
  • 网络food and beverage enterprise;catering enterprise;restaurant
  1. 餐饮企业财务指标体系之盈利能力指标

    Profitability Index & A Financial Index System for the Catering Enterprises

  2. 餐饮企业员工的组织公民行为与领导方式有关。

    Catering enterprises employee organizational citizenship behavior may and leadership stye .

  3. 图什·罗斯会计公司称有45家饭店和餐饮企业处于破产管理阶段。

    Accountants Touche Ross say that there were 45 receiverships among hotels and caterers .

  4. “与世界上的其他餐饮企业相比,我们可能会销售更多的蔬菜、更多的牛奶、更多的沙拉以及更多的苹果,”他说道。

    " We probably sell more vegetables , more milk , more salads , more apples than any restaurant business in the world , " he says .

  5. 海琳安和她的家人在加州拥有一家大型餐饮企业。

    Helene An and her family own a large restaurant business in California .

  6. 研究了基于WEB技术的餐饮企业连锁经营信息系统,采用B?

    This paper has studied the chain restaurant management information system based on WEB mode .

  7. HACCP系统的运用,必须依靠卫生监督人员来帮助餐饮企业共同建立,从而使食品安全管理工作上一个新台阶。

    Support from public health supervision institutes is also essential for catering sector to apply HACCP , which will guarantee the promotion of food security management .

  8. 曾光表示,他对全聚德的IPO感到乐观,但其他中国连锁餐饮企业的成功取决于它们在门店的标准化方面做得如何,一如外国竞争对手那样。

    Mr. Zeng says he is optimistic about Quanjude 's IPO but that the success of Chinese chains depends on how well they can standardize their restaurants , as foreign competitors have .

  9. 正规制酒厂家与政府联合开发出一种App,这种App通过对酒瓶和酒盒子的检测来判断酒的真假。如今,大型餐饮企业,酒店,和拍卖行都会把空酒瓶碾碎防止空酒瓶回收利用。

    Wine producers have joined forces with the government to produce an app meant to track wine bottles and cartons to determine whether they 're original or fake.Today , big hotels , restaurants , and auction houses break wine bottles after use to prevent them from being reused .

  10. 餐饮企业个性化服务的对策研究

    A Study of the Personalized Service in Food and Beverage Trade

  11. 中型餐饮企业管理信息系统的研究和设计

    Research and Design for the Middle Catering Enterprises Management Information System

  12. 中小餐饮企业,你知道如何招聘吗?

    How should the small or medium-sized catering enterprises perform recruitment ?

  13. 餐饮企业感知服务质量与顾客忠诚关系

    The Relationship between Perceived Service Quality and Customer Loyalty in Catering Industries

  14. 餐饮企业提高顾客忠诚度的策略选择

    On Choices of Strategies for Restaurant Enterprises to Improve Customers ' Faithfulness

  15. 与其它类型的企业相比,餐饮企业具有鲜明的特色。

    Restaurant is obviously different from other types of enterprises .

  16. 餐饮企业的本量利分析

    Cost and Sales Volume and Profit of the Catering Enterprises

  17. 关系营销理论在A餐饮企业的应用研究

    Applied Research about Relationship Marketing Theory in a Beverage Corporation

  18. 成都连锁餐饮企业特许加盟方式探析

    On the Modes of Franchise in Chengdu Chain Catering Industry

  19. 创新&餐饮企业可持续发展的动力

    Innovation as the Power of Continuously Developing Chinese Dining Industry

  20. 小型餐饮企业食品安全状况在标准化管理干预前后有较为明显的改善。

    Food safety conditions improved significantly after standardization management intervention .

  21. 北京市大中型中餐餐饮企业的卫生状况调查

    Survey of Sanitary Status on Large and Middle Chinese Food Catering Enterprises

  22. 餐饮企业开发旅游餐饮的探讨

    A Discussion on the Development of Tourist Food and Beverage for Catering Industry

  23. 沟通&餐饮企业绩效管理的灵魂

    Communication-the Soul of Performance Management in the Catering Industry

  24. 基于社会网络的餐饮企业商务模式实证研究

    Empirical Research on Restaurant Business Model Based on the Theory of Social Network

  25. 浅谈中国餐饮企业的创新

    The bring forth new ideas on Chinese restaurant enterprice

  26. 餐饮企业的定价策略

    Strategies of How to Fix Price in Catering Enterprises

  27. 电子菜谱系统的应用有效提升了餐饮企业的竞争能力。

    The electronic menu system will help catering company to improve its competitiveness .

  28. 提升餐饮企业员工满意度的探讨

    A Probe of Improving the Satisfaction Degrees of Employees

  29. 青岛市餐饮企业食品安全问题及对策研究

    Study on the Problems and Measures of Catering Enterprise Food Safety in Qingdao

  30. 基于顾客购买意向的老字号餐饮企业知识管理战略

    Knowledge Management Strategies in Traditional Renowned Chinese Restaurants Based on Customer Purchasing Intent