
  • 网络labor-intensive product;labor-intensive goods;L-intensive
  1. 在我国以贸易额计算的主要出口商品额前十位的商品当中有七种是劳动密集型产品。

    There are 7 types of commodities among top 10 export commodities counted by export trade volume are labor-intensive goods .

  2. 现阶段中国农产品具有较大的出口潜力,主要体现为劳动密集型产品的低成本竞争优势。

    There is a big potential for China to increase its agricultural products , which are mainly labor-intensive goods with very low cost .

  3. 中国作为劳动密集型产品出口的贸易大国,因此受到SA8000标准的影响也就更为深刻。

    China , as a big export trade country of labor-intensive products , is influenced by SA8000 .

  4. 应采取增加劳务输出和扩大劳动密集型产品在对外贸易中的比重、大力发展第三产业、调整宏观经济政策的单纯GDP取向、完善劳动力市场等措施,实现经济与就业一致性增长。

    We should increase labor service output and enlarge labor concentrated product import , develop tertiary industry , perfect labor forces market , so that can realize consistent growth between economy and employment .

  5. 从我国所处的大国贸易地位、比较优势及国际市场份额等方面看,我国以纺织品、服装等为代表的劳动密集型产品的出口在加入WTO后不可能大幅度增加。

    From the point of view of a big country trade status , comparing advantage and international market lot , it is impossible for our country to increase a great extent to the export of labor-intensive type products such as textile products , clothing and so on after entering WTO .

  6. 中国已经从低成本、劳动密集型产品供应国,发展成施韦德(RalfSpeth)所称的地球上最复杂消费产品的出口国。施韦德是捷豹路虎(JaguarLandRover)首席执行官。

    China has evolved from a supplier of low-cost , labour-intensive products to an exporter of what Ralf Speth , chief executive of Jaguar Land Rover , calls the most complex consumer product on earth .

  7. 中国已经从低成本、劳动密集型产品供应国,发展成施韦德(RalfSpeth)所称的“地球上最复杂消费产品”的出口国。施韦德是捷豹路虎(JaguarLandRover)首席执行官。

    China has evolved from a supplier of low-cost , labour-intensive products to an exporter of what Ralf Speth , chief executive of Jaguar Land Rover , calls " the most complex consumer product on earth . "

  8. 以纺织品为例谈我国劳动密集型产品的出口

    The export of china 's labor-intensive products : a cass of textile

  9. 比较优势与错位发展相结合的出口战略探析&试论以创新性劳动密集型产品建立中国出口的一项长期优势

    Studies of the Export Strategy of Integrating Comparative Edges and Labor-intensive Products

  10. 柑橘属于劳动密集型产品,而我国劳动力资源丰富。

    Citrus are labor-intensive products , while our country has much labor resources .

  11. 出口商品主要集中在劳动密集型产品和资源密集型产品。

    The export commodity mainly concentrates in the labor-intensive product and the resources-intensive product .

  12. 国际劳工标准对中国劳动密集型产品出口影响的实证研究

    A Research on International Labour Standards ' Impact on Chinese Export of Labour-Intensive Products

  13. 比较而言,大部分独联体国家出口自然资源和非熟练劳动密集型产品。

    In contrast , most CIS countries export natural resources and unskilled labor-intensive products .

  14. 转变经济增长方式与我国劳动密集型产品出口的发展

    The Change of Economic Growth Mode and the Development of the Export of Labour-intensive Products

  15. 发展创新性劳动密集型产品&建立中国出口的一项长期优势

    On Developing the Creative Labor-intensive Products so to Establish a Long-time Advantage of China 's Exports

  16. 改变一直以来的以劳动密集型产品为主的出口结构,加快产业升级。

    The labor-intensive-oriented exporting structure has to be reformed so as to realize the industry upgrading .

  17. 纺织服装等劳动密集型产品可能会继续在海外生产。

    Products that are labor intensive such as apparel and textiles will likely continue being made overseas .

  18. 资本技术密集型产品出口额已超过劳动密集型产品,但劳动密集型产品的比较优势强于资本技术密集型产品。

    More capital-intensive products are exported than labor-intensive ones , but labor-intensive products enjoy more comparative advantage .

  19. 首先,本文对资源、劳动密集型产品出口的一些相关理论进行了介绍和比较。

    Firstly , this paper studies the correlation theory in the exportation of resource-intensive and labour-intensive products .

  20. 劳动密集型产品成本低廉的优势及潜能将得到发挥和挖掘,从而使进出口产品贸易迅速发展。

    Low-cost labor-intensive products will be advantages , and import and export products trade has developed rapidly .

  21. 中国和印度的增长,直接惠及了资源出口国和劳动密集型产品的购买国。

    The growth of China and India has directly helped exporters of resources and purchasers of labour-intensive products .

  22. 在印度寻求在制造业取得成功之时,手机等劳动密集型产品应是一种理想的选择。

    As India seeks manufacturing success , labour-intensive products such as mobile phones should be an ideal fit .

  23. 江西纺织品行业主要集中在劳动密集型产品的生产,纺织品一直以低价竞争为优势。

    Jiangxi textile industry is mainly concentrated in labor-intensive products , textiles has been dominated by price competition .

  24. 传统的劳动密集型产品不仅最具国际竞争力,而且还占有相当的比重。

    The traditional labor-intensive products were not only the most internationally competitive , but also a significant share .

  25. 第三个建议是,允许来自最贫穷10亿人口的劳动密集型产品无限制地进入高收入国家市场。

    The third suggestion is unrestricted access to the markets of high-income countries for labour-intensive exports from the bottom billion .

  26. 在中国果品及果品产业作为劳动密集型产品和农业的一个支柱产业,无疑也引起了人们广泛的关注。

    Fruits are labor - intensive products , and fruit industry in one of the pillar industry in Chinese agriculture .

  27. 虽然我国拥有廉价劳动力的优势,劳动密集型产品出口迅速增长,但是出口产品的技术含量不高,技术资本密集型产品对外贸易竞争力不强;

    China has the competitive advantage of the low-cost labor force , but technology elements of its exports is not high ;

  28. 政府管制最低工资的提高减少劳动密集型产品的产量,增加资本密集型产品的数量。

    The improvement of the minimum wage reduces the output of the labor-intensive products , increase the quantity of the capital-intensive products ;

  29. 与传统的比较利益理论相对应,新疆近年来在国际贸易战略上突出表现为资源密集型和劳动密集型产品出口。

    Relative to the traditional comparative advantage theories , international trade in Xin-jiang are mainly put on the export of resource-intensive and labor-intensive products .

  30. 蓝色贸易壁垒的提出是为了削弱发展中国家的劳动力成本优势,主要针对的是其劳动密集型产品。

    The blue trade barrier is created to weaken the labor cost advantage of developing countries , mainly taking effect on their labor-intensive products .