
  • 网络Inventory shortage;Stockout
  1. 由于存货短缺,很遗憾,我方无法供应贵方所需货品。

    We regret that owning to the shortage of stocks we are unable to fill your order .

  2. 先进的信息管理和分销系统使零售商能够对顾客的需求作出迅速反应,减少存货短缺,保持最低存货量;

    Advance information management and sub-contribution systems can lead to a rapid response to customers ' demand , reduce shortage possibilities for goods in stock , and keep the minimum inventory , by retailers .

  3. 去年,欧盟草率地对价格低廉的中国文胸、裤子与其它服饰产品施加配额,结果导致欧盟的零售商存货出现短缺。

    Retailers in the European Union were caught short last year in so-called " bra wars " when quotas were hastily imposed on cheap Chinese bras and trousers and other items of clothing .

  4. 换句话说,存货越多,存货短缺情况越少的传统观念是不正确的。

    In other words , the conventional wisdom that more inventory leads to less stock outs does not hold true .

  5. 如何设置和维持一个合理的库存水平,以平衡存货不足带来的短缺风险和损失,以及库存过多所增加仓储成本和资金成本成为一个企业必须回答的问题。

    A scenario has to be addressed by each enterprise is that how to design and maintain a reasonable inventory level in order to balance the risk and loss due to out of stock and higher storage and capital cost because of high inventory level .

  6. 另外,通过将按照零售价计算的存货总额与按照零售价计算的实际盘点总额进行对比,可以表明存货短缺的程度以及因此而需要采取的改进措施。

    In addition , a comparison of the computed inventory total with the physical inventory total , both at retail prices , will show the extent of inventory shortages and the consequent need for corrective measures .