
diào dǐng
  • suspended ceiling;furred ceiling;hang ceiling
吊顶[diào dǐng]
  1. 石膏板吊顶质量通病分析与治理

    Analysis on quality failure of plasterboard suspended ceiling and its treatment

  2. 风机盘管系统吊顶渗水问题分析

    Preliminary analysis of water seeping from suspended ceiling in fan coil systems

  3. 我们将要为天花板吊顶(b纽约时报)

    We 're going to sheetrock the ceiling ( bNew York Times )

  4. 采用锥形量热仪对市场上常见的一种内装修单面涂铝PVC吊顶材料的燃烧性能进行了实验研究。

    The flammability of a PVC board , with one side coated with aluminium was studied with the cone calorimeter .

  5. 我公司提供的主要电梯部件有:控制柜、主机、LED吊顶、对讲机、操作面板及特殊(豪华型)的轿厢的设计和制造。

    The main elevator parts which we can provide are below : Controller , Gearless machine , LED ceiling , interphone COP ; and the designing and manufacturing for some special ( luxury type ) cabin .

  6. 研究表明,在相同的实验设备及实验工况下,与风机盘管运行模式相比,辐射吊顶运行模式下,吸收式制冷机组的制冷量和性能系数COP都得到了提升。

    It was suggested that compared with an coil operation mode , under cooling ceiling operation mode , both cooling capacity and COP of absorption chiller were improved .

  7. 也可以制作PVC发泡板,PVC吊顶,PVC水管,PVC踢脚线以及穿线管,电缆绝缘,塑料门窗,塑料袋等方面。

    You can also make PVC foam board , PVC ceiling , PVC pipes , PVC baseboard and threading pipe , cable insulation , plastic doors and windows , plastic bags and so on .

  8. 吊顶室内外,屋顶外露部分管道采用聚氨脂软管外包夹筋铝箔保温,保温层厚度:当DN>50时为40mm;

    Pipes in outdoor ceiling should be polyurethane flexible pipe insulated by aluminum foil . ? Thickness of insulated layer : when DN > 50 , it should be40mm ;

  9. 嘎拉瓦丁解释说,典型的T3生物气候建筑内的自然温度比室外温度低41华氏度(22摄氏度),只需要自然通风和几个吊顶电风扇就能保持凉爽。

    Gallavardin explains that a typical bioclimatic T3 building is naturally about 41 Fahrenheit ( 22 Celsius ) cooler than the outside temperature , with natural ventilation and the odd ceiling fan doing the rest of the work .

  10. 屋顶与立面次结构可以有效减小主结构弦杆面外的计算长度,提供ETFE膜结构、下弦声学吊顶与屋面排水系统的支承条件,并形成结构的抗侧力体系。

    Roof top and facade secondary structure can effectively reduce the out-of-plane calculated length of the primary chords , and provide support conditions for ETFE cladding structure , acoustic ceiling at the bottom chord and roof drainage system , forming the lateral force resisting system for the structure .

  11. 从吊顶送风的效果令人满意。

    The effect of supplying air from the ceiling is satisfactory .

  12. 浅谈纸面石膏板吊顶板缝开裂防治方法

    Prevention method on split of ceiling slab joint of thistle board

  13. 作业风险分析在干式储气罐年修中的应用吊顶式液化天然气储罐

    Application of Job Risk Analysis to Annual Repair of Piston-type Gasholder

  14. 焦炉吊顶翻修技术及其应用

    Retrofitting technique and its application for up-hanging top of coke oven

  15. 冷却吊顶供水方式对系统运行能耗的影响

    Influence of cooling ceiling water supply mode on operation energy consumption

  16. 冷却吊顶空调系统的适用性分析

    Analysis of applicability of cooling ceiling air - conditioning system

  17. 某汽车站吊顶掉落的原因分析和启示

    Cause analysis & revelations of overhung roof collapse in a bus station

  18. 大断面吊顶结构隧道窑设计中的改进建议与设想

    Reformed Proposal and Ideas on Designing Large Cross-section Crane Ceiling Tunnel Kiln

  19. 独立新风结合吊顶冷辐射板(DOAS+CRCP)空调系统的应用

    Application of the ( DOAS + CRCP ) Air-conditioning System

  20. 干式储气罐密封油的性能特点及使用维护吊顶式液化天然气储罐

    Performance Characteristics , Usage and Maintenance of Seal Oil for Piston-type Gasholder

  21. 冷却吊顶系统的热舒适分析

    Thermal comfort analysis for cooling ceiling air - conditioning system

  22. 他建议安装一台吊顶电风扇。

    He suggested having a ceiling electric fan installed in the room .

  23. 辽宁彩电中心共享大厅异型吊顶的实现

    The Realization of Suspended Special-type Ceiling in Liaoning TV Centre

  24. 室内装修就是对房屋内部的装饰,比如刮瓷、刷乳胶漆、铺地板砖、包门边、吊顶棚等。

    House decoration is the interior of a building decoration .

  25. 大跨度吊船在空中连廊吊顶装饰工程中的应用

    Application of Large-span Hanging Ship in Air Joint Gallery Ceiling Decoration Engineering

  26. 我还是比较喜欢“小家碧玉”一点的吊顶装饰。

    I still prefer the " virtuous " is the ceiling decoration .

  27. 铝板吊顶、柱、墙面的特点及安装技术

    Characteristics of suspended aluminum ceiling , column and wall surface and installation technique

  28. 接下来,我就开始在这个吊顶上做起文章来。

    Next , I began to drop on the first article in this .

  29. 金属吊顶在从前更多的应用于公共、办公场所。

    Metal ceiling applied in the past for more public , office space .

  30. 冷却吊顶空调系统运行能耗的模拟与算例

    Simulation and calculate example of energy use in cooling ceiling air conditioning system