
  • 网络world factory;world workshop;global factory
  1. 当前,中国大有成为世界工厂之势,“MadeinChina”的标识随处可见。

    China is becoming a " world factory " and " Made in China " can be seen everywhere .

  2. 圆世界工厂梦&加入WTO与中国制造业

    Interpret the Dream of Becoming the World Factory & WTO Entry and Chinese Manufacture

  3. 微机机械CAD是CAD技术的一个重要层次,而AutoCAD是微机CAD中公认的先进支撑软件.采用先进的.接着本章的第二节着重论述了中国成为世界工厂的意义所在。

    Mechanical CAD in PC plays an important role in CAD . AutoCAD is the accepted advanced support software in PC CAD .

  4. 中国VS世界工厂

    China vs world factory

  5. 中国世界工厂的美景与破坏增长的困境

    China : Prospect of World Manufactory and Mess of Devastating Increasing

  6. 山东力谋“世界工厂”

    Shandong Striving to Be " World Fac to ry "

  7. 中国因为生产成本的优势,而成为了世界工厂。

    Because of production cost advantages , China became the world factory .

  8. 世界工厂怎样升级

    Roundtable meeting How to upgrade the World 's Factory

  9. 培养制造级技术应用人才走世界工厂之路&论职业技术教育的层次延伸

    Training the Applied Talents in Manufactory Level and Following the Road of World Factory

  10. 郭董点燃这一把足以焚毁中国世界工厂之火

    Gou has ignited a fire that could burn down all of China 's factories

  11. 走新型工业化道路建设新型“世界工厂”

    Taking the way of new industrialization and building a modern " world factory "

  12. 中国现在到底是不是世界工厂?

    Is China the world workshop now ?

  13. 从我国已成为世界工厂之说论中国制造业再造

    On the Reconstruction of China Manufacture Industry

  14. 中国短期内不会拱手让出“世界工厂”的头衔。

    China is not about to relinquish its position as factory to the world soon .

  15. 中国不是一天之内就自己成了世界工厂。

    China did not one day become the world hub of manufacturing all by itself .

  16. 大英帝国已逝去,英国也不再是世界工厂。

    The empire is gone , and the workshop of the world is no more .

  17. 第三层涵义才是真正意义上的世界工厂。

    This is the true world factory .

  18. 第四部分探讨了业务外包对我国经济发展的影响,以及外包对建立中国世界工厂带来的挑战。

    The fourth part of this paper discusses the influences of outsourcing for Chinese economic development .

  19. 世界工厂与中国制造业发展的模式分析

    " World Factory " and the Analysis on the Developmental Mode of the Chinese Manufacturing Industry

  20. 随着中国日益成为世界工厂,中国制造型企业面临的竞争变得越来越激烈。

    Chinese manufacturing cooperation are facing intense competition as China becoming the global manufacturing factory gradually .

  21. 制定适当的环境政策,在成为世界工厂的同时避免成为世界垃圾场;

    Make appropriate environmental policies to become " world plant " instead of " world dump ";

  22. 一直以来中国就是世界工厂,他也想成为世界的智力之源。

    Long the workshop of the world , China wants to be the brains as well .

  23. 诚然,中国和其他发展中国家不再会是世界工厂。

    Of course China and other emerging economies won 't be the factory of the world anymore .

  24. 而就在10年前,世界工厂开始投产。

    Then , just over a decade ago , the factory of the world went into production .

  25. 中国长久以来已世界工厂而闻名,这是名副其实的。

    China has long been known as the factory to the world , and with good reason .

  26. 从那以后,中国作为世界工厂声名(或者恶名)远扬。

    Since then China has become famous - or infamous - as the factory of the world .

  27. 他们的劳动、低工资和什么活都愿意干的态度帮助中国成为世界工厂。

    Their hands , low wages and willingness to work helped make China the world 's factory floor .

  28. 世界工厂原指世界工场,是世界经济增长重心的意思。

    The world factory originally means the world workshop which means the center of the world economical growth .

  29. 中国作为世界工厂带来的真正挑战很可能是环境上的。

    The true challenge posed by China as the workshop of the world is likely to be environmental .

  30. 但是,随着亚洲成本更低的生产基地逐渐形成,东莞的世界工厂已经面临困境。

    But the world 's workshop has been stumbling as cheaper production bases in Asia have gained ground .