
  • 网络Deposit Contract
  1. 存款合同还是金融衍生交易&汇丰银行双利存款案解析

    Deposit Contract or Financial Derivative : An Analysis of the HSBC Double Interests Deposit Dispute

  2. 开户行所在地法适用的例外包括客户缔约能力的确定,以及消费者保护在跨国银行存款合同中的适用等。

    Exception of application of the law of the place of bank includes the contractual capacity and the consumer protection in international deposit contract .

  3. 另一种是存款合同,参与者投资他们金钱中的一小部分(从一美分到三美元),如果未能达到目标,则他们将在月底失去这笔钱,达到目标则得到奖励。

    People in this group also got a bonus if they met their goal .

  4. 存款合同的权利义务正好是存款保险合同的客体,因此,存款合同是存款保险合同的客体合同。

    The content in the deposit contract is the object of the deposit insurance contract ; thus the former is the object contract of the latter .

  5. 商业银行具有的类似公众公司的特征、信息披露对投资人保护的重要意义以及法律对存款合同双方当事人之间平等地位的追求都给予了商业银行信息披露制度厚实的法学理论支持。

    First , commercial banks have the characteristics ofpublic corporation . Second , information disclosure is essential to investor protection . Third , the two parties of disposition contract is equal .

  6. 与一般的民事合同相比,存款合同的最大特殊性在于当事人双方的意思自治程度大大受到了削弱。

    Compared with the general civil contract , the largest special nature of the deposit contract is the degree of autonomy between the two sides of party has been greatly weakened .

  7. 请问第一个是叫我提供什么啊???个人存款证明还是贷款合同证明啊?本存款证明书不得转让,不得抵押,不得为他人但保,不得作为提取上述存款凭证。

    A copy of either the deposit slip or passbook for the account that the loan was paid into . This certificate of deposit is non-negotiable and cannot be mortgaged , cannot be guaranteed for others , cannot be presented the cooperative for payment .

  8. 银行的基础业务是吸收存款和发放信贷,其基础合同形式包括跨国存款和贷款合同。

    The basic business of the bank includes taking deposits and offering loans , therefore the basic contract form of international banking contract including deposit contract and loan contract .

  9. 第一节探讨了存款的法律性质、存款的分类、存款合同的成立时间、存款合同的法律特征、存款合同的法律性质和确定存款合同权利与义务的依据等问题。

    Section One inquires into the following topics : legal nature of deposit , classifications of deposit , forming time of deposit contract , legal nature of deposit contract , and bases of determining rights and obligations of deposit contract .

  10. 此外,存款作为财产的一种形式,其法律性质如何,是否作为一种无体物等问题都对存款合同法律适用产生影响。

    In addition , as a kind of property , the legal nature of the deposit and the effect to the application of law would be discussed in this chapter .