
  • 网络economic freedom;economic liberty;Financial Freedom
  1. 律师经济自由的范畴与保障

    The Scope and Guarantee of the Financial Freedom of the Legal Profession

  2. 一个人的经济自由越少,在这种关系当中就越容易受到伤害。

    The less financial freedom a person has , the more vulnerable they are in the relationship .

  3. 国民待遇原则作为WTO体制的支柱之一,强调内外国主体法律地位的平等,昭示着经济自由主义的理念。

    As one of the pillars of WTO system , the principle of national treatment emphasizes the equality of legal status of both foreign and domestic subjects , which declares publicly the spirit of economic liberalism .

  4. 从1980年起,加拿大菲莎研究所(FraserInstitute)开始编纂一个名为经济自由度(EconomicFreedom)的指数。这个指数是衡量一国法律体系和所有权状况的一个要素。

    Canada 's Fraser Institute has been compiling an ' Economic Freedom ' index since 1980 , one component of which is a measure of the quality of a country 's legal system and property rights .

  5. 国际货币基金组织(imf)指出,即使伴之以其他经济自由化举措,人民币大幅升值也不会对全球其它国家的贸易和增长产生多大影响。

    A substantial appreciation of the Chinese renminbi would have little effect on Trade and growth in the rest of the world even if accompanied by other economic liberalisation , according to the International Monetary Fund .

  6. 确实,随着辩论升温,一些金融家甚至正在通过电邮,传阅一篇艾伦格林斯潘(alangreenspan)上世纪60年代撰写的一篇拥护金本位的精彩短文《黄金和经济自由》(goldandeconomicfreedom)。

    Indeed , as the debate bubbles up , some financiers are now even e-mailing each other an extraordinary little essay that Alan Greenspan himself wrote in support of a gold standard back in the 1960s , called " gold and economic freedom " * .

  7. 很多专家表示,普京和他最亲密的顾问,特别是那些和他一样出身克格勃(KGB)探员的人,依然对过多的经济自由会带来的后果颇为警惕。

    Mr. Putin and his closest advisers , particularly those like him who are former agents of the K.G.B. , remain wary of the consequences of too much economic freedom , many experts said .

  8. 19世纪的经济自由主义者理查德科布登(RichardCobden)引申了这一论点,指出自由贸易的原则不仅将消除人们建立帝国、陆军和海军的欲望,还能引领人们实现良好的全球治理。

    In the 19th century , the economic liberal Richard Cobden extended the argument , saying that the principle of free trade would not only remove the desire to build empires , armies and navies but lead to benign global government .

  9. 早期经济自由主义者将这一矛盾的解决归于市场过程,黑格尔主义则寄望于国家权力。

    The forepart liberalism hoped to resolve the conflict in market ;

  10. 经济自由度是一种宝贵的资源,也是其他很多国家所欠缺的。

    This is a precious resource that many other countries lack .

  11. 她将此视为输出经济自由主义的尝试。

    This she saw as an attempt to export liberal economics .

  12. 真正的原因在于,美国拥有极大的经济自由度。

    It is that America has a lot of economic freedom .

  13. 新经济自由主义研究中应该注意区分的若干问题

    Some Problems should be Understood When We Research Neo - liberal Economics

  14. 辛格应进一步推动经济自由化。

    Mr Singh should give economic liberalisation one more push .

  15. 法治水平、经济自由化和新企业进入&跨国经验研究

    Rule of Law , Freedom of Economic and Firm Entry

  16. 经济自由辨析&兼与杨帆商榷

    An Analysis of Economic Freedom & Deliberation with Yang Fan

  17. 经济自由主义理论:困境及其发展

    Theory of Economic Liberalism : a Dilemma and its Development

  18. 经济自由及其代价与限度

    Economic Freedom as well as Its Costs and Limitation

  19. 论赞比亚经济自由化

    Impediments to the Benefits of Economic Liberalization in Zambia

  20. 简论亚当·斯密的经济自由思想

    A Brief Analysis about Adam Smith 's Economic Liberalism

  21. 中国在开放、企业精神、经济自由等方面都取得了惊人的进步,这些进步初显了中国伟大的潜在力。

    And this progress previews China 's great potential .

  22. 从生态哲学看经济自由主义的困境与出路

    The Plight and Outlet of Economy Liberalism from the View of Ecological Philosophy

  23. 德国的经济自由主义被政治联盟掣肘;

    Liberalisation in Germany is blocked by coalition politics ;

  24. 奥地利学派创业研究认为,经济自由有利于创业发展。

    Austrian entrepreneurial theory suggested that economic freedom has a positive impact on entrepreneurship .

  25. 英国已施行了经济自由化改革,因此可以促进欧洲大陆的经济改革。

    Having liberalised its economy , Britain can facilitate economic reforms on the continent .

  26. 美国传统基金会经济自由指数

    Heritage Foundation 's Index of Economic Freedom

  27. 论企业的经济自由与经济规制

    Economic Freedom and Economic Regulation to Firms

  28. 经济自由度与经济发展

    Economy freedom degree and economy development

  29. 论经济自由原则

    On the principle of economic freedom

  30. 无情的现实是,自由迁移与其他经济自由之间的关系越来越紧张。

    The hard truth is that tensions can develop between free migration and other economic freedoms .