
  1. 学习力是现代人基础性的文化素质,具有学习力的人就是善于学习,智慧学习的人。

    The learning ability is the basic cultural quality of modern human beings . Those who possess learning ability are good at learning and can learn in a wise way .

  2. Ware写到了人们在生命最后获得的异常清晰的远见以及我们如何从他们的智慧中学习。

    Ware writes of the phenomenal clarity of vision that people gain at the end of their lives , and how we might learn from their wisdom .

  3. 如果我们有勇气和智慧去学习,任何事情都是可能的。

    anything is possible if we have the courage and wisdom to learn .

  4. 而传统农田水利中的生态智慧值得学习和借鉴。

    And the traditional irrigation and water conservancy ecological wisdom worth learning and reference .

  5. 通过智慧和学习之路始终开放,我也越来越频繁地穿梭其中。

    The gateways to wisdom and learning are always open , and more and more I am choosing to walk through them .

  6. 从前有个小沙弥,他跟着一个极有智慧的师父学习佛教。

    Once there was a novice monk who studied Buddhism with a very wise Teacher .

  7. 正是由于这个原因,智慧的人民学习不要害怕,但实际上欢迎疼痛的问题。

    It is for this reason that wise people learn not to fear but actually to welcome the pain of problems .

  8. 儿童磁性教育板,可以放在磁性板上自由组合,款式多样,是儿童开启智慧不可缺少的学习好帮手。

    Education of children magnetic board , magnetic board can be placed in an ensemble of various styles , the children open the wisdom of learning are indispensable good helper .

  9. 英国前首相丘吉尔曾说,历史藏着一切智慧,不学习历史注定要重蹈覆辙。

    As the former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill once said , In history lies all the secrets of statecraft . Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it .

  10. 最近的研究表明和从前的观点相反,智慧实际上是通过学习和研究而增加的。

    Recent research has demonstrated that contrary to previous ideas , intelligence can actually increase through study and learning .

  11. 运用现代管理和科学智慧,我们将学习看成时间项目的管理。

    Through the use of modern management and science , this programme will take learning as a project being managed through the course of time .

  12. 是一种经验和技能和智慧,你可以学习到你获得成功所需要学到的东西。

    It 's a matter of experience and skill and intelligence , and wonderfully enough , you can learn what you need to know to be successful .

  13. 集体智慧的性质和学习社区的理论基础。从数据、信息、知识、智慧和集体智慧的逐步上升的层次和角度,分析了智慧和集体智慧的性质;

    The concept of collective intelligence and the learning theories applied in VLC : First the qualities of wisdom and collective intelligence are explored from the points of view of evolutional levels from data , information , knowledge to wisdom ;

  14. 智慧校园是指以物联网为基础,以各种应用服务系统为载体而构建的集教学、科研、管理及校园生活为一体的智能化和智慧化教学、学习和生活环境。

    Smart Campus is an intelligent and smart environment of teaching , learning and living , which is based on the Internet of Things and application services . It consists of teaching , research , management and campus life .