
  1. 异议登记,既是一项阻却登记公信力的制度,也是对第三人进行风险警示的制度。

    Dissidence registration either is a system of removing the public credibility registration or a regulation of cautioning the risks to the third person .

  2. 现有股指期货交易中的风险防范制度主要有:保证金制度;价格限制相关制度;持仓限额制度和大户报告制度;强制平仓制度;结算联保制度和风险准备金制度;风险警示制度。

    Currently , the stock index futures in the risk prevention system are : deposit system ; price limit related systems ; position limits system and large reporting system ; forced open system ; settlement system and the risk of UNPROFOR reserve system ; risk warning system .