
shānɡ biāo jú
  • trademark office;trademark bureau
  1. 中华人民共和国专利商标局ABC公司:我们受理你公司关于注册卫洁洗衣机商标的申请。

    Patent and Trademark Bureau of P.R.C ABC Company : We accept your application of registration of the trademark for your Weijie washing machine .

  2. 商标局坚持只有两种文字可以在商标上使用。

    The Trademark Bureau insists that only two languages be used on the labels .

  3. •5月11日,美国专利商标局(theUSPatent&TrademarkOffice)公布了苹果与电视技术相关的专利。

    • as recently as May-11 the US Patent & Trademark Office has published Apple patents relating to television-specific technology .

  4. 中国商务部有关官员和商标局星期二对记者表示,他们认为,深圳唯冠科技公司是iPad这个具有标志意义商标的合法所有者。

    Officials with the nation 's commerce ministry and its trademark office told reporters Tuesday they regard Shenzhen-based Proview Technology as the rightful owner of the iconic trademark .

  5. 据《TheBlast》杂志报道,美国专利商标局告诉这位金发美女,她必须尽快证明自己就是比伯夫人,不然他们不能在她的文件上盖章。

    But the US Patent & Trademark office has told the blonde beauty that she very soon must prove she is indeed Mrs Bieber before they will put their stamp of approval on her paperwork , according to The Blast .

  6. 第一,被指控侵权者不必被送至法庭,可到专利商标局(PTO)说明其非法性。

    One would let an alleged infringer of a patent challenge its validity at the Patent and Trademark Office ( PTO ) , rather than going to court .

  7. 通过对美国专利商标局(USPTO)专利数据库检索过程的实例说明,介绍该专利网络检索方法,供用户在检索美国专利文献时参考与使用。

    The methods for USPTO patent database searching were introduced by examples , so as to be used to search patents in United States .

  8. 玛雅·布伊娜,凯莎·布坎南和塞欧翰·多娜茜已向欧盟商标局的内部市场协调局OHIM提交申请,对该组合名称进行注册。

    Mutya Buena , Keisha Buchanan and Siobhan Donaghy have applied to register the name with the European Union 's trademark office OHIM .

  9. 著名的联邦法官RichardPosner,一个对美国专利制度的直言不讳的批评者,甚至建议国家的专利和商标局被赋予听证专利纠纷的工作以及处理更广范围工作的足够资源。

    A well-known federal judge , Richard Posner , an outspoken critic of America 's patent system , has even suggested that the country 's Patent and Trademark Office be given the job of hearing patent disputes-and sufficient resources to handle a wider remit .

  10. 他表示会对这个审判结果提起上诉。美国专利商标局于2008年批准红底鞋为Louboutin专利,于是Louboutin因为伊夫圣罗兰侵犯其商标权出售红底高跟鞋而将后者告上法庭。

    Louboutin sued YSL alleging that several of its rival 's shoes infringed Louboutin 's trademark on women 's shoes with a red outsole , which was granted to the company in 2008 by America 's Patent and Trademark Office .

  11. 直到商业方法软件发明专利在美国专利与商标局(USPTO)被大量授予,国内外理论界才开始对美国的软件发明专利的审查标准提出批评。

    Until the United States Patent and Trademark Office ( USPTO ) endorse a great deal of business method related software patents , criticisms for the nonobviousness examination standard of software patent of America was put forward by the domestic and international theoretical circle .

  12. 在第二章,笔者重点阐述了美国最高院在KSR中对原有的非显而易见性审查标准的修正以及美国专利商标局在KSR案之后对审查指南的修改。

    In the second chapter , the author focuses on the amendment on the original patent non-obviousness review standard of the United States Supreme Court in KSR and the changes of Review Guidelines of the United States Patent and Trademark Office after the case KSR .

  13. 它(商标局)会寄给你标准表格要你填写。

    It will send you standard form for you to fill out .

  14. 美国专利商标局的战略计划绩效评估模式及其启示

    The Model of Performance Evaluation of Strategic Plan in USPTO and Its Revelation

  15. 获得国家商标局的核准要多长时间?

    How long will it take to obtain the approval from National Trademark Bureau ?

  16. 法律顾问公司SmartUp率先发现了苹果和谷歌递交给美国专利与商标局的文件。

    Legal marketplace SmartUp first spotted the filings with the U.S. Patent and Trademark office .

  17. 生效日为商标局做出决定之日。

    The effective date shall be the date when the Trademark Bureau makes the decision .

  18. 中华人民共和国专利商标局

    Patent and Trademark Bureau of P.R.C

  19. 商标局对申请在先的自然予以优先。

    The Trademark Office , of course , gives precedence to the person who files first .

  20. 意大利专利商标局,该局在执行这一项目的整个过程中均提供帮助。

    The Italian patent and trademark office , which provides assistance throughout the implementation of the project .

  21. 美国曾经仅有一个位于弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿的专利商标局办公室。

    The nation 's only Patent and Trademark Office used to be located in Arlington , Virginia .

  22. 对于任何据称违反物理定律的专利申请,美国专利商标局都要求提供工作样机。

    The USPTO has taken to requiring a working prototype of anything that purportedly breaches the laws of physics .

  23. 在商标局受理撤销申请后,商标注册人有无权利转让该商标?

    After the abolition of trademark registration by trademark offices , does the registrant have the right to transfer it ?

  24. 这项细胞系技术本月获得美国专利商标局的专利保护.

    This month , they secured US patent protection for the cell line from the US Patent and Trademark Office .

  25. 这不仅仅是美国专利和商标局缺乏严格的审核程序而导致的失败。

    It is not simply a failure of the United States Patent and Trademark Office to scrutinise applications more rigorously .

  26. 首先,必须向有关的国家或地区商标局提出商标注册申请。

    First , an application for registration of a trademark must be filed with the appropriate national or regional trademark office .

  27. 美国专利商标局表示,海莉的申请中需要包含手写的同意书,以证明她确实是海莉·比伯。

    The USPTO says Hailey needs to include written consent in her application to prove that she is indeed Hailey Bieber .

  28. 质权人和出质人可以直接向商标局申请,也可以委托商标代理机构代理。

    The pledgor and the pledgee may directly apply to the trademark bureau or may authorize a trademark agency to file an application .

  29. 国家工商行政管理总局商标局负责办理注册商标专用权质权登记。

    The State Administration for Industry and Commerce shall be responsible for handling the registration of pledge of exclusive rights to registered trademarks .

  30. 越来越多的人开始承认“兄弟姐妹日”,它还拥有了美国专利和商标局的特殊标志。

    More and more people are accepting NSD and it now has a " Special Mark " from the US Patent and Trademark Office .