
  1. 来宝仍获准在普氏交易窗口接受其他公司的买价和卖价。

    Noble will still be allowed to accept other companies ' bids and offers in the Platts trading window .

  2. 不过我也和中国官员谈到我对吸收更多的中国专业人才加入世行员工队伍很感兴趣,包括我们的私营部门窗口国际金融公司。

    But I 've also talked with Chinese officials about my interest in bringing in more Chinese professionals to the Bank staff .

  3. 近年来特别是我国加入WTO后,在贸易主体多元化和市场的竞争环境下,曾作为我国最主要的对外贸易窗口的国有外贸公司面临着严峻的挑战。

    Recently with the subject of trade being multi - dimensional and under the circumstances of competitive market , especially since China 's entering WTO , foreign trade enterprises which used to serve as the major window of national foreign trades are faced with severe challenges .

  4. 由于2013年之前无需向欧盟排放交易体系支付任何款项,未来几个月提供了一个机会窗口,各航空公司和各国政府应当好好加以利用。

    Since no payment to the scheme is due until 2013 , the coming months present a window of opportunity , which both airlines and governments should take .