
  • 网络naturology;physics;physica;Physik
  1. 找出鸟类迁移规律才是自然学史上无数可嘉可贺的成就之一。

    Working out bird migration patterns was one of the triumphs of natural history .

  2. 90年代的自然资源学展望

    Prospect of the 1990 ' in the discipline of natural resources

  3. 而这项最新研究则首次估量了海洋冰川下隐秘水流的潜在影响。该研究成果在《自然地学》期刊的网络版上发表。

    But the new study , published online in the journal Nature Geoscience , is the first to measure the potential impact of this invisible flooding on sea-bound glaciers .

  4. 后五学门则由低至高依序为兽医学门、军警国防安全学门、医药卫生学门、自然科学学门、建筑及都市规划学门。

    Those least worried had studied veterinary medicine , police and national security , medicine and health , and the natural sciences followed by architecture and then urban planning .

  5. 不同流派的叙事理论家们都分别在自己的理论系统内探讨人称的叙事意义,修辞叙事学、认知叙事学、自然叙事学、女性主义叙事学等均对人称有所涉及。

    Narrative theorists of different schools such as Rhetorical Narratology , Cognitive Narratology , Natural Narratology and Feminist Narratology explore the meaning of person in narrative in their own theoretical systems .

  6. 随着文化体制改革的进一步推进,作为传统主流媒体的党报,其势在必行的全方位改革自然成为学界和业界的关注热点。

    With the development of the cultural system reform , part organ , as the mainstream of traditional media , is spontaneously becoming the hotspot in the academic field and press with its forthcoming and complete reform .

  7. 自然景观地学成因类型与审美特征

    Geographical Genetic Types of Natural Landscape and Its Aesthetic Characteristics

  8. 研究发表在本周四的自然生物技术学杂志。

    The research was published online Thursday by the journal Nature Biotechnology .

  9. 在生物工艺学和应用微生物学范畴的杂志中,自然生物工艺学是当之无愧的王者!

    Nature Biotechnology ranks first among journals in the category of'biotechnology and applied microbiology .

  10. 我不教大家那些不自然不容易学的方法。

    What is not natural , what is not easy , I don 't teach .

  11. 虚心自然带来好学,在对外交流与合作中学习,在学习和吸收中进行创造,形成自己特点。

    Learn from others in communications and then create something new from what has been learned .

  12. 基于这一性质,编辑学应分为社会科学编辑学和自然科学编辑学两大主干;然后,根据编辑工作的对象及信息载体形式再分别分为:书、报、期刊及声像编辑学。

    The two branches can be subdivided according to the editorial material and the forms of informational carrier into categories of books , newspapers , magazines and audiovisual publications .

  13. 该文依据城市生态系统的最新研究成果以及规划、景观设计和自然保护社会学研究方面的新进展,评述了英国城市自然保护方面的发展。

    ( 1 ) The development of urban nature conservation in Britain is reviewed , taking account of recent studies of urban ecosystems and new developments in planning , landscape design and social aspects of conservation .

  14. 鸭病毒性肝炎自然病例的病理学观察

    The pathological observation on natural acquired viral hepatitis of duckling

  15. 自然资源应用金融学区域间讨论会;

    Interregional Seminar on Applied Finance for natural resources ;

  16. 高校自然科学学报编辑学研究现状与展望

    Current Research and Prospects on Editorial Science in Natural Science Journals for High Institutions

  17. 禽骨髓细胞瘤病自然病例的病理学研究

    Pathological study on naturally-infected avian myelocytomatosis Avian Diseases

  18. 中国青海地区喜马拉雅旱獭嗜肝病毒自然感染的组织学研究

    Natural Infection of Hepadnavirus in Liver Tissues of Marmota himalayana in Qinghai , China

  19. 山区自然资源的环境学特征与系统开发山区经济建设应与生物资源保护协调发展

    The Coordinated Development Between the Economic Construction and the Protection of Biological Resources in Mountain Area

  20. 就像恋爱,嫉妒看上去也是自然的,不学而知的。

    Just as falling in love seems " natural " and unlearned , so does jealousy .

  21. 不同致伤时间所致大鼠深Ⅱ度烫伤创面自然愈合的病理学观察

    Pathological Observation on Wound Healing of Deep Partial Thickness Burn in Rats by Scalding with Different Length of Time

  22. 相应地,自然科学如生理学、物理学等,开始广泛进入声乐领域。

    Accordingly , physiology , physics and other natural sciences were also introduced to the field of vocal music widely .

  23. 2008年国家自然科学基金动物学面上类项目浅析

    Analysis of the projects in division of zoology by the National Natural Science Foundation of China ( NSFC ) in 2008

  24. 科学的实践性、大众性、主体间性、情境性为明确库恩的范式理论提供了线索:自然科学具有表明学的底子。

    The introduction of practicality , community , intersubjectivity and context provides a clew for understanding of Kuhn 's paradigm theory : natural science has a hermeneutic base . J.

  25. 哲学人学大致经历自然本体论人学、认识论本体论人学、现当代非理性人学和马克思主义实践人学四个阶段。

    Human study in philosophy has chiefly undergone four stages in the mature scientific pattern of Western philosophy : natural ontology , epistemological ontology , modern irrationality and Marxist practice .

  26. 近年来,判别分析在自然科学、社会学、医学以及经济管理学等各个学科中都有着广泛的应用。

    In recent years , discrimination analysis has been widely used in various disciplines , such as in the natural sciences , sociology , medicine , and economic management , and so on .

  27. “天人合一”说是中医理论中的重要思想,是古代朴素唯物论和辨证法的自然观在中医学中的应用和发挥。

    The standpoint of unity in man and universe ( M & U ) was a very important thought of TCM theory , the use of ancient naive materialism and dialectics on TCM .

  28. 由于文学被结构主义者视为符号系统并成为符号学研究的对象之一,语言学自然适用于符号学各领域包括文学。

    Thus , linguistics can be applicable to all other branches of semiology including literature which is also viewed as a system of signs particularly by structuralists and is studied within semiotics as well .

  29. 文章从自然科学和社会学角度对地下水资源的本质属性、功能进行研究,论述了地下水的自然、科学和社会等不同属性及其相应的物质功能、能量功能、调蓄功能和信息功能。

    This paper , based on the knowledge of ( natural ) sciences and sociology , studies these aspects of groundwater , analysing its natural and social attributes and its material , energy and reservation functions .

  30. 《楚辞》与《诗经》相比,其自然生态的博物学、社会学、文艺学与教育学四大层面之意义更为丰富多彩。

    Compared with The Book of Songs , the natural and ecological meaning in The Poetry of Chu , on the natural science , the sociology , the study of art and literature and the educational science , was richer and more varied .