
  • 网络natural erosion;erode
  1. 由于自然侵蚀,古老的岩层已经暴露在外。

    Rock formations old as time have been exposed by natural erosion .

  2. 川中丘陵区小流域自然侵蚀速率的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Natural Erosion Rates in Small Watershed of Sichuan Hilly Basin

  3. 考古工作中得到的生物遗骸由于长期的风化,自然侵蚀等因素的影响,遗骸本身含有的古代生物的DNA的大部分会分解,使得对遗骸中的生物遗传信息研究变得非常困难。

    With the influence of weathering and hydrolyzation , very little of the ancient DNA of human remains was found by the archaeological excavation , so it is very difficulty to study the genetic information .

  4. 长江中上游土壤自然侵蚀量及其估算方法

    A discussion on natural sediment yield in the upper and middle Yangtze River

  5. 区分建坝区的自然侵蚀和加速侵蚀。

    And ( 4 ) the natural erosion and human-induced accelerating erosion distinguished .

  6. 拉什莫尔山的设计在自然侵蚀条件下,达到理想厚度的时间为三万年

    Mount Rushmore has been designed to wear back to its ideal shape in 30000 years .

  7. 人为不合理的经济活动,是由自然侵蚀发展为人为加速侵蚀的重要转折点。

    The irrational economic activity of mankind is the turning point from physical erosion to manmade accelerated erosion .

  8. 和全新世5个时期,其中前4个时期为自然侵蚀期,全新世为人为加速侵蚀期。

    Of Pleistocene , and Holocene . The first four periods were natural erosion period , but fifth period was artificial acceleration erosion period .

  9. 帕拉姆板材可以抵御恶劣天气影响、防止滴露、减缓自然侵蚀和化学物质腐蚀,使您的农用结构寿命更加长久。

    Palram coverings help control climatic conditions , eliminate condensation dripping , confront weathering and chemical issues and allow your agricultural structures to last longer .

  10. 自然侵蚀强烈的流域主要分布在研究区北部,而人为侵蚀严重的流域主要分布在研究区东南部。

    The natural erosion is more intensive in the catchments northern of the research area while the human erosion is more intensive in the southeastern catchments .

  11. 布赖斯峡谷国家公园位于美国犹他州的南部,因其自然侵蚀而形成的千奇百怪的地形而闻名。

    Bryce Canyon National Park lies in Southern Utah ; is famous for thousands of spires , fins , pinnacles , and mazes shaped by erosion .

  12. 现代黄土高原的水土流失是人类长期不合理利用土地资源而加速自然侵蚀的后果。

    The soil and water erosion of modern loess plateau is a result that human long-term unreasonable make use of the land resources to accelerate the nature erosion .

  13. 如何评价黄土高原自然侵蚀与人为加速侵蚀作用,恢复与重建植被的可能性和必要性等是近年来治理黄河的热点问题。

    There have been many arguments on how to evaluate the natural erosion and man_made accelerated erosion , the possibility to recover and rebuild vegetation on loess plateau .

  14. 改进后的地形标准地图,大量使用的像素着色器,先进的采用自然侵蚀数据的砖瓦系统,所有这些都意味着我们能够感受到更加自然、更加史诗的战斗。

    Improved terrain normal mapping , greater usage of pixel shaders , an advanced tile system using natural erosion data all mean the battles feel more natural and epic .

  15. 人为加速侵蚀与自然侵蚀相叠加是近现代洛川塬区沟谷发育、土壤侵蚀剧烈的主要原因。

    The main reasons why gully development and soil erosion have been intensifying in Luochuan plateau in modern times are that erosions by personal factors integrate with ones by natural factors .

  16. 以生态环境演变为主导,论证了自然侵蚀和人为加速侵蚀的发生发展过程及其调控的基本原理。

    Considering the evolution of ecological environment , it proves that the genetic and developmental processes of natural and human 's accelerated erosion and the basic principle of their control must be thoroughly understood .

  17. 自从人类文明出现以来,就不断以自己的活动对自然界施加影响,打破自然界所保持的各种因素间的相对平衡,也促使水土流失现象由自然侵蚀状态转化为加速侵蚀状态。

    The effect of human activities on the natural world since the emergence of humanity , it broken the relative balance of the various factors in nature and prompted accelerated erosion state expand from natural erosion .

