
dì fɑnɡ xínɡ zhènɡ jī ɡuān
  • local administrative department
  1. 地方行政机关后勤管理体制创新研究

    The Innovation of Logistic System Reform of Local Administrative Organs

  2. 谈我国地方行政机关的军事行政立法权

    On Military Administrative Legislative Power of Local Administrative Authorities

  3. 该组织还从世界上所有重要的政府机构,国家和地方行政机关中另外招聘人。

    It has recruited people from all important government institutions , state and local administrations .

  4. 此外,政府层级过于繁杂,省级、地区以及地方行政机关过多;不仅没有代替中央政府发挥职能,反倒使其功能重复纷乱。

    It also has too many layers of Government : provincial , regional and local administrations that oftenduplicate rather than replace the activities of central government .

  5. 本论文主要采取理论和社会调查相结合的研究方法,从法律法规的角度探讨地方教育行政机关如何管理民办幼儿园。

    By adopting the method of theory combined with social investigation , this article discusses that the local educational authorities how to manage civilian-sponsored kindergartens in the view of law .

  6. 行政垄断是地方政府行政机关和国家行业经济管理部门主要凭借行政权力的行使,在其他公共权力综合运用的影响下,对经济活动进行排他性控制、消除或者限制市场竞争的行为。

    Administrative monopoly refers to the behaviors of controlling and cornering market competition by the way of utilization of other public power under the control of administrative organs in local government and national trade economic management .

  7. (十四)改变或者撤销地方各级国家行政机关的不适当的决定和命令;

    ( 14 ) to alter or annul inappropriate decisions and orders issued by local organs of state administration at various levels ;

  8. 它包括这样五层含义:1.政府职能的主体是行政组织系统及其工作人员,表现为从中央到地方的国家行政机关,在中央为国务院及其部委,在地方为地方政府及其组成部分;

    It includes five parts : 1 . The main body of the government 's function is the administrative organization system and its staff .

  9. 省一级政府是地方最高的行政机关,对包括义务教育在内的各项地方公共事业负首要的责任,有责任为平衡本省或本市内部各个地区之间的义务教育发展差异提供资金支持。

    Provincial government is the place of the highest administrative organs . It has the responsibility to balance the province or city , including compulsory education and provide financial support .

  10. 论文以我国国有粮食企业改革改制,以及地方粮食行政管理机关职能转变的总体要求和趋势为背景,采用理论与实际相结合的方法,研究浏阳市国有粮食行业资源的重组方案。

    Taking the general demand and tendency of grain SOEs reform and re-structuring and function transformation of local grain administrations , this thesis reviews the re-structuring scheme of state-owned grain industry resources through combining theory with practice .

  11. 论地方行政立法中行政机关与公众的沟通机制

    Liaison Mechanism between Administrative Authority and Public of Local Administrative Legislation

  12. 第五,地方主义对行政监察机关工作干扰太大;

    Localism interferes the work of administrative superintendence .

  13. 根据著作权法的规定,设立了国家版权局和地方著作权行政管理机关。

    The State Copyright Administration and local copyright administrative organs have been established in accordance with the copyright law .

  14. 而地方政府作为地方行政机关,它的诚信也是政府诚信的重要内容。

    As local administrative organs of local government , its credibility is also the important part of the government credit .

  15. 地方议会和地方行政机关的合作与制约关系构成了地方自治制度的主线。

    Relations of cooperation and constraint of Local councils and local administrations constitute the main line of the system of local self-government .

  16. 第五条广告的管理机关是国家工商行政管理机关和地方各级工商行政管理机关。

    Article 5 . The administrative organs controlling advertisements shall be the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and local administrative departments for industry and commerce at various levels .

  17. 地方各级工商行政管理机关负责对本机关核准登记的市场和上级工商行政管理机关授权管辖的市场的年检。

    The local administrations at all levels are responsible for annual inspections over markets registered with them and inspections over markets to which they have jurisdictions by authorizations from the Administration for Industry and commerce at the upper level .

  18. 地方政府决策是指由省、市、县等地方行政机关依法定权限分别处理本行政区域内的地方性行政管理事务时所做出的决策。

    Local government decision-making is made by the provincial , city , county and other local executive authority were dealt with in accordance with the law for the administrative regions of the local administrative affairs made the decision-making .

  19. 韩国地方自治制度的核心内容是地方自治团体,其主要包括地方议会和地方行政机关两个组成部分。

    The core content of the local autonomy system in Korea is the local government bodies , including local councils and local administrations to two components .

  20. 地方各级人民政府是地方各级国家权力机关的执行机关,是地方各级国家行政机关。

    Local people 's governments at various levels are the executive bodies of local organs of state power as well as the local organs of State Administration at the corresponding levels .