
  • 网络capital-intensive product;capital intensive product
  1. 资本流出不仅仅是使得资本密集型产品和劳动密集型产品的产出都减少,更重要的是,它使得资本密集型产品产出之减少程度超过劳动密集型产品产出之减少程度。

    Capital flight will decrease the output of capital-intensive product and labor-intensive product , and what 's more , it will make the decrease of capital-intensive product more serious than that of labor-intensive product .

  2. 我国出口商品结构存在的问题较多。工业制成品中劳动和资本密集型产品比重较大而知识和技术密集型产品比重较小。

    There are far mare labor-intensive and capital-intensive products than knowledge-intensive and technology-intensive products among manufactured goods .

  3. 在这种情况下,专门生产资本密集型产品的国家就有了一种优势,因为竞争者寥寥无几。

    In this context , there is an advantage in specialising in capital-intensive goods for which there are few competitors .

  4. 因此,中国制造业国际分工地位低下,在技术和资本密集型产品上尤为低下。

    Therefore , Chinas manufacturing is infirm in international division of labor , especially for the technology and capital intensive products .

  5. 虽然我国拥有廉价劳动力的优势,劳动密集型产品出口迅速增长,但是出口产品的技术含量不高,技术资本密集型产品对外贸易竞争力不强;

    China has the competitive advantage of the low-cost labor force , but technology elements of its exports is not high ;

  6. 政府管制最低工资的提高减少劳动密集型产品的产量,增加资本密集型产品的数量。

    The improvement of the minimum wage reduces the output of the labor-intensive products , increase the quantity of the capital-intensive products ;

  7. 高等人力资本密集型产品的生产引起了高等人力资本水平劳动力需求的增加,扩大了工资差距。

    The production of high-level human capital intensive products causes the increase in the demand for high-level human capital laborers and enlarges the wage gap .

  8. 此外,与劳动密集型产品产业内贸易相比,资本密集型产品产业内贸易的发展对经济周期协动性的增强具有更大的促进作用。

    In addition , compared with labor-intensive products intra-industry trade , the capital-intensive products intra-industry trade has a greater promoting effect on business cycle synchronization .

  9. 资本密集型产品的出口在过去几个月骤减,这反映了美欧重工业和房地产市场的现状。

    Exports of capital goods have declined sharply over the past few months – reflecting conditions in the US and European heavy industry and real estate markets .

  10. 同时,居民收入水平的提高带来了消费升级,也促进了高等人力资本密集型产品的生产。

    At the same time , the increase in residents ' income level brings about the up-grade of consumption and promotes the production of high-level human capital intensive products , too .

  11. 中国在二元化经济结构条件下,具有资本密集型产品生产方面的比较优势,但由于缺乏完善的国内价格机制,这一比较优势难以发挥;

    Under dual economic structures , China has the comparative advantage in fund-intensive goods production , but because of lacking good domestic price mechanism , this comparative advantage is difficult to be brought about ;

  12. 在商品贸易中,制成品出口比例的增加会改变我国的产品需求结构,使高等人力资本密集型产品的生产增加。

    In the trade of commodity , the increase of proportion of finished products in export can change the product demand structure of our country and enhance the production of high-level human capital intensive products .

  13. 主要研究结果显示:(1)东亚各经济体具有竞争优势和比较优势的产品向资本密集型产品和技术密集型产品明显扩散趋势。

    Key findings are showed as follows ,( I ) There is trend that the competitive advantage and comparative advantage of products in East Asian economies are gradually more concentrated on capital-intensive and technology-intensive products .

  14. 初级产品、粗加工产品和低档产品多,名特优新产品少,除卷烟外,几乎没有几个名品名牌,资本密集型产品比较少。

    Primary product , rough machining product and low-grade products exists with special and new product few . Except the cigarette , nearly does not exist several famous brands , the capital-intensive products is quite a few .

