
shì jiè shì chǎnɡ
  • world market;international market
  1. 当产量超过需求时,过剩的产品便倾销到世界市场。

    It produces more than it needs , then dumps its surplus onto the world market .

  2. 六大唱片公司都是跨国经营,因此能够将世界市场按国家划分。

    The big six record companies are multinational , and thus can segment the world market into national ones .

  3. 国内价格已调整到与世界市场一致。

    Domestic prices have been aligned with those in world markets .

  4. 这会给世界市场乱上添乱。

    This would add to the disarray in world markets .

  5. 他们的产品在世界市场上享有越来越高的声誉。

    Their products enjoy ever higher prestige in the world market .

  6. 实施ERP是中国企业进行多方位变革,顺应历史潮流,走向世界市场的必然趋势。

    Implementing ERP is precisely the inevitable trend that Chinese enterprises carry on in-every-way transformation , comply with the historical trend and move towards the world market .

  7. 基于对我国纺织品出口在世界市场上的地位和对2005年初我国纺织品出口剧烈变化的现状分析,讨论了ATC协议结束后我国纺织品出口屡遭限制的内在原因;

    Based on position of national textile export in the world market and the analyses of changeful situation of national textile export in 2005 , the inner reasons of recurrent restriction of national textile export at the beginning of Post-ATC era were discussed .

  8. 第二要加强国际贸易,拓展世界市场。

    Second , strengthen international trade , extend world market .

  9. 绿色营销是未来世界市场营销的主流

    Green sale will become the main stream of market in the future

  10. 一九九四年世界市场上开发的新染色助剂

    94 ' New Dyeing Auxiliary Agents in the World Market

  11. 这对生产者及世界市场有重要影响。

    This has main effect to generator and world market .

  12. 这种产品在世界市场上会卖得很好。

    The product will sell well in the world market .

  13. 贵方价格很合理而且与世界市场一致。

    Your price is quiet reasonable and in line with the world market .

  14. 中国市场与世界市场将更加紧密地融为一体。

    The Chinese market will be more closely integrated with the world market .

  15. 中国汽车业的发展不可能独立于世界市场之外。

    China 's auto industry will not be dependent with world auto industry .

  16. 失业是当今世界市场经济国家伴随经济高速发展而日渐突显出来的一种普遍经济现象,它严重削弱经济进步的推动力,制约劳动力资源的优化配置。

    Unemployment is regarded as a common phenomenon in countries of market economy .

  17. 聚四氟乙烯生产现状及世界市场

    China 's polytetrafluoroethylene productive situation and its world market

  18. 世界市场竞争激烈,你不能无视这一点。

    You cannot ignore that there 's a keen competition on the world market .

  19. 低压电器的世界市场及发展

    Global market and development of low voltage apparatus

  20. 具备几年世界市场的营销经验。

    He will already have some years of selling in world markets behind him .

  21. 当前世界市场危机具有一种从发达国家向新兴工业化国家转移的趋势。

    World market crises today tend to transfer from developed countries to developing industrial countries .

  22. 最近几年美元在世界市场上的价值已有所下降。

    The value of the dollar on the world market has declined in recent years .

  23. 把世界市场挡在国门外以及忽略价格的上涨不是一件容易的事。

    It is not easy to remain outside the global market and ignore rising prices .

  24. 这些蘑菇在国内或世界市场鲜食、干食均可。

    These mushrooms are usually consumed fresh or dried in both the domestic or world market .

  25. 论马克思的世界市场理论

    On Marx World Market Theory

  26. 2000年前后世界市场上的战斗机(上)

    International Market of Fighter / Combat Aircraft Before and After the year 2000 ( Part One )

  27. 对全球经济健康的担忧再次冲击着世界市场。

    Worries about the health of the global economy are again taking their toll on the world markets .

  28. 这些库存通常不得不在不景气的世界市场上处理掉,或作为食品援助送掉。

    The stocks usually have to be disposed of on depressed world markets or given away as food aid .

  29. 在剧烈变化的世界市场条件下,制造企业需要改变制造策略来把握和创造市场机遇。

    In a constantly changing world market , manufacturing enterprise should change its strategy to meet and create market chance .

  30. 浓缩苹果汁贸易量占到世界市场份额的1/3以上。

    And the Shaanxi apple juice market share accounted for more than 1 / 3 of the world trade volume .