
  • 网络risk sharing;Risk Pooling
  1. BOT投资方式合同风险分担的研究

    On Risk Sharing in BOT Contracts

  2. 第三章探讨了BOT项目中的风险分担机制。

    In the third chapter , the writer mainly discusses on the risk sharing system in BOT .

  3. 本文分析了解雇威胁条件下的经营者风险分担和激励设计问题。

    This paper analyzes the problem of managers risk-sharing and incentive design in termination menace .

  4. 基于风险分担的BOT产品价格研究

    To Study on the Price of BOT Products Based on Risk-Sharing

  5. BOT项目中风险分担模型研究

    The Model of Allocation of Risks is Studied in BOT Project

  6. 大型石油化工EPC交钥匙项目风险分担机制实证研究

    Empirical Study of Risk-sharing Mechanism in Large-scale Petrochemical EPC Turnkey Projects

  7. 政府在BOT融资项目风险分担中的法律问题探析

    The Legal Issues Concerning the Risks for Governments that Share in BOT Project

  8. BOT项目的风险分担与合同管理

    Risk Allocation and Contract Management of BOT Projects

  9. PPP项目风险分担的博弈分析

    The Game Theory Analysis of Risk Share for PPP Project

  10. PPP项目融资模式的风险分担优化模型

    Risk Allocation Optimizing Model in PPP Project Financing Pattern

  11. 结合BOT项目的结构框架和运行程序,分析BOT项目的两个决定性影响因素&项目融资与项目的风险分担。

    Analyses project financing and operation risk allotment that are two crucial effect properties with BOT operation program ad construction frane .

  12. 总结PPP项目融资模式的具体形式,介绍了PPP模式的基本结构、运作思路、风险分担程序。

    This part illustrates the concrete form of PPP , its basic structure , its operation mentality and its procedure of risk share .

  13. 首先对BOT项目中的风险分担原则进行阐述,然后从商业风险和政治风险两个方面,讨论了风险的具体类型及其分担机制。

    Firstly , the principal of the risk sharing system in BOT , and secondly , various types and sharing system of commercial risks and political risks respectively .

  14. 然而,公路BOT建设项目的风险分担问题一直是影响公路BOT项目成功实施和BOT融资方式发展的一个重要问题。

    However , risk-sharing issue of The highway BOT project has been an important problem that affect the success of the projects and the development of BOT financing .

  15. 建立风险分担机制,是有效应对BOT风险、保证各参与主体利益的必然选择。

    Basing on realizing the risks of BOT projects and establishing risk allocation mechanism is a necessary choice of replying the risks and assure the profit of the partners .

  16. 然后结合工程实践,构建了PPP项目融资风险分担指标体系,并运用灰色关联方法建立了融资风险模型。

    The article has constructed the financing risk sharing index system under PPP financing model , and has established the risk sharing model using gray relational analysis .

  17. 因此,如何在风险分担的基础上确保回购基价调整的准确性以及合理的投资回报率是BT项目顺利进行的关键问题。

    Therefore , how to ensure the accuracy of the buyback base price on risk-sharing basis and a reasonable return on investment is the key to success of BT project issues .

  18. 本文主要研究了PPP模式应用于城市污水处理项目的两大问题,即风险分担问题和收益分配问题。

    The paper studies two important problem of the PPP model using in the urban sewage disposal projects , namely the issue about sharing risks and benefits distribution .

  19. 在信息对称条件下,最优的保险产品可以实现保险人与被保险人之间的帕累托(Pareto)最优风险分担,并讨论了该情形下某些保险产品的形式。

    Under symmetric information , the optimal product can obtain Pareto risk sharing between insurer and insured , and some forms of the kind of insurance products are given .

  20. 最后,为了探究金融一体化对国际风险分担的影响,本文对BMW模型进行了简单的扩展。

    Finally , in order to explore the impact of financial integration on international risk sharing , I expand the BMW model to be a random stochastic one .

  21. 这两种担保作为双方风险分担和利益分配的方式,是公共基础设施BT项目健康、可持续发展的重要保证之一。

    As a method to risk sharing and benefit distribution for both parties , these two guarantees become one of the significant guarantees for healthy and sustainable development of BT public infrastructure project .

  22. 这可能要求空客进一步去模仿波音的风险分担伙伴(RSP)模型,尽管这也许超出了空客预期的结果。

    This may require going further in imitating Boeing 's risk-sharing partner ( RSP ) model than Airbus seems willing to contemplate .

  23. 随后,在PPP项目风险分担原则的基础上,兼颐项目各参与方和项目的整体利益,分析并设计了PPP项目关键风险因素如何分担。

    Subsequently , on the basis of risk-sharing principles and the balance between the each participant in the project , this paper analyzes and designs the sharing method of PPP project risk allocation .

  24. 在城市供水BOT项目中,除了水价外,特许期的相关规定与长短是特许协议中最为核心的问题,直接决定了政府和项目投资者的风险分担和利益分配。

    Besides the water price , the concession term is one of the most important aspects in the urban water BOT concession contracts . It determines risk sharing and benefits distribution between the government and the project investor .

  25. 此外,作为对BOT项目风险分担研究的有益补充,本文还对BOT项目中主要风险的应对措施进行总结,为项目风险的控制和分担提供方法上的具体参考。

    In addition beneficial to supplement as being project that allocation of risks study to BOT , this text main risk should summarize measure to BOT project also , offer the concrete reference on the method for control and sharing of the project risk .

  26. PPP项目特许期及在此基础上的控制权配置,其本质是公共部门与私人财团紧密合作应对特许期内可能发生的各种不确定性,进而实现双方之间的风险分担和利益均衡。

    The Concession period of PPP project and the control rights allocation , are essentially the risk sharing and benefits balanced between the parties for the public sector and private financial to the effective response to the uncertainty in the concession period .

  27. 在REITs和PPP模式分析中,重点介绍了模式的运作机制,并根据实践经验分别提出了明确税收优惠政策和建立风险分担机制的相关配套条件。

    In the REITs and PPP financing model analysis , focusing on the mode of operation mechanism , and put forward according to the practical experience of the clear preferential taxation policy and to establish risk-sharing mechanism of the related conditions .

  28. 在融资风险分担模型的基础上,兼顾项目参与方和项目的整体利益,对PPP项目融资风险分担机制问题进行分析和研究,并设计了合理的融资风险分担机制。

    In the risk sharing model foundation , the proper attention to both project participation side and the project overall benefit , the problem of financing risk sharing mechanism has been analyzed and research , and designed proper risk sharing mechanism of PPP project .

  29. 本文首先对PPP项目中风险分担的主体和客体进行了界定,明确了主体决策的影响因素和客体的来源。

    This shows that the government is for people and promotes the development of harmonious society . Firstly , this paper defines the subject and objects of PPP project risk-sharing and clears the influence factors of the subject decision and the source of the object .

  30. 供应链管理中风险分担与利益分配机制研究

    The Risk Pooling and Profit Sharing Mechanism in Supply Chain Management