  15. 分析表明,荷兰的农业生产结构和农产品贸易结构符合其比较优势格局,出口以劳动、资本密集型产品为主,而土地密集型产品的自给率非常低,主要依靠进口。

    The analysis revealed that the structure of agricultural trade of the Netherlands is conform to its resource endowment and comparative advantage , with labor and capital intensive agricultural products as the largest export products and land intensive products mainly dependent on imports .

  16. 从影响路径来看,当人民币升值时,中部地区技术和资本密集型产品相对于劳动密集型产品的出口量会增加,有限的资源和技术也会从第二产业流向第三产业,提高产业利用率。

    From the affect path , when the exchange rate appreciates , relative to labor intensive products , technology and capital intensive products ' export volume increases , and limited resources and technology will flow from the second industry to the tertiary industry , thus industry efficiency improve .

  17. 资本技术密集型产品出口额已超过劳动密集型产品,但劳动密集型产品的比较优势强于资本技术密集型产品。

    More capital-intensive products are exported than labor-intensive ones , but labor-intensive products enjoy more comparative advantage .

  18. 随着经济的增长,产业结构正在加快从简单劳动密集型产品向资本技术密集型产品和自有品牌和自主研发型产品的转变。

    When economy is growing , industrial structure accelerates its changes from simple labor intensive products to capital intensive and technology intensive products even OBM and ODM products .

  19. 但客观地讲,重庆外贸发展中存在许多问题,主要表现在贸易总量偏小、资本技术密集型产品竞争力不强等。

    But objectively speaking , the development of foreign trade in Chongqing has many problems , such as too small trade volume , weak capital and technological intensive products and so on .

  20. 其中人民币实际汇率的变化对出口商品结构的影响是因为劳动密集型出口产品和资本密集型出口产品有不同的汇率弹性;

    RMB actual exchange rate change to the structure of export commodities the influence is because the labor-intensive form export product and the capital intensity export product has the different exchange rate elasticity ;

  21. 台商直接投资对大陆出口台湾商品结构的影响主要表现在:对工业制成品、资本技术密集型产品以及高技术产品的出口具有促进作用。

    The effects of TDI to export structure from mainland to Taiwan are mainly in the following aspect : TDI promote the exports of manufactured goods , capital and technology-intensive products and export of high-tech products .

  22. 1996年以机电产业为代表的资本技术密集型产品成为我国的主导出口产品,2000年以后我国又成为世界贸易大国,但所有这些成就很大程度上都是由外生的经济变量所为。

    Capital-intensive products are become China 's leading exports in 1996 , and since 2000 , China has become major international trade country in the world , these changes were propelled to the larger extent by Exogenous Variable .

  23. 按照传统贸易理论,发展中国家应进口资本或技术密集型产品,出口自然资源或劳动密集型产品,这一论断与我国出口商品结构现状之间产生了冲突。

    According to the traditional international trade theory , developing countries should import capital and technology intensive products , and export natural resources or labor intensive products .

  24. 然而,由于种种原因,上海市对外贸易结构也不尽合理,尤其是工业制成品内部结构、资本和技术密集型产品内部结构的不合理。

    Due to some reasons , it is not reasonable for shanghai foreign trade structure , especially for the internal structure of manufactured goods 、 capital and technology-intensive products .

  25. 沿袭以往多个研究所采用的分类,本文将出口产品分为劳动密集型产品和资本及技术密集型产品,并按照这一分类对于两类产品的出口汇率弹性进行了估计。

    Following the traditional classification in many studies , this paper classified the export into labor intensive products and capital and technology intensive products and estimated the export exchange rate elasticity for the two groups of products .

  26. 首先,加大资本投入,积极发展资本密集型产品的进出口;其次,以产业结构为基础,优化对外贸易结构;最后,加大技术投入,支持科技研发。

    First of all , Jilin should increase capital investment , and actively develop the import and export of capital-intensive products . Secondly , optimize the import and export structure based on the industrial structure . Finally , increase technology investment and support the technology research and development .