
  • 【法】relation nexus
  1. 经济法律关系主体即经济法主体,包括经济管理主体和经济活动主体两大类。

    The subject is the subject of economic law containing the subject of economic management and that of economic activity .

  2. 经济法律关系的主体是经济活动主体和经济干预主体,经济法律关系的内容是主体所享有的经济权限,经济法律关系的客体则是经济“营消”行为和经济干预行为。

    It suggests that the subject is the economic activity and economic interruption body ; the content is the economic authority ; the object is the sales behavior and economic interruption behavior .

  3. 经济法律关系的主体分为国家和具有一定经济功能的个体,参与经济活动的任何主体的经济违法行为,都同时损害了社会整体利益与某一个体的经济利益。

    Subject of economic legal relation is composed of state and individuals with certain economic functions . The illegal economic acts committed by any subjects who participate in economic activities may invade the interests of the whole society and some individual 's economic interests at the same time .

  4. 由代理人代为进行各类社会经济活动是法律关系主体从事社会经济活动的重要辅助方式。确定代理关系各方的权、责是代理制度所要解决的关键问题。

    A legal subject taking part in social economic activities by a deputy is a legal auxiliary way , and so it is crucial to determine the rights and responsibilities of every party in the agency relation .

  5. 民族经济权利是少数民族经济法律关系主体为实现和满足本民族经济利益,依法所享有的为或不为一定经济行为或要求他人为或不为一定经济行为的手段。

    Ethnic Economic Rights is a group of ethnic minority rights to realize and satisfy its economic benefits by exercising economic behaviors or asking other to excusive economic behaviors , or not .

  6. 阐述了经济法律关系的三种概括;讨论了经济法律关系的主体,经济法律关系的内容及经济法律关系的客体。

    The paper sets forth the three generality , and discusses the subject , the content and the object of the relation between economy and law .

  7. 由于我国的公路法律规范体系还很不健全,在对这种复杂的公路经济行政关系的调整和规范中,出现了对公路经济行政法律关系主体权利义务界定的模糊性。

    There is fuzziness in the rights and duties of the body of economic administration of highway , because the legal system of highway is not perfect .