
shì mào zǔ zhī
  • World Trade Organization
  1. 中方反对滥用贸易救济措施的行为,这不仅损害中国企业的合法权益,也损害世贸组织规则的严肃性与权威性。

    China took the move in hope of safeguarding the legitimate rights of Chinese enterprises , as well as to support the multilateral trading system and the authority and effectiveness of the WTO .

  2. 加入世贸组织(WTO)及我国民族保险业的对策刍议

    On Countermeasures for Chinese National Insurance Industry after Joining WTO

  3. 加入世贸组织(WTO)对我国会计工作的影响

    Impacts of Joining WTO on Chinese Accounting System

  4. 加入世贸组织(WTO),对我市汽车工业将带来冲击和挑战。

    Joining WTO will bring effects and challenge to the automobile industry of our city .

  5. 中国加入世贸组织,必然会产生WTO法的国内适用问题。

    After China 's accession to the WTO , the problem of application of WTO laws appears .

  6. 通过采取该强制行动,美国可要求与中国在世贸组织(WTO)举行正式磋商。世贸组织总部位于日内瓦。

    The enforcement action allows the US to demand formal consultations with China at the World Trade Organisation in Geneva .

  7. 在加入WTO之后,我国的引资政策必须按照世贸组织的国际投资准则加以调整,对国际直接投资既不优惠又不歧视的中性外资政策,是今后我国引进国际直接投资政策的调整方向。

    After the entry of WTO , China adjusts the policies and inclines to the neutral policy of both non-favorite and non-discrimination .

  8. 世贸组织(WTO)关于出口的现有规定力度不够,而强化这些规定的提议也没能纳入到垂死的多哈回合贸易谈判中。

    Existing World Trade Organisation export rules are weak and proposals to strengthen them failed to make it into the moribund Doha trade talks .

  9. 经济伙伴关系协定(epa)将取代被世贸组织(wto)裁定为非法的一种优惠机制。

    The economic partnership agreements ( EPAS ) replace a preferential regime ruled illegal by the World Trade Organisation .

  10. 论述加入世贸组织(WTO)后,我国无损检测面临的挑战与机遇。

    The challenges and opportunities the NDT in China will be faced with after entering World Trade Organization ( WTO ) are discussed and analysed .

  11. 经过15年的艰苦努力,我国终于在2001年11月11日正式加入世贸组织,成为WTO成员国。

    Through the arduous efforts of 15 years , our country joins WTO formally on November 11 , 2001 at last , Become WTO member state .

  12. 笔者结合现实情况,并以世贸组织(WTO)有关协定的规定为研究基础,对绿色壁垒的概况及其发展的客观现实等进行了系统的研究。

    I do a systematic research on the objective reality of the green barriers and their development , on the basis of relevant agreements in WTO .

  13. 第二部分从分析现行WTO反倾销法律制度文本条款入手,较系统地阐述世贸组织反倾销法的实体内容、程序规则及争端解决机制。

    Part ⅱ systematically , analyses substantive content , procedural rule and dispute solution mechanism of WTO from current text clause of WTO antidumping legal system .

  14. 本文简介了世贸组织的仲裁制度,论述了我国加入WTO后仲裁制度的改革。

    This paper gives brief introduction about the arbitral system of World Trade Organization , and discusses the reform of the arbitral system of our country after entering WTO .

  15. 巴西已针对中国商品采取了许多符合世贸组织(wto)规定的贸易相关行动,如提高鞋类产品关税和发起反倾销行动。

    Brazil has already taken numerous trade-related actions in line with World Trade Organisation rules against Chinese goods , such as increasing tariffs on footwear and launching anti-dumping actions .

  16. 从1999年开始,对中国加入WTO的课题的讨论便逐渐增多,到了2000年,随着中国加入世贸组织的前景越来越明朗,对这一课题的讨论进入了高峰。

    From 1999 on , The research about China entering WTO has been greatly increased . After China really entered WTO in 2000 , the amount of related research soared .

  17. 另外,他一直致力于让俄罗斯加入世贸组织(wto),而普京提高进口汽车关税的举措让这一目标更难实现。

    Furthermore , he has worked to get Russia into the World Trade Organisation , whereas Mr Putin has made that goal harder to achieve by raising tariffs on imported cars .

