
  • 网络Mineral resources exploration;Mine resource exploration
  1. GIS技术在区域矿产资源勘查评价中的应用

    Application of GIS technology to the evaluation of mineral resource exploration

  2. 研究基于神经网络和模糊理论的空间分析方法在矿产资源勘查GIS中的应用。

    It researches the neural networks and fuzzy set theoretic approaches for mineral resource exploration .

  3. 研制适合于矿产资源勘查的专用GIS。本项研究对运用GIS技术提高我国矿产资源勘查水平有重大意义。

    This research is very useful to technique development of the GIS application for mineral resource exploration .

  4. GIS作为一种先进技术,在矿产资源勘查与评价中得到广泛应用。

    GIS is an advanced technology and is widely applied in the exploration and assessment of mineral resources .

  5. 结合正在开展的辽宁省矿产资源勘查、开发与利用规划工作,论述了建立基于GIS技术的辽宁矿产资源信息系统实现数据可视化和空间模型分析的思路和实现方法。

    On the basis of GIS technology , a system of data visualization and spatial model analysis is developed for the management of mineral resources in Liaoning Province .

  6. 进行非传统矿产资源勘查和替代资源开发。

    Prospecting non-traditional mineral resources and developing substitutes of minerals .

  7. 矿产资源勘查项目的投资评估探索

    Appraisal for Investment in the Project of Mineral Resources Exploration

  8. 改革国家战略性矿产资源勘查投入机制;

    Reform investment mechanism of the strategic mineral resources exploration of state ;

  9. 我国矿产资源勘查开发与循环经济&以河南省为例

    A case study on Henan province : mineral resources development and recycling economy

  10. 确定矿产资源勘查风险系数的方法的方法&改进的费用效益法

    Determination of prospecting risk coefficient of mineral resources : a proved cost-effect method

  11. 加强矿产资源勘查、保护、合理开发。

    We should strengthen exploration , protection and proper exploitation of mineral resources .

  12. 矿产资源勘查投资体制向多元化转变;

    Mineral exploration should be transformed from investment system to many - faceted system ;

  13. 矿业权流转为地勘业注入活力&浅论矿业权市场培育对矿产资源勘查开发的促进作用

    Mining Right Transfer Injects Vitality to Geological Exploration

  14. 华东地区重点成矿区带实现矿产资源勘查突破的思考与建议

    Thinking and suggestion for mineral resources perambulation in main metallogenic belt in east China

  15. 成矿区带深部有色金属矿产资源勘查评价方法技术研究

    Method and Technique Study for Deep Resource Exploration in Mineral Resources Sections and Strips

  16. 有色金属矿产资源勘查技术方法综述

    Review on geo-exploration technologies for nonferrous metal resources

  17. 第二章矿产资源勘查的登记和开采的审批

    Chapter II Registration for exploration of mineral resources and examination and approval of mining

  18. 吉林省矿产资源勘查区块的划分及编号办法

    The unified block partition for management of Jilin province mineral resources exploration and its

  19. 广西河池地区矿产资源勘查成果展销会情况介绍

    Introduction to the fair of mineral resources exploration results in Hechi Prefecture of Guangxi

  20. 国外矿产资源勘查开发基本构架及其对策思考

    Basic strategy and anti-risk precautions of exploration and exploitation of mineral resources in foreign countries

  21. 从发展稀有金属工业看矿产资源勘查开发前景

    Viewing of the prospect of exploration and development of mineral resources from rare metal industry

  22. 加强矿产资源勘查开发和管理促进民族地区经济发展

    Strengthen exploration and management of mineral resources to promote economic development of national minority areas

  23. 浅析南阳市矿产资源勘查开发中的问题

    Brief Discussion on Problems Existing in Prospecting and Development of Mineral Resources in Nanyang City

  24. 吉林省有色金属矿产资源勘查开发的可持续发展对策

    The sustaining developmental countermeasures of nonferrous metal geologic exploration and mineral development of Jilin province

  25. 高放射性核废物地质处置库场址预选和矿产资源勘查的关系

    Interaction between site pre-selection of high-level radioactive waste geological disposal repository and mineral resources prospecting

  26. 从事矿产资源勘查和开采的,必须符合规定的资质条件。

    Anyone engaged in exploring and mining of mineral resources shall meet the prescribed qualifications .

  27. 中国实行鼓励外商来华投资矿产资源勘查开发的政策。

    Encouraging foreign businesses to make investment in exploration and exploitation of other mineral resources .

  28. 矿产资源勘查可持续发展及跨越式发展的主要制约因素及对策

    The main restricted factors and countermeasures on the sustainable and leaping development of mineral resources exploration

  29. 矿产资源勘查程度较高,在开发中还存在着一些问题亟需解决。

    Exploration degree of mineral resources is quite high , but still have some problems occurring .

  30. 浅议矿产资源勘查开采过程经济价值形态

    Discussion on the forms of economic value in the course of mineral resources exploration and exploitation