
  • 网络Deposit Insurance System;dis;deposit insurance scheme
  1. 在归纳了DPS功能的基础上,分析了中国建立存款保险制度的必要性;

    On the foundation of concluding the functions of DPS , the necessity of establishing the deposit insurance system in China is analyzed .

  2. 本文采用Logit回归方法对61个国家1980~2002年间存款保险制度对金融稳定的影响关系进行了实证分析。

    This paper adopts logit regression and data from 61 countries from 1980 to 2002 to empirically investigate the relation between the deposit insurance system and financial stability .

  3. 同时,印度还进一步完善了金融危机干预制度,加强了存款保险制度的改革,制定了紧急纠错法案(PCA),治理了问题银行,并制定了金融机构风险暴露的相关标准。

    Meanwhile , India also further consummated the Crisis Management System and reinforced the reform of deposit insurance system , and stipulated the PCA act to govern the problem banks and also stipulated the relative standards of risk exposure for financial institutes .

  4. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)此前曾援引其他国家的经验表示,存款保险制度的推出可能导致存款流出中小银行,因为它凸显了银行倒闭的现实可能性,并明确地将部分存款界定为不受保护。

    Citing the experience of other countries , the International Monetary Fund has previously said that the rollout of deposit insurance could lead to deposit outflows from smaller banks , as it highlights bank failure as a realistic possibility and explicitly defines some deposits as unprotected .

  5. 浅析美国存款保险制度对中国的启示

    Simply on Enlightenment of American Deposit - safety System to China

  6. 美日存款保险制度的分析及对我国的启示

    An Analysis of American and Japanese Deposit Insurance System Their Revelation

  7. 构建我国存款保险制度的若干思考

    Some Thinking on Structuring the Deposit Insurance System of Our Country

  8. 建立存款保险制度构筑金融安全网

    Establishing the Deposit Protection System : A Firewall of financial security

  9. 地方性中小金融机构存款保险制度

    A deposit insurance system for local small and medium-sized financial institutions

  10. 在金融危机中完善我国的存款保险制度

    Improving Our Country 's Deposit Insurance System in the Financial Crisis

  11. 建立存款保险制度的博弈分析与我国的选择

    Game analysis of establishing deposit insurance system and selection of our country

  12. 文章的第一部分从我国的法律环境和银行体系的现状两个角度全面分析了我国建立存款保险制度的必要性。

    Therefore , it is necessary to build a deposit insurance system .

  13. 美国存款保险制度成功三要素

    Three Factors for the Success of American Deposit Insurance System

  14. 日本存款保险制度:演变与启示

    Bank Savings Insurance System of Japan : Evolution and Enlightenment

  15. 在2.4节中,增加了存款保险制度的相关模型分析。

    In 2 . 4 section , we add deposit insurance model .

  16. 我国存款保险制度构建浅析

    A Study of Establishing Deposit Protection System in Our Country

  17. 我国商业银行建立存款保险制度势在必行。

    It is imperative to establish a deposit system in commercial banks .

  18. 合理的资金投入安排对于存款保险制度的有效性来讲至关重要。

    Sound funding arrangements are critical to the effectiveness of a DIS .

  19. 在没有存款保险制度的情况下,结果是灾难性的。

    In the absence of deposit insurance , the results were devastating .

  20. 因此,我国亟待建立存款保险制度。

    Therefore , setting up the insurance system is in urgent need .

  21. 论建立存款保险制度的若干问题

    Some Questions About Setting up the System of Deposition Insurance

  22. 存款保险制度缺陷及其改进对策研究

    A Study on the Blemishes of Deposit-Insurance System and the Improvement Countermeasures

  23. 从实证角度再论存款保险制度

    Restatement on Deposit Insurance Funds Act from the Angle of Substantial Study

  24. 第一部分对存款保险制度进行了基本概述。

    The fist part set forth the concept of deposit insurance system .

  25. 从隐性到显性&存款保险制度的变革之路

    China 's Deposit Insurance System : From Implicit to Explicit

  26. 第三章从实务角度出发,对显性存款保险制度的机制设计进行分析。

    Chapter III analyses the mechanism of the deposit insurance system design .

  27. 浅析存款保险制度中的道德风险

    On the Moral Risks of the Savings Insurance System

  28. 美国存款保险制度介评

    Review and Analysis of the American Deposit Insurance System

  29. 存款保险制度的财政成本问题研究

    Research on the Fiscal Cost of Deposit Insurance System

  30. 文章最后对建立存款保险制度所必不可少的外围配套改革设施进行了必要的分析。

    Finally this thesis analyzes the reforms of premises .