
  • 网络interior design;Design;Interior decoration design;interior decorating
  1. HKIDA凝聚了行业内大批专家和大量专业知识,他们用自己的实力优势,尽力为室内装饰设计做出无穷的贡献。

    HKIDA the combination of a large number of industry experts and a lot of expertise , the strength of their own advantage , trying to make interior design for the endless contributions .

  2. 当代漆画与现代室内装饰设计关系密切。

    Contemporary lacquer relate closely with modern interior design .

  3. 利用OpenGL进行计算机辅助室内装饰设计

    Computer Aided Interior Decoration Design With OpenGL

  4. 浅谈室内装饰设计及建筑材料在设计中的运用

    On indoor upholstery design and application of construction materials in its design

  5. 数码仿真丝织技术与现代室内装饰设计

    Digital Emulational Silk Technology and Modern Indoor Decoration Design

  6. 浅谈室内装饰设计中的风格设计

    A Discussion on Style Design in Interior Decoration Design

  7. 它们可用作进行建筑配景及室内装饰设计的基本图案。

    We may use these images for architecture design and inner trim design .

  8. 酒店室内装饰设计的色彩艺术

    The Art of Color in Interior Decoration of Hotel

  9. 中国传统纹样与现代室内装饰设计

    Chinese Traditional Dermatoglyphic Pattern and Modern Interior Decoration Design

  10. 浅谈建筑设计与室内装饰设计的关系

    On the Relationship Between Architectural and Interior Design

  11. 室内装饰设计从生态学寻求启示

    Discussion On interior Decoration Design From Ecology Angle

  12. 隔断在室内装饰设计中的作用

    The Application of Partition in Domestic Decoration

  13. 当代室内装饰设计之我见

    My Opinion on the Interior Decoration Design

  14. 浅谈家居室内装饰设计

    About the Indoor Decoration Design of Home

  15. 漆画与现代室内装饰设计

    Lacquer Painting and Modern Interior Design

  16. 室内装饰设计:办公楼,宾馆酒店,餐饮空间,休闲会所,豪华别墅等。

    Specialize in Public space adornment design : office , hotel , recreation , Leisure Club , Luxury villas etc.

  17. 漆画在材料技法的特色方面,丰富了室内装饰设计的创作语言与表现形式。

    In aspect of material technique characteristics , lacquer painting enriches the creative language and expressions of interior design .

  18. 掌握室内装饰设计的涵义及其发展动向,将它与当地当时的文化紧密联系在一起,通过不同的设计形式进行表达。

    We should grasp the meaning of interior decoration design and development trend , closely linked with the local culture .

  19. 本文介绍了色彩的基本知识及色彩在室内装饰设计中的应用。

    This paper introduces the elementary knowledge of color and the applying of color in the design of inner-room decoration .

  20. 室内装饰设计涉及到社会、文化、经济、市场、科技乃至政治等诸多方面的因素。

    Interior decoration design involves the society , culture , economy , market , science and technology even politics and other factors .

  21. 本文通过实践经验,用浅显易懂的道理对如何处理好建筑设计与室内装饰设计的关系及矛盾等问题进行了论述。

    This study addesses the relationship between architectural design and interior design , especially their contradictions , through professional experience and clear facts .

  22. 从现代室内装饰设计的角度,阐述现代人审美观念逐步走向成熟的一些具体特征。

    This article tries to elaborate some specific characteristics of people 's appreciation of beauty by the methods of interior design and decoration .

  23. 新加坡恩碧雅设计公司坚持国际水准和高效率的室内装饰设计,是极具想象力和创造力的设计公司。

    Singapore , design companies adhere to favor Bess international level and efficiency of interior decoration design , is extremely imagination and creativity design company .

  24. 它们的图案样式、手法、工艺等在现代室内装饰设计中也常常能够看到。

    The Tang pattern is a significant component of Chinese architecture and its style and craft is still often seen in modern interior decoration designs .

  25. 上海旺族室内装饰设计公司是以室内装饰设计和施工为基础的专业公司。

    Shanghai Wangzu interior decoration and design corporation is a professional company which runs its business on the basis of interior decoration , design and construction .

  26. 分析了色彩三要素的构成,列举了基本色彩的性格特征,论述了在进行室内装饰设计时应如何运用色彩的主色调、重点色块和色光。

    It analyses the structure of three elements of color , lists the characteristics of basic color and dissertates how to apply main hue , emphasis color-block and color-light .

  27. 通过对室内装饰设计中的绿化和智能化,现代室内设计文化、经营策略和服务技巧的初步分析,诠释了室内设计的可持续发展。

    Through the analysis of the greenness and intelligence , the modem interior design culture , and management tactics and service technique , the article expounds the sustainable development of interior design .

  28. 介绍现今家居室内装饰设计的几种表现手法,并对其中存在的问题进行了分析,提出自己的一些看法。

    Some expressing techniques about the nowaday indoor decoration design of home are introduced in this paper , and some problems in it are analyzed , meantime , some opinions in the author himself are put forward .

  29. 利用可视化语言编制了非线性映射和对称图案的计算机生成程序,可生成各种分形艺术图案,该图案可用于地毯设计、室内装饰设计以及产品外形表理纹理图案设计等方面。

    It presents computer program of nonlinear mapping and symmetry patterns , many fractal art patterns are made out . These patterns can be applied in carpet design , room decorate design , texture patterns design of productive shape and so on .

  30. 因此在进行室内装饰设计的同时,不可以仅仅形式地撷取一些具有地域特点的形式符号,而必须通过对地域文化各方面的比较、吸取和研究,经历一个扬弃的过程。

    So in interior design at the same time , not only to capture some form of geographical features in the form of symbols , which must pass on all aspects of local culture , learn and study , going through a process of abandoning .