
chuāng líng
  • window lattice;window bar
窗棂 [chuāng líng]
  • [muntin] 窗格子

窗棂[chuāng líng]
  1. 从一个作家森林中的小木屋,轻轻敲击窗棂开始,飘到灯红酒绿的豪华别墅;

    From a writer 's cabin in the forest , gently tapping window lattice start flowing to the false picture of luxury villas ;

  2. 晨光,透过古色古香的雕花窗棂,给庭院里精致的盆景慢慢地化上一抹金黄的淡妆。

    Dawn , through antique carved window lattice , gradually puts a golden and light makeup for the exquisite miniature gardening in the yard .

  3. 晴了一天后,天空又乌云密布,顷刻间便雨打窗棂。

    After a fine day , the sky had clouded over and suddenly rain lashed against the windows .

  4. 门洞两旁与廊子的周围都有窗棂。

    The gateway and its portico had openings all around .

  5. 窗棂前的絮语,呼唤着我与之同行。

    It whispers at my window , Beckoning me to follow .

  6. 他为殿作了有固定窗棂的窗户。

    And for the house he made windows with fixed lattices .

  7. 反正我也准备更换这些窗棂了。

    Uh * I was meaning to replace these frames .

  8. 又为殿作了严紧的窗棂。

    He made narrow clerestory windows in the temple .

  9. 我曾在我房屋的窗户内,从我窗棂之间,往外观看。

    At the window of my house I looked out through the lattice .

  10. 如一群野鸟,思念飞入你的窗棂。

    My thoughts fly in at your window , a flock of wild birds .

  11. 窗棂构造与挤压带后浇带的结构与施工

    Structure and Construction of Later Casting Zone

  12. 在两扇透着柔和日光的窗棂下,他紧紧地裹着被子躺在床上。

    He lay between crisp sheets in his bed beneath two windows silky with daylight .

  13. 这座宅院有精致的阳台和柱子,屋内的烛光照亮了高耸的窗棂。

    It had fine balconies and pillars , and candles inside lit the tall windows .

  14. 他感到一阵晕眩,窗棂从他身边疾速闪失,一种不舒服的恶心感由胃里升起。

    There was an instant of vertigo , a sickening lurch as the window flashed past .

  15. 深夜透窗棂

    in a window at night ;

  16. 窗棂构造与挤压带

    Mullion structure in compression zone

  17. 有时,一束月光穿过冷雨簌簌帕打在窗棂格栅,掸散丝丝蛛网。

    Sometimes a moonbeam will slip through the cold rain on the attic window and brush aside a cobweb .

  18. 拉开窗帘,让清新的空气涌进来,哪怕挤破窗棂。

    Undraw the window curtain , let fresh air pour in , do not fear to crush the window sash .

  19. 追随太阳的雪花,把日子融化;在新年的窗棂上,盛开喜庆的窗花。

    Follow the sun melted snow , the day , In the New Year , blooming festival of lattice window .

  20. 听着雨打窗棂的声音,所有的好梦便会飘然而至。

    Listen to the voice of the rain on the window frames , all the dreams will be floated to .

  21. 临街窗户的窗棂,把光线分隔成一根窄窄的细条,只能眺望到对面的那些房子。

    The window to the street were mullioned into narrow lights , and only commanded a view of the opposite houses .

  22. 22其窗棂和廊子,并雕刻的棕树,与朝东的门尺寸一样。

    Its openings , its portico and its palm tree decorations had the same measurements as those of the gate facing east .

  23. 他慌忙伸出一只手想抓住窗棂,却立刻滑开,赶紧又用另一只手牢牢抓紧。

    He shot out a hand , grabbed for the ledge , lost it , caught it again with his other hand .

  24. 布兰的手指开始松脱,他换用另一只手勾窗棂,指甲深深地陷进坚硬的岩壁。

    Bran 's fingers started to slip . He grabbed the ledge with his other hand . Fingernails dug into unyielding stone .

  25. 我从窗棂之隙痴痴的窥望着,看见一朵紫色的小花在颤栗,我想那该是你的魂灵罢。

    I peeped through the interstice abstractedly and saw a tiny violet flower , quivering . I thought that must be your spirit .

  26. 夜晚,寒气逼人,也觉人间孤苦寂寞,摇曳窗棂,吱吱作响,似也提醒人们冰雪世界即将来临。

    In the cold of a lonely night it can rattle the sash and stay there muttering of ice and snowbanks and deep-frozen ponds .

  27. 等她气喘吁吁地跑到目的地,却发现琼恩已经靠坐在窗棂上,一只脚无精打采地翘起顶着下巴。

    They arrived , flushed and breathless , to find Jon seated on the sill , one leg drawn up languidly to his chin .

  28. 灰尘从钥匙孔和窗棂中穿过,气味有如散发恶臭的泥土、烟雾以及金属颗粒的混合体。

    The dust works its way through keyholes and window frames , and smells like a filthy brew of dirt , smoke and metallic particles .

  29. 一片落叶,悄悄飞越边窗棂,飘落在我奋笔的纸笺之上!

    A falling leaf was quietly flying across my window , and gently landed on my letter paper , on which I was writing attentively .

  30. 它们盖满平台,乱七八槽地拥塞着走道,还把它粗俗细长的身子斜靠在屋子的窗棂上。

    They choked the terrace , they sprawled about the paths , they leant , vulgar and lanky , against the very windows of the house .