  18. 提高装备自身防护能力抵御自然环境侵蚀

    Increase the Self-protection Ability of Equipment to the Corrosion of Natural Environment

  19. 风暴潮对该区岸滩稳定性影响较大,使自然海岸侵蚀严重,潮滩上潮沟变化剧烈。

    The storm surge can make great damage on the coastal areas with the clay bank serious erosion and tidal creeks change greatly .

  20. 我国目前在役桥梁结构中,有很大一部分由于设计荷载标准低、自然环境侵蚀、交通量快速增长、维护不利等因素的影响,日益成为交通安全隐患,急需进行相关结构安全性检测鉴定。

    Due to the low design standard , corrosion , increase of traffic , lack of maintenance and other factors , most of the service bridge structures need structural inspection and safety identification .

  21. 几个世纪以来,长城由于受到自然的侵蚀,或者当地居民将之用作建筑材料,很多地方都出现了塌方。

    In many places it 's falling apart due to natural decay and being scavenged for materials by locals over the centuries . As you go farther west it 's either unrecognizable or simply gone .

  22. 在风、地震荷载作用及自然环境侵蚀下,结构某些部位将产生损伤,结构的刚度、强度等力学性能随之降低,这种力学性能的降低直接影响到结构动力特性的变化。

    Under the wind or earthquake loads , and natural environment erosion , some local structural damage appear and its mechanics character degradation of stiffness and strength . This degradation has the directly effect on the structure dynamic character .

  23. 维持现存生态系统以及防止自然力侵蚀此项价值在湿地总价值里面比重较大,其1990年、1999年和2008年价值分别为997.56亿元、975.67亿元、712.34亿元。

    The maintain existing ecosystems and to prevent erosion of the value of the forces of nature in which the proportion of the total value of wetlands larger its 1990 value in 1999 and 2008 were 99.756 billion yuan , 97.567 billion yuan , 71.234 billion yuan .

  24. 在历史城镇保护日益受到关注的今天,也是它们受到自然力的侵蚀及人为破坏最严重的时候,因此必须研究和探索出一种适合古镇保护与发展的方法。

    Nowadays it is worthy to research and explore a suitable way to protection and development of ancient town .

  25. 世界文化遗产之一,中国的万里长城,多年来,在自然环境的侵蚀和人为破坏下,饱经沧桑,生存状况堪忧。

    The Great Wall of China , a world heritage site , has suffered severe damage from both natural and man-made corrosion over the years .

  26. 由于频繁承载、超载、自然环境的侵蚀以及交通事故等人为的损害,桥梁在运营期间会发生结构损伤。

    During the bridge operation the damage of bridge has occurred because of frequent load action , overloading , the unfriendly natural environment and the damage caused by traffic accident .

  27. 工程结构在其服役期间,由于受到自然环境的侵蚀以及各种灾害等多种复杂因素的作用,必然会导致结构产生不同程度的损伤。

    During the servicing period of engineering structures , due to various complicated factors such as natural environment and various disasters etc , the structure will suffer different degree of damage .

  28. 在工程结构投入使用后,由于受到火灾、地震、飓风等自然灾害的侵蚀,再加上长期的疲劳荷载,结构本身容易产生不同程度的损伤。

    After the application of engineering structure , due to fires , earthquakes , hurricanes and other natural disasters influence , plus long fatigue load , the structure itself is easy to produce different degree of damage .

  29. 由于低于现行设计标准建造、自然条件的侵蚀、地震、撞击和超载运营的损害等影响,很多桥梁可能由于抗扭强度不足而需要加固修复。

    Under the influences of inadequate design and natural condition , even because of serious damages due to earthquake , impact and surcharge using , some bridges were in need of being strengthened effectively due to the deficiency of torsional strength .

  30. 土壤侵蚀量以农作利用方式最高,在14°30〃下土壤侵蚀量是9°的4.05倍,自然荒坡土壤侵蚀量最低,只有农地利用模式的34.41%。

    The soil erosion were the highest under agriculture land use pattern , the amounts of soil erosion were 4.05 times under 14.5 degree compared with 9 degree . The soil erosion under the natural sloping was the lowest , only about 34.41 % of agriculture land use pattern .