
zī chǎn jīnɡ yínɡ zé rèn zhì
  • responsibility system of assets management
  1. 关于铁路企业实行资产经营责任制的思考

    Reflecting on Carrying out the Assets Operating Responsibility System in Railway Enterprises

  2. 资产经营责任制下机车修制的改革与发展

    Reform and development of locomotive repair system under asset management responsibility system

  3. 石油企业推行资产经营责任制的难点与对策

    Difficulties to Pursue Contract System of Asset Management Responsibility and Their Solutions

  4. 地勘资产经营责任制改进意见

    Proposals for improving operational responsibility of geologic prospecting assets

  5. 对工务系统资产经营责任制的设想

    Tentative Ideas about the Responsibility System for Assets Operation in the Job Section

  6. 股份合作制企业推行资产经营责任制的管理办法

    Management Measures for Stock Co-operative System Enterprises to Carry Out Assets Operative Responsibility System

  7. 铁道部对铁路局实行资产经营责任制。

    The responsibility system of assets operation is carried out by the Ministry of Railway .

  8. 改革铁路运输统计适应资产经营责任制

    Reform Statistics Method of Railway Transportation , Adapt to the Capital Management System of Job Responsibility

  9. 论铁路运输业资产经营责任制与成本管理观念的变革

    Discussion on Capital Management Responsibility Mechanism in Railway Transport Industry and Changes of Cost Management Concepts

  10. 论建立核地勘单位资产经营责任制的基本思路

    The basic thoughts on the establishment of responsibility system in business operation for nuclear geological prospecting units

  11. 资产经营责任制与铁路运输企业建立现代企业制度

    The Responsibility System of Assets Operation and the Establishment of Modern Enterprise System in Railway Transportation Enterprises

  12. 资产经营责任制在地勘单位经营机制转换中的作用

    Significance of the assets management responsibility system to transformation of the operating mechanism of geological prospecting units

  13. 积极推行资产经营责任制确保企业国有资产保值增值

    Actively carry out the responsibility system for management of assets , ensure value maintained or added of state-owned assets of enterprise

  14. 实践证明,内燃机车专业化集中修是适应当前铁路实行资产经营责任制的科学体制。

    Experience showed that specialized concentrative maintenance for diesel locomotives is a scientific system suitable for current railway asset management responsibility system .

  15. 作者认为,积极推行资产经营责任制,是实现企业国有资产保值增值的有效途径。

    The author considers that it is effective way for realizing value maintained or added of state-owned assets to actively carry out the responsibility system for management of assets ( RSMA ) .

  16. 指出铁路运输企业在实行资产经营责任制的条件下,以经济效益为中心,追求资源利用效率和利润的最大化。

    Under the condition of carrying out the assets operation responsibility system , the railway transportation enterprises should take the economic benefits as the central issue and seek the utilizing efficiency of resources and maximized profits .

  17. 二是运输企业实行资产经营责任制,把铁路局作为市场主体,调动了企业面向市场,开拓经营的积极性。

    Second , all transport enterprises have adopted the asset management responsibility system , which , Taking Railway Administration as the main body of the market , has mobilized the initiative of enterprises to gear themselves to the market and explore new businesses .

  18. 文章结合陆上石油物探专业的实际,就推行资产经营责任制,深化石油物探改革的目的、意义及存在的问题进行了探讨,提出了深化石油物探改革的方向和措施。

    Linking the reality of the land oil survey , the paper discusses introducing property management responsibility , objective and significance for deepening the reform to the oil prospecting and problems existed , puts forth the direction and measures for the reform in the oil prospecting .

  19. 对推行资产经营承包责任制的思考

    Some thoughts on implementing contractual assets management responsibility system

  20. 文章作者在分析、总结原有承包经营责任制经验与不足的基础上,肯定了资产经营承包责任制的意义,阐述了推行地勘单位内部资产经营承包责任的形式及内容。

    Based on the analysis and summary on the experiences and short comings of the original responsibility system , the author affirms the significance of the responsibility system and describes the form and content of responsibility system for internal business operation in geological prospecting units .

  21. 通过两年来无锡市属国有医院实施医疗服务、资产经营委托管理目标责任制改革,初步建立起了较为科学的内部运行管理机制。

    The state-owned hospitals affiliated to Wuxi city carried out reform of commission management of medical service and operation of assets in past two years , and primarily established more scientific internal operation and management mechanism .

  22. 目的通过分析公立医院实行资产经营委托管理目标责任制(以下简称托管制)的实践,探索这一改革形式的可行性,为推进我国公立医院改革提供思路和借鉴。

    Objective By analyzing the effect of adopting the responsibility system for entrusted asset management targets in some public hospitals the paper aims to explore the feasibility of doing so as to provide lessons for the reform of public hospitals in China .