
chéng píng
  • peaceful;peace
承平 [chéng píng]
  • [peace] 太平;持久太平

  • 今累世承平,豪富吏民。--《汉书.食货志》

  • 承平日久

承平[chéng píng]
  1. 国家承平日久,近来的地方官办事,件件都是虚应故事。

    The country has been at peace for so long that local government has become a mere empty show .

  2. 我自己呢,选择住在西北承平洋区域则代表一种糊口的取舍。

    In my case , living in the Pacific Northwest is a tradeoff .

  3. 当承平洋的海水比凡是暖和的时辰,厄尔尼诺现象就影响风海流。

    El Ni ? o is when some of the Pacific Ocean 's waters become warmer than normal , affecting the wind currents .

  4. 这张新的美国宇航局的照片就是这样,在这张照片上,土地几乎看不见,只能见到承平洋的一点边缘。

    And so it is with this new NASA image , in which land is just barely visible as a fringe of the Pacific Ocean .

  5. 由于二者都在梁朝承平年代生活过,所以梁朝的社会环境、社会思潮对他们的诗歌创作发生了重要的影响。

    Both of them had lived in the peaceful age of Liang dynasty , so the social background and ideological tend in that time became the important factor in their creation .

  6. 从北宋的百年承平到靖康之变后南宋的国破家亡,时代的巨变为词风的转折提供了最适宜的土壤。

    A hundred years accept even that is from north Song arrived Jing Kang it to become behind country destroyed in the house of south Song , ages of huge changed into the turn of phrase breeze to provide the most suitable and proper soil .