
chénɡ bāo jīnɡ yínɡ zé rèn zhì
  • contract and responsibility system;contracted managerial responsibility system
  1. 深化企业改革必须突破承包经营责任制

    On the Necessity of " Making a Breakthrough " in Implementing the Contracted Managerial Responsibility System for Intensifying the Reform in Enterprises

  2. 文章中还对如何进一步完善承包经营责任制提出了七点建议。

    Seven proposals are suggested for improving the current contractual system .

  3. 论坚持和完善企业承包经营责任制

    On Upholding and perfecting the Responsibility System of Enterprise 's Contract-Management

  4. 分析行业特点积极慎重推行承包经营责任制

    Actively promote the management contract system in a prudent way

  5. 论承包经营责任制审计


  6. 地勘单位承包经营责任制的研究

    A Study on the Contractual Responsibility System in Geological and Prospecting Units

  7. 谈谈如何进一步完善家庭联产承包经营责任制

    On further perfection of responsibility system of family-production-contract management

  8. 实践证明企业的承包经营责任制是切实可行的

    Practice has proved the feasibility of the contract managerial responsibility system for enterprises

  9. 农业家庭承包经营责任制绩效再检验

    Reexamination of the Performance of Family Responsibility System

  10. 完善家庭承包经营责任制的思考

    Thought on Promoting Family Tenant Management System

  11. 从两权分离谈完善企业承包经营责任制

    On Improving Contracting out System of an Enterprise Management according to " Two-Authority Separation "

  12. 企业承包经营责任制

    Contract managerial responsibility system for enterprises

  13. 家庭承包经营责任制的推行,确立了农业家庭经营组织在我国农业微观组织体系中的主体地位,从而调动了广大农民的生产积极性,促进了农业和农村经济的发展。

    The carrying out of the responsibility system of household contract management has promoted agriculture and rural economy .

  14. 加强定额管理工作,进一步完善地勘单位承包经营责任制

    A discussion on the strengthening of quota administration and the improvement of contract system of geological prospecting units

  15. 家庭承包经营责任制,提高了农民生产积极性,促进了广西农业的发展。

    Household contract responsibility system improved the enthusiasm of farmers ' production , and promoted agricultural production development .

  16. 我国农村土地制度主要包括以家庭承包经营责任制为主要内容的农村土地的经营体制以及以土地之上的具体权利制度为主要内容的土地产权体制两个方面。

    Estate system on countryside land in China includes mainly domestic contract liability system and the concrete estate right system .

  17. 改革开放以后,政社合一的农村经济社会体制解体,被以家庭承包经营责任制为基础的新的经济基础所替代。

    After the reform and opening-up policy , the family contractual management responsibility system has become new agricultural economic foundation .

  18. 如何完善家庭承包经营责任制,促进农村经济再上一个新台阶,成为当务之急。

    It is important to study how to promote family tenant management system and enhance rural economy to a new stage .

  19. 但是,家庭承包经营责任制不可能一劳永逸地解决我国农业发展进程中的所有问题。

    However , it is impossible for the system of household undertaking to solve all the problems during the process of agricultural development .

  20. 农村中家庭承包经营责任制实施的深远意义早已超出粮食、农业、农村经济的范围。

    The deep significance of household responsibility system in the rural area goes beyond the kingdom of grain , agriculture and rural economy .

  21. 通过分析作为一种国有产权委托代理制度形式的承包经营责任制存在的机制缺陷,阐明实行规范的国有产权委托代理制度所需要的外部条件。

    It elaborates the external conditions of running of agency of agreement of state property-rights by analysis in mechanism with defects of contracting system .

  22. 自主经营,自负盈亏,是承包经营责任制的实质。

    To Be independent in management and responsible for one 's own profits and losses is the essence of managerial responsiBility system of contracting .

  23. 在我国农业现代化发展的进程中,农业产业化经营是中国农村继家庭承包经营责任制之后的又一制度创新。

    In the course of agricultural modernization , the OAI is another institutional innovation of China 's rural economy after the household contract system .

  24. 为了鼓励企业家不断提高其人力资本供给水平,从而改善国有企业绩效,国有企业曾采用过承包经营责任制、年薪制等激励制度。

    In order to encourage the human resource-providing efficiency and improve the performance of state-owned enterprises , many different kinds of incentive systems have been worked out .

  25. 1978年,中国经济改革拉开了序幕,首先亮相的农村家庭承包经营责任制一登台就有非凡表现。

    In 1978 , the economic reform began in China , and the first institutional reform policy , the household responsibility system has given a very good performance .

  26. 虽然企业承包经营责任制是我国特定历史时期的产物,但随之而生的企业承包经营合同争议并不鲜见。

    Although the liability system of contracting and managing enterprises is a outcome in Chinese special period , the compact disputes of contacting and managing enterprises is not few .

  27. 本文认为,随着社会主义市场经济体制的确立,必然要对地勘单位承包经营责任制提出新的要求。

    The author thinks following the establishment of the socialist market system there would surely be new demands made upon the contractual management responsibility system of the geological prospecting units .

  28. 本文介绍了陕西省地矿局在地勘单位实行承包经营责任制的过程中,对承包经营者的个人收入分配问题,进行了分析探讨。

    While giving an account of the implementation of the contractual management responsibility system in geological and prospecting units of Shaanxi , the article discusses the personal income of contractors in distribution .

  29. 目前实行的各种承包经营责任制的形式可归结为全员承包和个人(或集团)承包两大类。

    The various forms of contracted managerial , responsibility system practised at present can be generalized into two main types , i.e. , all-member contracting and individual ( or group ) contracting .

  30. 文章分析了现行地勘单位承包经营责任制存在的主要缺陷和面临的主要问题,提出应从理顺产权关系入手,进一步完善地勘单位承包经营责任制的意见。

    With an analysis of the major deficiencies of the currently applied system and the problems existed therein , the author proposes to have it improved by proceeding from straightening out the ownership relationships .