
  • 网络The World Factbook;CIA World Fact Book
  1. 多年来,新加坡的领导者一直在担心这个国家的出生率。根据《美国中央情报局世界概况》(CIAWorldFactbook)2011年的估计,新加坡出生率为千分之7.72,处于全世界最低水平。

    Singapore 's leaders have worried for years about the country 's birthrate , which is among the lowest in the world at 7.72 births per 1000 people , according to 2011 estimates from the CIA World Factbook .

  2. 而NetApplications正是使用《中情局世界概况》来权衡其从客户网站上收集来的各国数据。

    Netapplications , in turns , weighs the county-by-county data it collects from client websites using you guessed it the CIA Factbook .

  3. 到世界概况,货币转换器和有用的链接也较多。

    Also useful links to World Factbook , currency converter , and more .

  4. 从美国中央情报局世界概况中的数据表明,在美国的主机数量是中国的28倍之多。

    Yes , these numbers ( from the CIA World Factbook ) do indeed show that there are28 times as many Internet hosts ( machines ) in the United States as there are in China .

  5. 据美国中央情报局(CIA)的世界各国概况统计,日本国债已经约为相当于其国内生产总值(GDP)的200%,仅次于津巴布韦,位居世界第二。

    Its national debt already is roughly 200 % of GDP & second only to Zimbabwe , according to the CIA Factbook .

  6. 国际自动控制联合会(IFAC)第15届世界大会概况

    15th International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress

  7. 从美国中央情报局的世界各国概况(CIAFactbook)数据看,2010年,中国的人均国内生产总值从2009年的3744美元增至2010年的4300美元,增幅达到15%。

    Its GDP per capita surged from just $ 3,744 in 2009 to $ 4,300 in 2010 , according to the CIA Factbook , a 15 % jump .

  8. 世界史概况是本学期开的课程之一。

    A Survey of World History is one of the courses offered this term .

  9. 红豆杉属植物资源及其世界分布概况

    Resources and Distribution of Taxus in the World

  10. 豌豆豆科植物的一种红豆杉属植物资源及其世界分布概况

    A member of the pea family . Resources and Distribution of Taxus in the World

  11. 1994年世界气候概况

    The World Climate in 1994

  12. 首先,本论文对当今世界农药概况尤其是除草剂情况做出了大体的叙述。

    First , this thesis describes today 's world general situation of the pesticide , especially the herbicide .

  13. 介绍了具有代表性的“边缘车”一如运动公用型汽车、多用途汽车等世界市场概况。

    This article introduces the global market condition for some typical niche vehicles such as sport utility vehicle , multi purpose vehicle etc.

  14. 全世界的疾病概况正在迅速演变。

    The disease profile of the world is rapidly evolving .

  15. 世界天然橡胶概况及中国的重大成就

    The General Situation of Natural Rubber in The World and Great Success in China

  16. 世界可可业概况与发展海南可可业的建议

    Suggestions on Development of Cacao Industry in Hainan

  17. 世界钛资源概况

    A brief description of world 's titanium resource

  18. 2000年世界禽肉产销概况

    Global Poultry Production and Market in 2000

  19. 世界汽车工业概况

    Overview of world automobile industry

  20. 世界核桃产销概况与湖北名优产品开发对策

    General Situation of Production and Sales of World Walnut and Countermeasures on Development of Hubei Excellent and Famous Products

  21. 地磁台站建设中磁测异常现象分析世界地磁台概况

    Analysis on geomagnetic surveying abnormal phenomena in the construction of geomagnetic station The General Situation of World Geomagnetic Observatories

  22. 介绍了第16届世界石油大会概况和现场考察加拿大石油、石化技术工程情况;

    The article gives an introduction to a survey of the World's16th Petroleum Conference and on the spot investigation of Canada 's petrochemical technology and engineering .

  23. 叙述了世界核电发展概况、我国核电发展现状和未来以及我国锆铪产业发展机遇。

    The development situation of world nuclear power , the present state and future of our country nuclear power and the development opportunity of zirconium and hafnium industry of our country were described .

  24. 世界化肥供需概况及我国化肥工业现状不同种类有机肥对油菜茬烟田供肥特性的影响

    General Situation of Global Supply and Demand of Chemical Fertilizers and Present Status of Domestic Chemical Fertilizer Industry ; The Effects of Different Kinds of Organic Fertilizers on the Soil Nutrition of Tobacco Field after Rapeseed Stubble

  25. 世界纺织科技发展概况回顾

    A Recall of Textile Science & Technology Development in the World

  26. 全面阐述了世界非织造材料工业概况。

    A general situation of global nonwovens industry was expounded .

  27. 1995~1998年世界润滑脂生产概况

    A Survey Of Lubricating Greases Product Of World In 1995 ~ 1998

  28. 世界磁悬浮列车发展概况

    Development Trend of Magnetic Floating Trains in the World

  29. 世界高速交通发展概况北京市区地面交通综合治理研究

    Development Introduction on Global Express Communications Synthesizing Management of Surface Transportation in Beijing City

  30. 世界天文资料中心概况

    An Overview of the International Astronomical Data Centers