研究与水产技术推广

    Fisheries Economic Research and Fisheries Technical Extention

  23. 纤维混凝土在路桥工程中的技术经济研究

    Study on Technology and Economic Effect of Fiber-reinforced concret Used in Highway and Bridge Engineering

  24. 正确认识卫生工作的性质是卫生经济研究的重要课题

    Correct Understanding of the Character of Health Service Is an Important Study of Health Economics

  25. 开展循环经济研究和实践,构建循环经济社会系统。

    Launch circulation economic research and practice , construct the circulation system of economics and society .

  26. 连云港市已经逐步成为全国的陆桥经济研究基地。

    Lianyungang has gradually become the research base of the continental bridge economy throughout the country .

  27. 势力经济研究

    On Powerful Economy Study

  28. 推动中国经济学走向世界的先锋&记北京大学中国经济研究中心

    Push forward the Chinese Economy into World Ranks & Silhouette on China Center for Economic Research , Peking University

  29. 对三因素试验设计在社会经济研究中应用的可能性进行了研究。

    This paper studied the feasibility of the application of three factor experiment de-sign to social and economic researches .

  30. 因此,开展灾害经济研究,从灾害经济学的角度来研究我国的经济发展与减灾防灾问题,具有现实和长远的实践意义。

    Therefore , studying the relationship between economic development and reducing and preventing disasters is of momentous current and far-reaching significance .