
shānɡ yè wēi jī
  • commercial crisis
  1. 事实上,在1859年,它已被写进1857-58年商业危机的历史。

    In fact it was written in 1859 , in a history of the commercial crisis of 1857-58 .

  2. 这两位教授认为,应对商业危机的方法就是将管理转变成类似医药或法律的一种职业。

    The two argue that the answer to business 's crisis is to turn management into a profession like medicine or law .

  3. 资产者彼此间日益加剧的竞争以及由此引起的商业危机,使工人的工资越来越不稳定。

    The growing competition among the bourgeois , and the resulting commercial crises , make the wages of the workers ever more fluctuating .

  4. 只要指出在周期性的重复中越来越危及整个资产阶级社会生存的商业危机就够了。

    It is enough to mention the commercial crises that by their periodical return put on its trial , each time more threateningly , the existence of the entire bourgeois society .

  5. 华尔街金融风暴与商业银行危机管理启示

    Financial Storm in the Wall Street and Implications for Commercial Bank 's Crisis Management

  6. 我国商业银行危机处理法律制度研究《孙子兵法》在企业危机处理中的应用

    Research on the Legal System on the Settlement of Crisis of the Chinese Business Bank

  7. 其中我国商业银行危机救助的具体法律法规制度不完善,包括最后贷款人法律制度、接管法律制度、市场退出法律制度。

    In China , the legal system of commercial banking crisis salvation is not perfect , including last resort system , the market withdrawal of bank .

  8. 马来西亚人对自己的国家被描绘为政治腐败、闭塞、技术上无能、以及缺乏商业与危机管理技巧感到愤慨。

    Malaysians resent the way their country has been depicted as a politically corrupt backwater , technically inept and lacking in business and crisis management skills .

  9. 结合中国国情和经济金融转型,提出国外商业银行危机处理法律制度对我国的启示。

    Basis on the current situation of China and transform of economic finance , it brings the experience on legal settlement of business bank crisis in abroad and the edification to China .

  10. 为何分业经营是必要的?最重要的原因简单明了:只有商业银行危机才会构成系统性风险,并进而引发我们如今面临的这种乱局。

    The overriding reason why this separation is essential is straightforward . It is only a commercial banking crisis that poses a systemic risk and can lead to the sort of mess we face today .

  11. 当时担任这家银行集团首席执行官的约翰•里德(JohnReed)寻求应对让该行濒临崩溃的商业房地产危机,他做出了几番尝试才实现了拯救花旗的变革。

    When John Reed , then chief executive of the banking group , sought to tackle a crisis in commercial real estate that took the company to the brink of collapse , he needed several goes to make the changes that saved it .

  12. 巴克莱(Barclays)全球信贷策略主管罗伯特•麦卡迪(RobertMcAdie)表示:我们正处于一个小型的商业票据市场危机之中,至少其中一半的原因与结构性投资工具管道有关。

    We are in the middle of a mini-crisis in the commercial paper market , at least half of which is related to the SIV conduits , says Robert McAdie , global head of credit strategy at Barclays .

  13. 对中小商业银行财务危机预警机制的思考

    Thinking on small and medium commercial bank finance crisis prevention mechanism

  14. 你的商业能度过危机吗?

    Can your business come through a crisis well ?

  15. 欧洲商业银行的危机管理

    Risk Management of European Commercial Banks

  16. 在商业中,危机是必不可少的。

    Crisis is inevitable in business .

  17. 商业银行的危机短视症,使银行承担了相对其资本实力较大的风险敞口。

    The crisis myopia in commercial banks has led banks to shoulder larger risk exposures compared with their capital power .

  18. 基于国有商业银行隐性危机提出的以财务困境分析为核心的实时财务监控是一个前沿性研究课题。

    It ′ s a hot subject to construct a real-time financial control model based on recessive crisis of state-owned commercial banks .

  19. 但是由于道德风险的存在,使得财政在处理国有商业银行财务危机中发生的成本一再扩大。

    However , due to moral hazards , the fiscal cost has expanded again and again in dealing with the financial crisis of state-owned commercial banks .

  20. 事实上,由于伦理的缺失而导致许多商业银行出现危机甚至破产的例子不胜枚举。

    Actually , in many cases , it was the lack of ethic that resulted in the crises of banks and some even led to their bankruptcy .

  21. 由于商业地产融资危机仍在持续,因此该市场将较去年的创纪录水平有所回落,预计今年全球商业地产投资将下降17%。

    Global investment in commercial property is forecast to fall 17 per cent this year as the continuing crisis in commercial property financing drags the market from record levels last year .

  22. 但90年代后期所谓美女作家的出现,标志着女性的身体写作出现了商业化的危机,非但不能对父权制文化构成抵抗,反而成为父权制社会的消费品。

    However , the appearance of so-called " beauty writer " in the late 90 's indicates the danger of commercialization of feminine body writing , which falls a hedonist commodity for patriarchy society rather than , as it is always expected , constitutes a counteraction to patriarchy culture .

  23. 国有商业银行隐性财务危机的成因与监测指标分析

    Causes & Monitoring Indicators of Recessive Financial Crisis of State-owned Commercial Banks

  24. 商业领袖说欧元危机使得这种多元化变得比以前更加迫切。

    The euro crisis , say business leaders , simply makes such diversification even more urgent than it was before .

  25. “商业地产不是这次危机的中心,”德国一个大型基金的经理人这样说。

    " Commercial real estate was not at the heart of the crisis ," says a big fund manager in Germany .

  26. 三是对我国异地城市商业银行运营安全危机预控管理体系的框架进行了构建,力求做到内容新颖。

    Thirdly , building the framework for operation safety crisis pre-control management system of city commercial bank in different cities and providing new contents .

  27. 综观近年来国内外商业银行发生的危机和事件,内部控制不健全或存在缺陷是商业银行陷入困境甚至倒闭的主要原因。

    After reviewing current major banking crisis , we can find that the defects or incompleteness of internal control system are the main causes for the bankruptcy of banks .

  28. 众多国际著名投资银行和商业银行在此次危机中关门倒闭,曾经辉煌得不可一世的金融翘楚受危机拖累,或被兼并,或报亏损,或被迫转行;甚至出现个别国家资不抵债、破产的情况。

    Many well-known international investment banks and commercial banks were confronted with close and collapse . The once dominant leaders were dragged down by the crisis , or were merged , or reported deficit , or were forced to switch , some little countries even confronted bankruptcy .

  29. 论文首先介绍了什么是企业商业伦理文化,商业伦理所涉及的各种关系以及企业商业伦理危机的主要表现。

    Firstly , it is introduced what is enterprise business ethics culture , the various relations of business ethics and the main performance of enterprise business ethics crisis .

  30. 本文就商业诚信问题进行了以下三个方面的论述:第一部分,分析了中国当代商业诚信危机产生的原因。

    In this paper , business integrity issues discussed in the following three aspects : The first part of the contemporary Chinese business integrity causes of the crisis .