
  • 网络the economy principle;economy;economic principle
  1. EOA在推导中的运用产生了一个补述结构的表征,而这恰好符合普遍语法的经济原则。

    The application of the EOA to the derivation yields the representation of a complementation structure which is compatible with the economy principle of universal grammar .

  2. 第三章主要介绍了对于分析there存现句相关的生成语法理论,包括,格理论,x-bar,核查理论,合并,经济原则,并对最简方案的生成操作进行了比较详细的分析。

    The third chapter mainly deals with the relative theories of generative grammar used for analyzing there ES , including case theory , x-bar , checking theory , merge , economy principle , and the derivation method .

  3. 论WTO争端解决机制中的司法经济原则

    On the Principle of Judicial Economy in the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism

  4. 司法经济原则是WTO争端解决机构在实践中发展起来的一项司法原则,在WTO协定及其涵盖协定中没有明确的规定。

    Judicial economy is one of the judicatory principles established in practice of WTO Dispute Settlement Body , and it is not specified by WTO agreement and its covering agreements .

  5. 分析了VP不VP式主要是语言的经济原则作用下,由于羡余成分被淘汰而产生的。

    Under the economic principle of language , the form VP no VP comes into being because of redundancy is eliminated .

  6. CTI不断地寻找最新及最先进之科技,加上本有的资源,为提供客户最合符经济原则之通讯服务。

    CTI is committed to devoting its resources and efforts to provide customers with the most technologically advanced and cost effective telecommunications services .

  7. Martinet提出的经济原则和GK。

    Martinet 's Principle of Economy and G. K.

  8. 根据移动、特征核查和经济原则三者密切的联系(移动和特征核查受经济原则的制约),本文得出空主语PRO句法产生的动因是经济原则,而非其它。

    Since move , feature-checking and economic principle are closely related ( move and feature-checking are restricted by economic principle ), the conclusion can be drawn that the syntactic generation of the null subject PRO is motivated by economic principle not others .

  9. 市场经济原则与党性原则浅议

    Discussion on the Market Economy Principle and the Party Spirit Principle

  10. 语言学家对经济原则的研究是多角度的。

    Linguist 's study on economic principle is from many angles .

  11. 经济原则和结构简约的语用解读

    The Economy Principle and a Pragmatic Understanding of Structural Reduction

  12. 论乡镇区划调整的经济原则

    Talk about the Economic Principle That the Village Area Rows to Adjust

  13. 按市场经济原则全面深化农村经济体制改革

    Overall Restructuring of Rural Economy According to the Principles of Market Economy

  14. 市场经济原则能否代替道德原则

    Can the Market Economy Rule Replace the Moral Rule

  15. 试析语言的经济原则在网络交际中的运行和应用

    The Reflection of the Principle of Economy in Net-language

  16. 司法经济原则的适用主体应仅限于专家组,且应当在专家组报告中明确说明对哪些事项适用了司法经济。

    The subject of judicial economy should only be limited to the panel .

  17. 认知经济原则和信息度理论在空环解释中的应用

    On Cognitive Economy Principle and Informativity Theory in the Interpretation of Missing Links

  18. 思维经济原则之评析

    A comment on the principle of the economical thought

  19. 马赫的思维经济原则及其现实启示

    Mach 's Thought-Economy Principle and Its Realistic Inspiration

  20. 并列短语的典型性表现具有认知基础:象似原则和经济原则。

    The phrases ' typicality has its foundations : iconicity principle and economy principle .

  21. 在实践上是为了贯彻诉讼经济原则要求。

    And in practice it is referred to meet the economical principle of litigation .

  22. 二是经济原则。

    The second is the principle of economy .

  23. 借鉴域外经验,从诉讼经济原则出发,对行政不作为的司法救济宜适用课予义务诉讼。

    Borrowing abroad experience , we can apply obligation imposing lawsuit to the judicial remedy .

  24. 就上诉机构而言,上诉机构本身是无权适用司法经济原则的。

    The Appellate Body itself is not entitled to apply the principle of judicial economy .

  25. 论名词动词化与语言经济原则

    Noun-Verb Shift and Economy of Language Use

  26. 关于自认的法理基础,笔者归纳性地提出了六大理论基础:认识论基础、处分原则、诉讼经济原则、诚信原则、辩论主义、程序主体原则。

    About the basis of the philosophy of admission , the author generalized six principles .

  27. 城市的规划和管理要重视生态经济原则。

    The planning and management of cides should take the eco-economic principle into full consideration .

  28. 浅谈国土绿化的生态经济原则

    Discussion on Ecological-economic Principle of Land Virescence

  29. 电子废弃物的污染问题日益引起人们的关注,而我国传统废弃物的处理和管理制度的不完善使大量的有用资源没有得到有效回收,不符合全民节约和循环经济原则。

    The WEEE ( Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment ) pollution increasingly aroused people 's attention .

  30. 但沙引发(核黄素)与沙引发(水)之间差异不显著,鉴于简单经济原则,沙引发(水)为最佳选择。

    However , there was no significant difference between it and sand priming ( water ) .