
  1. 先贤们用他们的伟大智慧,让政府的独立分支机构拥有立法权。

    In their great wisdom , the Founders placed legislative powers in its own separate branch of government .

  2. 然而很多人可能会认为,科学家最终都是用智慧来取悦政府的。

    While many people might have reservations about the wisdom and beneficence of scientists , they were at last basking in the favour of government .

  3. 很荣幸可以跟这样一位亲切充满智慧的前政府官员对话。以及他敢于揭露地外人存在事实的无比勇气和正义感。

    This is a very pleasant , cordial and intelligent conversation with an ex-government minister of remarkable courage and integrity , speaking up with what he knows about the fact of the ET presence .