
  • 网络joint liability;joint and several liability
  1. 传统民法规定共同危险行为人承担连带责任。

    Traditional civil law provides joint and several liability for actors .

  2. 在公司法人人格否定制度中,股东承担连带责任理论依据不足,并且控股股东承担连带责任不利于保护中小股东的利益。

    And if the controlling shareholder take joint and several liability , it is negative to protect the interests of minority shareholders .

  3. 二是第三人与债务人承担连带责任;

    Second , the third party and debtor bear joint liability ;

  4. 揭开公司的面纱&股东承担连带责任的构成要件

    Lifting the Veil of Corporation & Essential Elements of Shareholder 's Joint Liability

  5. 因产品缺陷而造成他人损害,产品的生产者和销售者应承担连带责任。

    The producers and salers shall bear JL for the damage of product 's defects .

  6. 两者承担连带责任;

    The two sides bear joint liability ;

  7. 先对设立中公司清算,后由发起人承担连带责任。

    After liquidating the establishment of the company , sponsors assume a jointly and severally liability .

  8. 合伙人对会计师事务所的债务承担连带责任。

    The partners shall bear joint liabilities as to the obligations of the public accounting firm .

  9. 共同承包的各方对承包合同的履行承担连带责任。

    Parties to joint project contracting shall bear joint responsibilities for the implementation of the contract .

  10. 利润由多人分享,债务由多人承担连带责任的公司类型。

    A type of company in which all profits and liabilities are shared by more one person .

  11. 总承包单位和分包单位就分包工程对建设单位承担连带责任。

    The overall contractors and subcontractors shall bear joint responsibilities to project owners for the subcontracted projects .

  12. 有共同过错但无共同行为的情况不承担连带责任。

    In other words , joint offence without joint act does not necessarily bear joint and several liability .

  13. 由于其属于合伙组织,则全体合伙人被判决承担连带责任。

    All the partners were judged to bear joint liabilities because they were partners of the partnership enterprise .

  14. 合伙人对合伙的债务承担连带责任,法律另有规定的除外。

    Partners shall undertake joint liability for their partnership 's debts , except as otherwise stipulated by law .

  15. 第二百六十七条共同承揽人对定作人承担连带责任,但当事人另有约定的除外。

    Joint hirees are jointly and severally liable to the hirer , except otherwise agreed by the parties .

  16. 上述承运人应当对旅客、托运人或者收货人承担连带责任。

    These carriers shall be jointly and severally liable to the passenger or to the shipper or consignee .

  17. 首先,分析了无船承运人与实际承运人承担连带责任的特殊性;

    Firstly , the particularity of the joint liability assumed by the actual carrier and NVOCC is pointed out ;

  18. 但是,要求特别窝藏犯承担连带责任的正当性并不充分。

    However , this paper tries to prove that the validity of civil liability bear by special harbor criminals is inadequate .

  19. 作者通过分析,认为保险代位权在责任保险中仅适用于被保险人和其他人共同致人损害而应承担连带责任这种情况。

    This paper 's view is that subrogation just applied in the situation that insurer committed joint liability because of joint infringement .

  20. 入伙的新合伙人对入伙前合伙企业的债务承担连带责任。

    The new partner shall undertake joint liability for the debts of the partnership enterprise incurred before he enters into the partnership .

  21. 而该代理权行使所产生的法律效果是由夫妻双方承担连带责任。

    But this right of agent causes the legal effect which is undertaken the joint and several liability by the husband and wife .

  22. 日前中国通过相关法律,规定明星代言不符合食品安全标准的食品广告将为其造成的消费者伤害和损失承担连带责任。

    China has approved legislation to make celebrities who advertise a food product that is later found to be substandard liable for damages .

  23. 至于第二种批评意见,监管机构可以要求审计机构承担连带责任,这样便可轻松解决责任归属的问题。

    As for the second criticism regulators can demand joint and several responsibility which easily overcomes the problem of where to lay the blame .

  24. 团伙侵权行为造成他人损害的,全体团伙成员承担连带责任是侵权法最新的发展趋势。

    It is a new trend that all the members should be charged with joint liability for the damages caused by tort of gang .

  25. 公共债务管理:目标、协调与责任合伙人对会计师事务所的债务承担连带责任。

    Debt management : Objectives , coordination and accountability ; The partners shall bear joint liabilities as to the obligations of the public accounting firm .

  26. 非有限责任的普通合伙律师事务所的每个负责人与律师事务所承担连带责任。

    Each of the principals of a law firm organized as a general partnership without limited liability is liable jointly and severally with the firm .

  27. 第一百三十条二人以上共同侵权造成他人损害的,应当承担连带责任。

    Article 130 If two or more persons jointly infringe upon another person 's rights and cause him damage , they shall bear joint liability .

  28. 实际出资人实际行使股东权利的情况下,应该由实际出资人与名义出资人对公司承担连带责任。

    When the actual investors exercised the shareholders ' rights , the actual investors and the dummy shareholders should undertake the joint and several liabilities to the company .

  29. 并对违规或失当的对外担保产生的损失依法承担连带责任。

    And shall bear several and joint liabilities in accordance with the law for the losses caused from irregular or inappropriate provision of guaranty to any other party .

  30. 被保证的当事人不履行合同的,按照担保约定由保证人履行或者承担连带责任。

    Where the guaranteed party fails to perform the contract , the guarantor shall perform or be held with joint obligation in accordance with the agreement on the guaranty .