
  • 网络risk position;Exposure;open position
  1. 在这部分讨论了如何将VaR应用于基金风险头寸限额设置、基金投资组合的风险度量及分析、基金业绩评价以及基金监管。

    This part discusses that how to apply VaR to set the quota of the risk position of the fund , measure the risk of investment combination of the fund , appraise the performance of the fund and supervise the fund .

  2. 跟多的情况是,交易者使用这个价格水平建立与原有趋势相反的低风险头寸。

    More often , traders will use that level to enter low-risk positions against the old trend .

  3. 我们的衍生工具投资组合由公司履行“便利客户”交易职能后产生的累积风险头寸构成。

    Our derivative portfolio was comprised of the aggregate positions managed as a function of customer facilitation .

  4. 外汇储备资产越多,暴露的风险头寸就越大,管理的难度和复杂性也随之增高。

    More foreign exchange reserves ( FERs ) mean greater risks and higher level of difficulty and complexity in management .

  5. 然而,银行间市场在发挥其不可替代作用的同时,也不可避免地提高了银行主体之间风险头寸暴露的相关性。

    However , at the time to exert its function , interbank market increased the relativity between the risk exposures of banks .

  6. 你在管理风险头寸时必须假设很多事情都可能很快变糟,而且会同时变糟。

    You have to manage your risk positions with the assumption that a lot of things can go wrong quickly and at once .

  7. 信用衍生产品又是一种负利资产,其买卖双方在交易中完成了信用风险头寸的对冲。

    Credit derivatives are also negative benefit assets , so it can completed the credit risk hedging positions by the transaction between sellers and buyers .

  8. 运用套期保值和风险头寸对冲的方式,将存在于标的资产中的信用风险头寸进行化解并转移到金融市场上。

    Using the methods of hedging and arbitrage , we can release the risks existed in basic assets , and transfer it to the financial market .

  9. 此外,常识告诉我们,必须对具有系统重要性机构的短期借款施加更严格的控制;考虑到各市场在衰退期高度相关,还需对过大的风险头寸的限制措施实施定期监控。

    In the meantime , common sense dictates the need for stricter controls on short-term borrowing by systemically important institutions , as well as regularly monitored limits on oversized risk positions , taking into account that markets can be highly correlated in a downturn .

  10. 上周,FSA对另一名摩根士丹利前交易员戴维雷德蒙德(DavidRedmond)处以罚金并下达了从业禁令,理由是他蓄意向上司隐瞒了高风险的交易头寸。

    Last week , the FSA fined and banned another former Morgan Stanley trader , David Redmond , for deliberately hiding a risky trading position from his bosses .

  11. 有些银行没有考虑对冲基金的风险或其头寸的流动比例,就为它们提供了巨额贷款。

    Some loaned massive amounts of money to hedge funds without worrying about the risks they were taking or the degree of illiquidity of their positions .

  12. 计算实例表明,凸度缺口模型对于给定的初始值和约束条件,可以较好地减少利率风险的暴露头寸和提高收益;

    Calculation case shows that in the given initial value and restraints , convexity gap model can lessen the exposure position of interest rate risk and increase yields .

  13. 投资者将大举溃退,因为对所有由美元融资的资产类别的杠杆化高风险资产多头头寸进行平仓,将引发所有高风险资产(股票、大宗商品、新兴市场资产类别及信贷工具)的协同性崩盘。

    A stampede will occur as closing long leveraged risky asset positions across all asset classes funded by dollar shorts triggers a co-ordinated collapse of all those risky assets equities , commodities , emerging market asset classes and credit instruments .

  14. 采用期限分段方法建立一个期间结构,区分当前和远期信用风险,考虑多头与空头信用风险头寸间的补偿。

    It set up a term structure using term subsection to distinguish the current and forward credit risk and to consider offsetting among long and short positions .

  15. 风险度量的主要目的就是以数字的方式明显的表露风险头寸,从而更好的进行金融风险的控制和管理。

    The main target of risk measurement is to show the position of risk , thus to better the controlling and management .