
  • 网络Intelligent Manageability;wisdom management
  1. 探索企业智慧资本管理

    Explore Management of Enterprise Wisdom Capital

  2. 并且市场化的住房体制要求政府有比计划经济时代更高超和智慧的管理手段,而不能固守计划经济时代那种以行政命令为主要方式的调控手段。

    And market-oriented housing system requires the Government to a higher than the planned economy era , and the wisdom of ultra-management tools , not the kind of stick to the planned economy era of an administrative order as the main mode of control means .

  3. 我们的智慧不足以管理好其中的冲突。

    We are not clever enough to manage the conflicts .

  4. 韦尔奇的管理智慧作为现代管理科学理论与实践的卓越成果之一,对于改善现代警察管理具有重要的借鉴意义。

    The morality of the police contains important value in police management and it should become a new direction of police management .

  5. 智慧化的管理,个性化的服务,让下榻酒店的海内外宾客尽显帝皇尊崇、感受温馨关怀。

    Management with intelligence and service with personality would make any guest at Nanan Hotel , national or international , perceive homage like an emperor , and feel warmly service .

  6. 杰克·韦尔奇的CEO智慧与现代警察管理

    Jack Welch 's " CEO " Wisdom and Modern Police Management

  7. 凝聚企业员工智慧和力量推进管理创新

    Employees Together to Promote the Wisdom and Strength of Management Innovation

  8. 愿有智慧的官员来管理。

    Pray for wise officials .

  9. 它表明,大众的智慧是可以有效管理的,这激发了很多其它的众包项目所以我们更应该庆贺它的成功了。

    It showed that the wisdom of the masses could be harnessed , inspiring many other crowdsourced Projects-A further reason to celebrate its success .

  10. 为了荣耀神的预备,我们用智慧及信心去管理奉献、有道德地经营、并负上完全的责任,让新曙光教会在管理财务上完全诚实、无可指摘。

    At Sunrise we honor God 's provision by exercising wise and faithful stewardship , ethical business practices , and full accountability so that the financial integrity of Sunrise remains beyond reproach .