
  • 网络self-directed;Self-directed learning;self- directed learning;self directed learning
  1. 在校护生自我导向学习倾向与学习成绩的相关性研究

    Correlation between Awareness of Self-directed Learning and Academic Achievements in Nursing Students

  2. 信息技术环境下贵州省大学生自我导向学习研究

    Research on Self-Directed Learning of College Students in GuiZhou Province under the IT Environment

  3. 自我导向学习(Self-DirectedLearning,SDL)是近年来世界教育领域里迅速发展起来的一种新型的学习方式,充分体现了学习者的主动性和能动性,是学习能力的核心。

    Self-directed Learning ( SDL ) is a new way of learning developed rapidly in recent years in the educational field , which fully embodies learners ' subjectivity and activity , and is the core of learning abilities .

  4. 自我导向学习中成人学习动机维持研究

    Research on Adult Learning Motivation to Maintain in Self-directed Learning

  5. 第五章,对自我导向学习进行过程分析和互动分析。

    Chapter five gives an analysis of process and interaction to self-directed learning .

  6. 新生儿专科进修医师自我导向学习能力及培养

    The practice and progress of self-directed learning of advanced studying doctors in neonatology

  7. 国外自我导向学习研究的过去、现在和未来

    The Past , Present and Future of the Research on Self-directed Learning Abroad

  8. 在线环境中的自我导向学习及其影响因素

    Self-directed Learning under Online Environment and Its Influencing Factors

  9. 第二部分,信息技术环境与自我导向学习概述。

    The second part is a summary of information technology environment and Self-directed Learning .

  10. 自我导向学习:农村教师专业发展的有效途径

    Self-directed Learning : the Effective Ways to Professional Development of Teachers in Rural Areas

  11. 结果表明:(1)教育硕士的自我导向学习准备度普遍较高。

    The results indicate that their extent of preparation for self-directed learning is generally large ;

  12. 大学生自我导向学习实践研究&《学习论》中的探索

    A Practice Research on Undergraduate Self-Directed Learning & The Exploration in the Course Learning Theories

  13. 自考助学生英语自我导向学习能力优化研究

    The Research on Optimizing English Self-direct Learning Ability of the Students in Guidance Class for Self-taught Examination

  14. 教育硕士的自我导向学习准备度与其学习成效之间存在极其显著的正相关;

    The extent of preparation for self-directed learning is strongly and positively related to the learning effect ;

  15. 通过研究发现,学生的自我导向学习在自我特征分析、学习目标制定等横向六个方面的发展变化呈螺旋上升、阶段性特点。

    According to the author 's research , students ' self-directed learning capacities characterized by spiral and phased development .

  16. 教育硕士自我导向学习准备度的积极性、挑战性和自主性对其攻读教育硕士专业学位的学习成效具有显著的正向预测作用。

    The positivity , challenge and self-determination in the preparation for self-directed learning can positively predict the learning effect .

  17. 第二章,论述了自我导向学习的概念界定、学习能力构成分析以及研究的历史与现状。

    The second chapter discusses the definition of self-directed learning , cultivation of learning ability and historical and current situation .

  18. 在借鉴前人研究成果基础上,根据统计分析的结果,该部分构建了以学习者为中心的成人自我导向学习模型。

    Drawing on previous research achievement and results of statistical analysis , the adult learner-centered self-directed learning model was made up .

  19. 本研究的目的是修订中学生自我导向学习倾向性量表,探讨它的结构和效度。

    The study was to revise the Chinese Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale for Students and explore its factorial and construct validity .

  20. 第三章,从个性、过程和情境三个方面分析论述自我导向学习的影响因素,并做了调查问卷。

    In the third chapter , factors affecting self-directed learning are discussed from the aspect of personality , process and situation through questionnaires .

  21. 第二部分介绍了自我导向学习理论的内涵、理论基础及作用。

    In the second part , introduce the idea of self-direct study theory and its base , and then give an exact definition .

  22. 提高每个社会成员的学习能力是实现终身教育,建立学习型社会的基础和关键,自我导向学习能力则是学习能力的核心。

    To improve the learning capacity of each member in the society is the key to realize the life-long education and establish a learning society .

  23. 因此,探讨成人自我导向学习的倾向、动机和特点对实现终身学习使命和构建学习型社会具有重要的理论价值和现实价值。

    Therefore , it has important theoretical and practical value for build a learning society to explore the tendency of adult self-directed learning , motivation and characteristics .

  24. 采用教育硕士自我导向学习准备度问卷和学习成效问卷对737名正在攻读教育硕士专业学位的中小学教师进行了调查。

    Questionnaires about the extent of preparation for self-directed learning and learning effect were distributed to 737 primary and secondary teachers who are studying for education master degree .

  25. 目的了解在校大专护生各年级自我导向学习倾向状况及其与学习成绩的相关性,从而揭示培养在校护生自我导向学习倾向的重要性。

    Objective To find out the correlation between awareness of self-directed learning and academic achievements in nursing students and address the importance of self-directed learning in nursing students .

  26. 第四章,通过前三章分析,对在线环境中自我导向学习情境进行设计,并给出具体设计框架。

    The fourth chapter , based on the analysis of the previous three chapters , designs a situational context about the self-directed learning environment , and offers a concrete strategy of it .

  27. 回顾自我导向学习的主要研究进展,并在此基础上,详细介绍自我导向学习在护理教育中的应用与发展。

    This article reviews the major developments , trends , and issues relative to self directed learning , and provides insight into the practice and progress of self directed learning in nursing education .

  28. 结论提高在校护生自我导向学习技能,必须加强自我导向学习能力、学习意志和学习兴趣的培养,降低父母对护生的压力。

    Conclusion In order to promote nursing students ' self-directed learning skill , we should strengthen their self-directed ability , foster their learning volition and interest , and relieve the pressures from their parents .

  29. 干预前先获得知情同意,并进行基线测量,包括两组护生的一般资料、入学成绩、前期相关课程成绩、批判性思维能力和自我导向学习能力。

    Informed consent was obtained and baseline measurements was carried out before intervention , including the general information of the two groups , enrollment score , score of relevant basic courses , critical thinking ability and independent learning ability .

  30. 大学生作为社会未来发展的生力军,培养和提高其自我导向学习能力不仅是提高大学教育质量的基础,而且是社会持续发展的关键。

    College students are the main force of the future society . Therefore , training and improving their self-directed learning capacity is not only the base for enhancing the quality of higher education , but also crucial for social sustainable development .