
  • 网络portfolio selection theory;theory of portfolio selection
  1. 最后,重点论述了马科维茨资产组合选择理论在复合套期保值中的应用,并用投影算法求解了一个实例。

    Finally , the paper emphasizes the application of portfolio selection theory to compound arbitrage and give a example which is solved by projection algorithm .

  2. 资产组合选择理论阐述了国际证券资本跨境投资的动力源泉;

    The CAPM theory expatiate impetus that the foreign securities capital invest in other countries ;

  3. 在研究设计上,根据资产组合选择理论,综合收入、物价和利率等因素,建立协整回归模型考察我国居民的储蓄收入弹性,并与美国的情况进行简单的比较。

    According to the Asset Portfolio Theory and considering of income , price and interest , we set up the cointegration model to recover the income elasticity of savings of our residents and compare it with that of American .