
shì jiè jīnɡ jì wēi jī
  • world economic crisis
  1. 这包括在20国集团(G20)共同努力,设法应对世界经济危机,这场经济危机不仅对我们两国,而且对全世界都造成了如此重大的影响。

    That includes working together in the G20 to manage the world economic crisis that had such an impact not only on both our countries , but on the entire world .

  2. 世界经济危机背景下中国的外交走向

    Development Route of Chinese Diplomacy in the Context of World Economic Crisis

  3. 当前世界经济危机下浙江省外贸出口的SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis on Zhejiang Export Trade under Current Global Financial Crisis

  4. 美国200亿的电子游戏市场正受到世界经济危机的影响,因此微软的kinect是承担着巨大风险的。

    The $ 20 billion US video game market has been hard hit by the economic downturn . So the pressure is on for Microsoft to score big with Kinect .

  5. 1929年,世界经济危机引发了失业恐慌。

    The global economic crisis in 1929 aroused fear of unemployment .

  6. 1929-1933年世界经济危机对中国农村的影响

    Effect of the 1929-1933 capitalist economic crisis on China 's rural areas

  7. 浅议1929~1933年世界经济危机对中国经济的影响

    Discussion on the Impact of 1929-1933 World Economic Crisis on China 's Economy

  8. 世界经济危机新特点研究

    On the New Features of World Econonic Crises

  9. 在世界经济危机的背景下,英国成功的取消了德国的赔款。

    When the Great Depression broke out , Britain successfully cancel all the reparations .

  10. 世界经济危机形势下的东北优化开发主体功能区建设方略

    Strategy Adoption in Construction of the Northeast Development Priority Zone v.s Global Economic Crisis

  11. 供求不对称性质的新解释与当今世界经济危机

    A New Interpretation of the Asymmetry of Supply-Demand and the Economic Crisis in the World

  12. 在资本主义世界经济危机史上,1929年的经济危机具有特殊的地位。

    In the capitalism world economics crisis history , 1929 economic crisis had the special status .

  13. 冰岛储蓄银行Icesave2008年在世界经济危机最严重时倒闭。

    The bank , Icesave , failed in2008 at the height of the world financial crisis .

  14. 经过了2008年世界经济危机的冲击,企业所面对的是更加激烈竞争的市场。

    After the 2008 world economic crisis , what enterprises facing is the fierce competition in the market .

  15. 与此同时,世界经济危机让中国的有利地位更加突出。

    Meanwhile , the world economic crisis has catapulted China to even greater prominence in its own right .

  16. 但国际资本的大规模流动和放松的外汇管制背景,致使世界经济危机频发。

    Large-scale flow of international capital and the relaxation of foreign exchange control frequently led to global economic crises .

  17. 然而,一路狂飙突进的中国艺术神话却突然在2009年世界经济危机全面爆发的大背景下崩塌。

    However , the advanced rapidly myth of Chinese art collapsed suddenly against the background of global economic crisis in2009 .

  18. 再加上2008年世界经济危机的影响,使得汽车出口企业面临前所未有的巨大危机。

    Additionally , with the impact of the 2008 global economic crisis , the automobile export enterprises has confronted unprecedented crisis .

  19. 世界经济危机,我国经济社会发展的失衡凸显。

    Following the economic crisis of world , the characteristic of out-of-balance with our developing pattern of economy and society is prominent .

  20. 为了以防人人都陷入难以自控的激动情绪,第四件大事&世界经济危机来给大家提了个醒。

    But in case anyone was in danger of getting carried away , along came big event number four-the world financial crisis .

  21. 电子政务必将会给非洲某国带来一个新的发展机遇,特别是在当前世界经济危机时期,国家经济持续稳定的发展就更需要政府的开放和高效工作来保证。

    E-government is bound to bring about the African country a new development opportunities , especially in the current world economic crisis period .

  22. 但是在20国集团峰会开幕之前一个重要问题是,这次峰会在解决世界经济危机问题上是否能真正做到同心协力。

    But the big question leading up to the G20 summit is , will there be genuine unity in addressing the world economic crisis ?

  23. 世界经济危机之后,外部评级机构受到了广泛批评,因为它们的评级结果在某种程度上误导了投资者。

    After the global economic crisis , the external rating agencies has been widely criticized because of their ratings to some extent misleading investors .

  24. 1929年末开始了世界经济危机,全世界掀起了反思资本主义的左翼浪潮。

    Began in late 1929 , the world economic crisis , the world set off a wave of reflection on the left-wing of capitalism .

  25. 中国在20072008年间世界经济危机中展现出自己的优势,同时美国暴露了自己在金钱权利方面的劣势。

    China emerged from the2007-8 global economic crisis with a new sense of its strength and corresponding US weakness when it comes to money and power .

  26. 布什总统是这个国家无用的领导人。他被有些国家的领导人认为是世界经济危机的根源。

    Mr. Bush is a lame duck president of a nation , blamed by some world leaders for being at the root cause of economic crisis .

  27. 此期间中国刚刚从世界经济危机的阴影中摆脱出来,中国股市企稳回升,基金市场的走势进入上升通道。

    In this period , Chinese economic shake off the shadow of world financial crisis and recover steadily . Both the stock market and fund market are rising .

  28. 我们现在看到了这种隔离政策无意中带来的一些好处:非洲受到发达世界经济危机的冲击较小。

    We now see some of the inadvertent benefits from this isolation : Africa is less exposed to the fallout from the contaminated economies of the developed world .

  29. 我国为应对2008年爆发的世界经济危机,加大了基础设施建设的投资力度,给地方财政造成了很大的压力。

    In response to the 2008 outbreak of the world economic crisis , our country increased infrastructure investment , which created a lot of pressure to local governments .

  30. 20世纪30年代,基于政治、地理及经济等因素,加之世界经济危机风暴的冲击,粤港两地走私现象日趋猖獗。

    In the 1930s , as a result of political , geographical and economic factors , accompanied by the shock of world-wide economic crisis , smuggling between Guangdong and Hongkong became increasingly rampant .