
  • 网络Local Enterprises
  1. 跨国公司提供的市场需求促进了地方企业的成长;

    Their demands boost the growth of local enterprises ;

  2. 地方企业也加入了救灾行列。

    Local enterprises were also pitching in .

  3. 破产的都是规模较小的地方企业。

    It is the smaller local players that have lost out .

  4. 基于技术权力的地方企业网络演化研究

    A Study on Technology Power and Evolution of Regional Enterprise Networks

  5. 所有这些服务也将创造就业并支持地方企业。

    All of these services also create jobs and support local businesses .

  6. 地方企业改革经验对军队企业的启示

    Implications of reforms of the civilian sector on military enterprises

  7. 简论我国地方企业集群的研究意义

    The research agenda on local clusters of enterprises in China

  8. 我们也看到了,在经济危机期间,大量地方企业关门歇业。

    We all saw local businesses close their doors during the crisis .

  9. 如果你想知道的地方企业简介,你觉得这是一个按钮解决方案。

    If you are wondering where abouts you find this one button solution .

  10. 加强信息化建设实现地方企业的电子商务

    Strengthening Construction of MIS for E-com-merce of Local Enterprise

  11. 但分析人士说,省级主管部门一般会优先考虑地方企业。

    But analysts say that provincial authorities generally give preference to local companies .

  12. 还调动了妇女运动组织、非政府组织和地方企业。

    The women 's movement , NGOs and local businesses were also mobilized .

  13. 委员会中有许多地方企业的代表。

    Local businesses are well represented on the committee .

  14. 哪些市场现由地方企业占有?有哪些市场扩张的好机会?

    What markets are now served by local businesses and what are good market expansion opportunities ?

  15. 北仑港的兴起,还带动了当地一些地方企业的发展。

    The rise of Beilun port also gives impetus to the development of some local enterprises .

  16. 全球性和地方企业在战略决策制定层面也应考虑到这些风险因素。

    Global and local corporations should also factor in these risks at the strategic decision-making level .

  17. 他们只关心通过地方企业赚钱,表明他们能促进增长。

    They just care about making money from local companies and showing they can promote growth .

  18. 发展地方企业集群已经成为各国公共政策的热点。

    To develop regional industrial cluster has become the hotspot of the public policy in every country .

  19. 地方企业集群制度变迁的演化论解释&以浙江模式为例

    An Interpretation of Institutional Change in Local Clusters of Enterprises : The Model in Zhejiang Province as Example

  20. 地方企业出口48.7亿美元,比上年增长5.3%。

    Exports from local enterprises reached us $ 4.87 billion , up by5.3 percent over the previous year .

  21. 所以,反腐对象将既包括老虎、也包括苍蝇,而且将不仅限于地方企业。

    Hence , the targets will be tigers as well as flies , and not restricted to local companies .

  22. 地方企业可能会反对较长的学年,因为学生无法在暑期长假岗位上工作。

    Local businesses may object to a longer school year because students are unable to work as long at summer jobs .

  23. 英格兰西北部地区约65家地方企业从海运公司到地产开发商为世博馆赞助了140万英镑。

    Some 65 regional businesses , from shipping lines to property developers , raised £ 1.4m to sponsor the Expo pavilion .

  24. 他也找来地方企业赞助这些单亲妈妈,捐赠了一笔钱作为周末的保姆费和交通费。

    He had local businesses sponsor the women . They donated money needed to cover babysitting for the weekend and transportation .

  25. 我们发现,国企高管的政治关联的确损害了公司业绩,地方企业受害尤甚。

    We find that the political connections in SOEs do harmed the corporate performance , especially in the local SOEs group .

  26. 章丘有机玻璃集群和诸城汽车企业集群的升级案例探索了我国地方企业集群隐性升级的实现路径。

    Through cases of Zhangqiu organic glass cluster and Zhucheng auto business cluster , the practical path of cluster latent upgrading is explored .

  27. 在许多拥挤的地方企业没有自己的停车场,几乎任何车辆都可以付费停车。

    Some spaces in a parking lot may be marked as " reserved " for certain people , including those who are handicapped .

  28. 他还承诺在加强本国社会和环境项目的同时关注建立中小型地方企业。

    He also promised to focus on building up small and medium-sized local businesses while strengthening social and environmental programs in Costa Rica .

  29. 地方企业进出口总值134.03亿美元,比上年增长15%;

    Total volume of imports and exports of local enterprises was US $ 13.403 billion , up by 15 percent over the previous year ;

  30. 出口总额中机电产品出口占地方企业出口的59.8%,主要是电子及通信产品。

    Of the total volume of exports , the exports of electromechanical products accounted for 59.8 percent , which mainly included electronic and telecom products .