
  • 网络Chengde;chengde city
  1. 以承德市为例,探讨了基于地理信息系统GIS技术进行城市大气环境质量评价的分析方法。

    This paper explores the methods of the GIS-aided air quality evaluation in Chengde City .

  2. 结合SCADA系统发展概况和结构模型,介绍了SCADA系统在承德市煤气输配监控系统中的应用。

    This paper introduces the application of SCADA system in the monitoring system of coal gas pipeline system in Chengde city , comparing with the development and the structure model of SCADA system .

  3. 目的:了解承德市企事业单位职员及公务员血脂(TC、TG)增高与脂肪肝患病情况。

    Objective : To study the level of blood lipid and prevalence of fatty liver among workers and officials in Chende city .

  4. 介绍承德市热电厂C6-3.43/0.98机组低真空供热的技术改造情况。

    Introduced the reform of C6-3.43/0.98 turbine of Chengde heat and power plant for heat in lower vacuum .

  5. 以承德市围场县为例,探讨了利用遥感技术从Landsat-TM图像中监测植被动态变化的方法。

    This paper takes Weichang county for example , discusses the method that monitors vegetation dynamic change from the Landsat-TM image using remote sensing technique .

  6. 2003承德市空气主要污染物与2002的相比,只有SO2年均值有所增大。

    Compared with the main air pollutants of Chengde city in 2002 , only did the annual average value of SO_2 a little increase in 2003 . With Spearman-rs Zhi Related Coefficient Method , the paper predicts that the air quality in Chengde is taking a favorable turn .

  7. 承德市环境空气质量现状及对策

    Analysis on Ambient Air Quality Situation and Countermeasures in Chengde City

  8. 承德市大气颗粒物中有害化学成分研究

    Study of Harmful Chemical Compositions in Atmospheric Particulates in Chengde City

  9. 承德市市本级医疗保险制度优化研究

    An Optimization Study on the Social Medical Insurance System of Chengde City

  10. 承德市城市化对气温及空气湿度的影响

    The Influence of Urbanization on Air Temperature and Air Humidity in Chengde

  11. 承德市的煤炭资源和含煤区预测

    The Coal Resources and Coal-bearing Regional Prediction in Chengde Area

  12. 承德市餐馆饭店副溶血性弧菌污染情况调查

    Survey of pollution status by Vibrio parahaemolyticus in restaurants in Chengde city

  13. 承德市816名已婚妇女常见病调查分析

    Sampling survey of common disease in 816 married women

  14. 承德市婴幼儿生长发育状况调查

    Survey of growth development of infants and young children living in Chengde City

  15. 承德市2004~2008年出生缺陷流行病学分析

    Analysis of monitoring on birth defects in Chengde City from 2004 to 2008

  16. 承德市冬季室内不同采暖方式与人体健康效应

    Different Heating Ways of Indoor and Health Effect of Children in Chengde City

  17. 对承德市环保旅游的探讨

    A discussion on environment-protection tourism in Chengde city

  18. 承德市健身娱乐市场现状调查及发展对策

    An Investigation Made on Fitness & Entertainment Market in Chengde and the Development Countermeasures

  19. 关于承德市退耕还林工程生态效益评价研究

    Evaluation of ecological benefits from returning land for farming to forestry in Chengde City

  20. 城市用地生态适宜性研究&以承德市为例

    A study on ecological suitability of urban land use & take Chengde for example

  21. 该公司和承德市政府没有回应记者的采访请求。

    The company and the city government did not respond to requests for interviews .

  22. 河北省承德市马铃薯晚疫病气象条件分析及预报

    Prediction and Analysis of Weather Conditions on Potato Late Blight in Chengde of Hebei Province

  23. 运用油松年轮揭示承德市硫及重金属污染的历史

    The application of Pinus tabulaeformis tree rings in revealing the pollution history of Chengde City

  24. 承德市生态指标研究

    Research on Ecological Index of Chengde City

  25. 承德市城市规划建设四题议

    Proposals on City Planning of Chengde

  26. 承德市干湿岛效应及其城市化影响分析

    Dry and moisture island effects and its responses to the urbanization in Chengde , Hebei province

  27. 基于能值方法的承德市农业生态系统分析这一方程只能用数值或图解法来解。

    Characterizing Agro-ecosystem of Chengde Using Emergy Analysis The equation must be solved numerically or graphically .

  28. 承德市120院前急救疾病谱调查分析及对策

    Survey Analysis and Countermeasure of Patients ′ Classification of Diseases in Prehospital Emergency in Chengde City

  29. 首都都市度假旅游圈对承德市旅游空间变动的影响

    Influence of " China 's Capital Holiday Tourism Circle " on Spatial Variation of Tourism of Chengde City

  30. 承德市高校教师糖尿病防治知识水平及其影响因素调查

    Investigation on knowledge about diabetes mellitus prevention and treatment among college teachers in Chengde City and related factors