- 网络SP log;Spontaneous potential logging;spontaneous potential log;SP logging

Use SP log in determination of flooding and how to compute resistivity of formation water in flooded zone are also described .
For the sand-shale formation with conglomerates , which has lower formation water salinity and is difficult to calculate water saturation , it is hard to calculate bulk volume fraction of shale with GR and SP Log .
SP logging method was only used in the open hole .
Application of spontaneous potential logging in exploration of sandstone-type uranium
Application of spontaneous potential logging in recognition of blind zone
A Mathematical Method in Electric Logs by the Spontaneous Potential
Simple explanation on fractal well - log interpretation
Polarization and spontaneous well logging are mainly used to evaluate the flooded layer .
The pressure interpretation mathematical model is established based on the theory of spontaneous potential logging ;
Log Interpretation for Water Flooded Zones Using Dual Spontaneous Potential Log Studies on Self Potential Well Logging
Developed from the spontaneous potential logging , induction logging and array induction logging are popular today .
A new spontaneous potential log model for the case when formation resistivity is not piece-wise constant was introduced .
In this paper , we mainly discuses a numerical method in solving the direct prob-lem of spontaneous potential well-logging .
The results show that the influence of oil saturation on the membrane potential of shaly sand is not negligible .
Experimental results indicate that the response of spontaneous potential logs in watered-out zone is different from that in the zone not watered-out .
We get that the direct problem of spontaneous potential well-logging is an elliptical boundary value problem with jumping condition on the interface .
So field experiments of borehole SP logging in the steel cased wells are made in Daqing petroliferous area . Application of Rare Earth in Oil Country Tubular Goods
So , the investigation depth of spontaneous potential logging is the depth of mud invasion , and relation between spontaneous potential and mud invasion depth may be built .
Spontaneous potential ( SP ) well logging is one of the oldest well logging , which is very important for lithology recognition , permeability estimation and sediment analysis .
According to the capillary model of porous media , the theory of electrochemistry transfer dynamics is developed up , and the log response equation for spontaneous potential is deduced .
Based on the principle of self potential logging , this paper took the sand reservoir of Daqing oilfield as example and established the mathematical model for pore pressure interpretation .
By means of correcting mud filtrate resistivity under unified temperature , the correction formula is derived , and the method to correct SP log is proposed . As a example .
When determining the resistivity of formation water with SP logs , the influences of the hydrocarbon saturation and the changes of the cation exchange capacity of formation should be taken into account .
Current in groundwater pollute monitor the main method of geophysics has : magnetotelluric method , resistivity logging method , spontancous-potential log method , dynamic conductor charge a battery method , geologic radar detection .
The information of Normalized Well Log ( NWL ) in the district No. 7 of Karamay Oilfield means the information acquired by normal apparent resistivity log , spontaneous potential log and caliper log with normalized depth scale of 1:500 and calibration scale .
Probability tomography is used to imagine the point curl sources in the ground space . Combined probability tomography with SP logging data and vector potential theory , scanning function is figured out to inverse the SP data in infinite and uniform space .
Genesis analysis and on-site mud logging identification examples for low-resistivity oil & gas reservoir of Tabei Area of Xinjiang . SP logging is one of logging methods which van effectively distinguish resistivity of mixed liquid in formation after oil layer being water flooding .
SP logging is one of logging methods which van effectively distinguish resistivity of mixed liquid in formation after oil layer being water flooding . Technology limit research on exploiting remaining oil using horizontal well on the top of water-out zone in heavy oil reservoirs
According to the relation of natural potential logging data and reservoir water salinity , based on the layer thickness emendation , slime emendation , temperature emendation and oil & gas effect emendation of natural potential , formation water electrical resistivity can be confirmed accurately .
This paper studies how to discriminate quantitatively the sedimentary fades in the northeastern part of the Ordos Basin using only the shape characteristics information of their apparent resistivity log and spontaneous potential log .