
diào xiāo yínɡ yè zhí zhào
  • revoke a business license;suspend a business license
  1. 吊销营业执照或者广告经营许可证。

    Revocation of the business licences or the licences for advertising operation .

  2. 被吊销营业执照的公司在清算期间,仍然具有权利能力。

    The company still has the right capacity during the period of liquidation .

  3. 吊销营业执照的法律问题

    The Legal Issue in Business Licence 's Cancellation

  4. 浅析公司被吊销营业执照后的法律地位

    A Brief Analysis of Company 's Legal Status after its Business License has been Revoked

  5. 犯罪单位被吊销营业执照后的法律责任之探讨

    An Exploration of Legal Responsibility of Units Committing Crimes After Being Revoked the Business License

  6. 因此,债权人可以主张被吊销营业执照的公司承担债务清偿责任。

    So the creditors may require the company whose business license has been revoked to pay the debts .

  7. 从理论上说,公司被吊销营业执照应当依法进行清算,解决公司的债权债务问题。

    In theory , corporation should be cleared to solve the creditor 's rights and debts when they are revoked .

  8. 情节严重的,责令停业整顿,或者由工商行政管理机关吊销营业执照。

    For serious cases , they shall be ordered to stop operation for correction or have their business licenses revoked .

  9. 情节严重的,可并处以吊销营业执照、责令停业。

    In cases of serious violation , business licenses may be revoked in addition and suspension of business operations be ordered .

  10. 吊销营业执照后的公司自然就不需要对吊销前的债务承担责任了。

    The company whose business license has been revoked need not to be liable for any debts incurred before the revocation .

  11. 对企业被吊销营业执照后的法人资格及其清算问题进行了探讨,以期能对我国公司法制的完善有所裨益。

    The article analyzes the problems of corporate organization and liquidation after the situation of revoking business license happened to a company .

  12. 私营公司也必须在2005年之前照此执行。由公司登记机关吊销营业执照。

    Private companies will have to follow suit in 2005 . shall have its business license canceled by the company registration authority .

  13. 故意在食品中加入不能食用物质的商家将面临吊销营业执照和没收所有非法收入。

    Firms that intentionally add non-edible material to food products will face having their licenses revoked and confiscation of all illicit earnings .

  14. 依法被吊销营业执照、责令关闭或者被撤销;

    Its business license is revoked , or it is ordered to close down or is dissolved , according to law ; or .

  15. 企业集团的母公司依法被撤销或者被吊销营业执照的,不适用前款规定。

    If the parent company of an businessenterprise group is dissolved or has its business license revoked , the preceding paragraph may not apply .

  16. 卫生部门以吊销营业执照相威胁,督促餐馆老板搞好卫生。

    The health department built a fire under the restaurant owner and got him to clean the place up by threatening to cancel his license .

  17. 因此,对公司吊销营业执照后法律地位、能力范畴作出准确界定,对公司清算程序进行合理完善,成为了我国公司法治建设中亟需解决的问题。

    So the definition of the corporation 's judicial status and legal capacity becomes a problem , which need instant settlement in rule of law .

  18. 公司被吊销营业执照,往往被当事人利用为恶意逃废债务的工具。

    If a company 's business license has been suspended , the company usually makes use of it to maliciously escape the performance of debts .

  19. 对拒不接受审查的企业,由当地工商行政管理机关吊销营业执照。

    Those enterprises which do not pass evaluation shall have their retail business licenses revoked by the office of industrial and commercial administration in that locality .

  20. 吊销营业执照,剥夺的是公司的经营资格,是公司解散的原因而不是公司终止的原因。

    The revocation of business license can only deprive its operation qualification and is the cause of dissolution rather than the cause of determination of the company .

  21. 企业被吊销营业执照后是否具有法人资格,是当前司法实践经常遇到的棘手问题。

    Whether do enterprises have legal person 's qualifications , after it 's business license are revoked , it is a thorny problem often met in present judicial practice .

  22. 为填补法律的漏洞,更为充分保护公司债权人的利益和市场交易的安全,应当允许在部分公司被吊销营业执照的情况下,在符合公司人格否认条件时,适用公司人格否认。

    To full the leak of laws and protect corporation creditor ' benefits and business ' safety , it should be admitted to apply the theory of disregarding corporation personality .

  23. 用人单位被吊销营业执照、责令关闭、撤销或者用人单位决定提前解散的;

    The employer is revoked of business license thereof , or is ordered to close down or is discharged , or it determines to go to liquidation before the schedule ;

  24. 任何涉及这些活动的健康专业或医药机构将被处以吊销营业执照,禁止非法经营的处罚,甚至会负刑事责任。

    Any health professional or medical institution involved in these practices will be liable to punishment including revoking of medical licenses , banning of illegal clinics , and even criminal charges .

  25. 营业执照的管理是企业管理的核心内容,吊销营业执照是企业登记机关对企业进行管理的一项重要活动。

    The management of business license is the core of business management . The cancellation of the license is a major action by the registration organ in its management of a business .

  26. 在行政撤销制度的完善上,应区分撤销登记和吊销营业执照,规定依职权和依申请两种启动方式。

    In the perfection of administration cancellation system , the law should distinguish cancelling company registration from revoking business license and stipulates the two starting ways based on both authority and application .

  27. 由公司登记机关吊销营业执照。公司登记机关核准注销登记后,应当收缴分公司的《营业执照》。

    Shall have its business license canceled by the company registration authority . After having approved the cancellation of registration , the company registration authority shall withdraw the branch 's Business License .

  28. 公司破产、解散清算结束后,不申请办理注销登记的,由公司登记机关吊销营业执照。

    If a company does not apply for the cancellation of registration after the liquidation of bankruptcy or dissolution has concluded , the business license shall be revoked by the company registration authority .

  29. 目前我国企业法人以非正常方式退出市场的问题较为突出,大量的企业采取不进行年检或对被吊销营业执照采取放任态度等方式退出市场,严重影响了经济秩序的稳定。

    At present , problems concerning market exit of legal persons are serious , and more enterprises exit market without annual inspection or regardless of revoking licenses , which has affected stability of economic order .

  30. 由于种种原因,诸多被吊销营业执照的公司不进行清算,其营业执照和公司印鉴等证明公司主体资格的证件也无法收回。

    Because of various reasons , many business license be revoked without liquidation of the company , its business license and company prove that the company seal and other documents of the entity can not be recovered .