
chénɡ lǎn hé tonɡ
  • contract of work;contractor's agreement;work contract
  1. 建设工程合同是承揽合同的一种。

    The contract of construction is a kind of contractor agreement .

  2. 浅论承揽合同与雇佣合同的区分规则

    On the Differences Between the Contract to Work and the Contract to Employ

  3. 承揽合同与买卖合同虽然有相似之处,但也有着本质的区别。

    Although similarity can be found in undertaking and business contracts , there is essential distinction between them .

  4. 第二百六十八条定作人可以随时解除承揽合同,造成承揽人损失的,应当赔偿损失。

    The hirer may terminate the contract of hired work at any time , provided that it shall indemnify the hiree for its loss as a result , if any .

  5. 大陆法系民法典中并无建设工程合同的规定,而是将其有关内容纳入承揽合同之中。

    There is no provision of the construction contract in civil codes of those countries , but the content of construction contracts can be found in the contract for work .

  6. 然后将其与承揽合同和借贷契约相比较,论述清代徽商合伙合同对徽商、当时社会以及现在经营理念的意义。

    At last I compare partnership contract and agreement for work , borrow contract , and discuss partnership contract meaning to Hui merchant the meaning of principle of business management .

  7. 根据以自己的名义和费用进行信用评级,以及就自己的工作对合同相对方(客户∕被评级者)承担责任这两个特征,评级机构与被评级者之间的法律关系应为承揽合同关系。

    On the basis of having rating in their own name and undertaking the responsibility for rating objects , rating agencies have a legal relationship of work contract with rating objects .

  8. 来料加工、来件装配以及其它各种加工承揽合同,适用加工承揽人住所地法。

    For a contract for the processing of supplied materials , the assembly of provided parts and other such processing contracts , the law of the place where the processor is domiciled shall apply .

  9. 对于合同责任,主要结合合同法的基本理论知识,明确了家庭装修合同的性质为承揽合同。

    In the category of the liability for breach of contract , on the basis of theoretical knowledge of contract law , we make clear that the nature of family fit-up contract is the contract for work .

  10. 我国现有的法律规定中没有对债权人受领迟延给出专门系统化的规定,只是在个别的合同中,如买卖合同、加工承揽合同,规定了债权人受领迟延的部分法律效果及构成要件。

    The existing legal provisions of our country not to delay in acceptance is given special systematic regulations , only in individual contracts , such as contract , contract , stipulates creditor delayed part effect and elements .

  11. 我国《合同法》将建设工程合同从承揽合同中分立出来,单独列为15种有名合同之一,有其独特意义。

    It has special meaning that Chinese Contract Law has separated the contract of construction from contractor agreement , and set it as named contract . But they are the result of interference of the nation by the means of law .

  12. 旅游合同虽类似于承揽合同,但其具有主体特定,非要式、提供的是综合性的服务、履行期限要求严格、团体性等特征,是一种性质独特的合同。

    Although the contract is similar to travel agents contract , but its main specific enough to warrant the type , provide comprehensive services , to fulfill demanding period , groups such as the characteristics of the unique nature of a contract .