
chéng zài
  • load bearing;bear the weight of
承载 [chéng zài]
  • [bear the weight of] 承受支撑物体

承载[chéng zài]
  1. 冰不够厚,承载不了行军队伍的重量。

    The ice was not thick enough to bear the weight of marching men .

  2. 私法自治承载着人们对于法治的基本信念。

    Autonomy of private law bear the weight of people 's basic relief about constitutionality .

  3. 公交车承载了公路交通客流量的30%。

    Buses carry 30 per cent of those travelling by road

  4. 过去承载了诸多不可告人的惊天秘密。

    The past is riddled with deep dark secrets .

  5. 这些建筑承载着一个国家的历史。

    The buildings are invested with a nation 's history

  6. 这些船虽然体积庞大,但能够承载的船员却很少,通常为20人左右。

    Despite their size , these vessels carry small crews , usually of around twenty men

  7. 脱氧核糖核酸是存在于每个细胞内的基因物质,它承载从头发颜色到致癌风险等各种遗传型板。

    DNA is the genetic material inside every cell that carries the blueprints for everything from hair color to the risk of cancer .

  8. 她的脚可以承载湖南众多伟人的希望与期冀。

    Her legs can endure all of the great people 's hopes and aspirations .

  9. 我们的船只可承载多达150位的乘客。

    Our ships accommodate up to150 .

  10. 最大的好处将不仅在于承载这么庞大且迅速增长的数据上,还在于有能力运行实时数据分析,以提取可操作和和不断发展的知识。

    The big benefit will not only be in the housing of this enormous and rapidly growing amount of data , but will also be in the ability to run real time data analytics to extract actionable and ongoing knowledge .

  11. 不同的语言承载着不同的文化。

    Different languages carry different cultures .

  12. 水承载着爱与善意,没有比它更甜美的东西了。

    The water was the container for an act of love and kindness and nothing could be sweeter .

  13. 中国商飞承载着民族的梦想和人民的信任,为实现“翱翔天际”的世纪梦想和国家战略而奋斗。

    In order to realize the century dream of flying in the sky and the strategy of the nation , COMAC bears the nation 's dream and people 's trust .

  14. 犹如一条承载着悲欢离合的传送带。

    A conveyor belt of celebration , but also of condolence .

  15. 并且,我应该永远努力成为欢乐和爱的承载�

    and that I should always strive to be a carrier of them both .

  16. 革命文物承载党和人民英勇奋斗的光荣历史,记载中国革命的伟大历程和感人事迹,是党和国家的宝贵财富,是弘扬革命传统和革命文化、加强社会主义精神文明建设、激发爱国热情、振奋民族精神的生动教材。

    Revolutionary cultural relics hold the glorious history of the heroic struggles of the Communist Party of China ( CPC ) and the people , and are records of the great course and touching and invigorating the Chinese ethos .

  17. 但查查字典上的意思,谢天谢地,事情看起来开始变得复杂许多,因为事实上,成功比我们通常预想的更中性,且承载的价值观也更少。

    But take a look at the dictionary , and things start to look , thankfully , a lot more complicated , because success is , in truth , rather more neutral and less value-laden than we tend to assume .

  18. 未来,起步区将是北京疏解出的高校、科研院所、医疗机构、企业总部、金融机构、事业单位等的集中承载区。

    Designed for taking over Beijing 's functions nonessential to its role as the national capital , the city proper will be a new home for Beijing 's colleges , research institutes , hospitals , business headquarters , and financial and public institutions .

  19. 该无人机系统具有航程远、留空时间长、承载能力大、环境适应性强等特点,可在“断路、断电、断网”等极端灾害条件下,完成现场探查、公/专网应急组网通信、应急物资投送等任务。

    Featuring outstanding flight range , endurance , carrying capacity and environmental adaptability , the Wing Loong-2H UAV is able to conduct field surveys , support emergency communication and deliver emergency supplies in extreme conditions , such as power and network outages and circuit breaks .

  20. 加入WTO后武术在全球性传播中国民族文化中的承载作用

    On the Universal Spreading of Wushu After China 's Entry into WTO

  21. 承载自定义控件或windows窗体控件。

    Hosts custom controls or Windows Forms controls .

  22. 平面K型圆钢管搭接节点有限元参数分析与极限承载力计算公式

    Parametric analysis and design equation of ultimate capacity for unstiffened , overlapped CHS K-joints

  23. 用外包钢筋混凝土方法加固RC轴心受压柱的承载力计算

    Calculation of load carrying capacity of axially compressive RC columns strengthened with enclosed reinforced concrete

  24. 结果表明:PBL键承载力大、延性好;

    The conclusions show that PBL has great bearing capacity and good ductility ;

  25. NGN承载网的技术研究

    Technical Research of NGN Load - carrying Net

  26. TX型圆管相贯节点空间作用下的极限承载力分析

    Ultimate capacity of circular tubular TX - Joints under multiplanar loads

  27. IPTV承载网研究与实践

    IPTV Carrier Network Research and Practice

  28. 利用有限元法,结合ANSYS分析软件,对棒形支柱瓷绝缘子的弯曲应力进行了模拟分析,研究了棒形支柱瓷绝缘子承载时的弯曲应力分布。

    The bending stress of solid core post insulator was analyzed by simulation using ANSYS , an finite element analysis ( FEA ) software package .

  29. 结构模态迁移诊断方法客观地反映了井架整体结构状态,现场应用表明,该方法对车载井架、K形和塔形井架的安全承载能力标定可靠,效果良好。

    The field tests show that it is reliable and effective to determinate the safe load carrying ability of truck-mounted derrick , K-shaped and tower-shaped derricks using this method .

  30. 因此该种FA减速机除了普通传动中的高承载应用以外,在工业机器人传动中正在得到越来越多的应用。

    So this kind of drive will be more and more used in industry robots besides general driver with high carrying capacity .