
  • 网络Capital Account Liberalization
  1. 加入WTO,是我国资本账户自由化所面临的新形势,因此本文又分析了中国入世过渡期内,我国资本账户自由化的进程安排及资本管制形式和方法的转变。

    Because entry into WTO is a new situation for the Chinese capital account liberalization , this paper also analyzes the course 's arrange of our country 's capital account liberalization and the change of capital control 's form and method in the transition period of China entering into WTO .

  2. 完全资本账户自由化在中等金融发展水平的经济中会破坏经济的稳定:资本流入的井喷之后就是资本流出,经济崩溃。

    Similarly , full capital account liberalization may destabilize the economy in economies at an intermediate level of financial development : phases of growth with capital inflows are followed by collapse with capital outflows .

  3. 如果中国希望让人民币进入sdr,它可能被迫首先让其资本账户自由化。

    If the Chinese want the yuan included in the SDR , they will probably have to liberalise their capital account first .

  4. 中国也在继续推进资本账户自由化。

    China continues to move toward capital account liberalisation as well .

  5. 资本账户自由化的国际比较

    An International Comparison on the freedom of Capital Account

  6. 我国资本账户自由化改革进程与路径研究

    Study on the Process and Path of China 's Capital Account Liberal Reforms

  7. 资本账户自由化增长效应的经验研究结论与启示

    A Study on Experiences of the Promotive Effect of Liberalization of Capital Account

  8. 本文指出,资本账户自由化,能提高金融深化指标的水平,改善金融体系的功能作用。

    Capital accounts liberalization can improve the level of financial development and the functioning of financial systems .

  9. 本文选择考察了资本账户自由化的积极方面,主要是它对收入增长和福利改善的促进作用。

    This paper surveys the positive effects of capital accounts liberalization , with a focus on economic growth and welfare improvement .

  10. 我国政府应妥善协调改革、开放与发展的关系,积极渐进地推动资本账户自由化。

    And our government should coordinate reform , opening-up and development appropriately , and advance liberalization of capital account actively and gradually .

  11. 在开放经济条件下,资本账户自由化是一个国家经济对外开放不可或缺的部分。

    Under the condition of open economy , the freedom of capital account is a part for a country to open her economy abroad .

  12. 在分析资本账户自由化的增长效应时,本论文首先根据其主要的作用渠道,建立了一个初步模型。

    In reference to the analysis on the growth effects of capital accounts liberalization , we first set up an initial model according to the main functionary channels of capital accounts liberalization .

  13. 20世纪90年代以来,国际上有关资本账户自由化是否促进经济增长的主要经验研究充满着争议。

    Since the 1990 's there have been a lot of disputes in studies on major experiences in the world as to whether liberalization of capital account is promotive to economic growth or not .

  14. 因此,继续推进资本账户自由化、加快利率和汇率机制市场化的进程,将有利于提高中国国际收支调节的有效性。

    As a result , China is advised to proceed with opening its capital account and speed up liberalization of the interest rate and exchange rate system so as to heighten effectiveness of adjusting to its balance of payment .

  15. 但它反映出全球范围内围绕资本账户自由化讨论的一个转变,即讨论的焦点不再是开放资本账户对发展中国家是利是弊,而是转向需要满足何种条件,才能带来积极的效果。

    But it reflects a shift in the global debate over capital account liberalisation , away from arguing whether opening up the capital account is good or bad for developing countries , towards examining what conditions it needs to meet to deliver positive results .

  16. 伴随着金融全球化和资本账户的自由化,国际游资已成为国际金融领域乃至国际经济中最为活跃的现象之一。

    Following the financial globalization and the capital account liberalization , the international hot money has already become one of the most active phenomena in the international economy .

  17. 但巨大的国内市场、有弹性的银行体系和资本账户的逐渐自由化对经济的保护,令印度政府感到鼓舞。

    But New Delhi is encouraged by the protection given the economy by a large domestic market , a resilient banking system and the gradual liberalisation of the capital account .

  18. 我国学者对我国资本账户开放的长期战略、中近期目标和改革顺序,有了深入研究。对资本账户自由化过程中的风险,也有充分的认识。

    Chinese colleagues have made fundamental research with the regard to the long and short run objectives , opening order of priority , as well as a good recognition of its risks on the way to capital accounts liberalization .