  18. 自2001年中国加入世贸组织(WTO)以来,许多外资银行宣布进入我国金融市场,也有数家银行入股中资银行。

    Since China became a member of the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) in 2001 , a number of foreign-banking institutions have announced their intent to enter the Chinese market .

  19. 压低人民币的政策至少违反了中国在加入国际货币基金组织(imf)和世贸组织(wto)时承诺的精神。

    The cheap-renminbi policy violates at least the spirit of the undertakings China has made as member of both the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organisation .

  20. 我国加入WTO后的财税政策,尚有许多不适应世贸组织条款要求的问题。

    Although China has joined the WTO , there are still a lot of problems existing in our financial taxation policies which don 't conform to the requirements of the WTO clauses .

  21. 根据世贸组织的官方统计,截至2005年7月,向世贸组织及其前身关贸总协定通知备案的区域贸易协定总计达330个,且只有一个WTO成员蒙古没有和任何国家缔结区域贸易协定。

    There are 330 RTAs recorded to WTO and its predecessor GATT until July 2005 except Mongolia that is the only one of WTO that has not reached any agreement with other countries .

  22. 特别是1995年WTO成立以来,各成员方根据世贸组织反倾销协议规定的内容,纷纷制定、修改或完善了各自的反倾销法律。

    Since the founding of WTO , 1995 , every member of WTO has established , amended and perfected their own anti-dumping , measures one after another according to WTO agreement on anti-dumping .

  23. 针对美国决定就盗版和版权保护问题向世贸组织(WTO)起诉中国一事,中国昨日做出强烈反应,表示这将严重损害双方已建立的合作关系,并将对双边经贸关系带来不利影响。

    China yesterday reacted harshly to a US decision to take it to the World Trade Organisation over piracy and copyright protection , saying it would seriously damage bilateral co-operation and harm business ties .

  24. 本文则利用我国改革开放以来到加入世贸组织之前的数据,对FDI与我国的出口规模、出口产品结构、出口产品竞争力等进行相关性分析。

    This paper studies the relations between FDI and China 's commodity scale , trade dependence degree , export competitiveness and export structure , based on the data between 1983 to 2001 .

  25. 随着我们对世贸组织的加入,加入GPA开放政府采购市场是迟早的事情。

    Putting into to World Trade Organization with us , it is the thing sooner or later to join GPA opening government procurement market .

  26. 21世纪是知识经济的时代,中国做为世贸组织正式成员国,不仅在经贸活动,而且在教育领域,也必须服从WTO规则的约束。

    The 21st century is one of knowledge economy . As one of WTO 's regular members , China must be obedient to its principles not only in economic activities , but also in the field of education .

  27. TRIPS协议是世贸组织中一部重要的知识产权保护文件,它对我国的商标立法和执法都产生了重大影响。

    As an important document about the protection of intellectual property rights in World Trade Organization , TRIPS Agreement has a great impact on legislation and execution of trade mark law .

  28. 作为世贸组织三大法律支柱之一的TRIPS协定由于管辖的是知识产权的问题,而知识产权在现代的人类社会的发展中起的作用越来越大。

    As one of the three main legal text of WTO , TRIPS , which rules the intellectual property rights , became more and more important in the development of modern society .

  29. 全球化时代的世界经济和贸易活动产生了对航运的新需求,特别是加入世贸组织(WTO)后,我国对外开放进一步扩大,对外贸易将会快速增长,港口经济的发展也将面临着更多的机遇。

    The world economy and international trade in globalization time bring new demand to shipping , especially after the World Tourism Organization ( WTO ) accession , with the extending of the open policy , the international trade will increase rapidly .

  30. 随着乌拉圭回合的结束和WTO的成立,世贸组织成员国之间关税的保护作用减弱,越来越多的国家采用反倾销的手段来保护本国企业的利益,反倾销在一定程度上演变成变相的贸易保护工具。

    With the end of the Uruguay Round and the establishment of WTO , the protective effect of tariffs was reduced , more countries have adopted anti-dumping measures to protect their business interests , anti-dumping actions became a trade protection tool .