
  • 网络channel innovation
  1. Z公司营销渠道创新研究

    A Study of Marketing Channel Innovation of Z Company

  2. 本文的写作以现代市场营销观念、STP营销理论、关系营销理论、营销组合和渠道创新理论为基础。

    The theory of this thesis is based on the modern marketing concept , STP marketing theory , relationship marketing theory , the marketing mix and the channel innovation theory .

  3. 医药产品营销渠道创新研究

    Research on the Innovation of Marketing Channels of the Medicine Products

  4. 扁平化是企业销售渠道创新之路

    Hierarchical System is an Innovation Way of Enterprise Marketing Channel

  5. 销售渠道创新与寿险行业可持续发展

    Sales Channel Innovation and Sustainable Development of Life Insurance Industry

  6. 企业营销,渠道创新,创新研究。

    Corporate marketing , channel innovation , innovative research .

  7. 成品油营销渠道创新研究

    Study of Innovation of Marketing Channel of Finished Oil

  8. 房地产市场产品营销渠道创新研究

    Research on the Innovation of Products ' Marketing Channel in Real Estate Market

  9. 我国大家电营销渠道创新的途径

    Innovative ways of marketing channel of big family electric equipments in our country

  10. 如何进行渠道创新?

    How to carry on the channels innovation ?

  11. 培养多元化的融资主体,改善融资效率,探索城市基础设施融资制度创新、融资渠道创新、融资方式与工具创新具有重要意义。

    Institutional innovation , channel innovation and manner innovation on MIC financing have special meaning .

  12. 建筑陶瓷销售渠道创新

    Sales distribution channel recreation of construction ceramic

  13. 在我国保险业,渠道创新始终是保险企业维持竞争力的法宝之一。

    Marketing channel innovation is one of the important method to sustain the competence in our insurance industry .

  14. 二是销售渠道创新,销售渠道创新是确保保险中介行业可持续发展的关键。

    Second , the marketing channel innovation , the marketing channel innovation is guarantees the insurance intermediary profession sustainable development the key .

  15. 而后重点阐述了企业营销渠道创新在渠道结构、渠道中介、渠道冲突管理、渠道关系和渠道后勤等方面的表现;

    Then the innovations on marketing channel , such as structure , middleman , conflict management , relationship management and logistics , are emphasized .

  16. 结合顾客价值理论中的顾客让渡价值理论和顾客价值过程理论,进行了顾客满意和企业顾客让渡价值分析,从消费者角度提出化肥企业分销渠道创新的目标。

    Mixed the customer deliver value theories and customer value process theories , put forward the target of fertilizer distribution channel creative from customer perspective .

  17. 最后,从营销观念创新、产品创新、渠道创新、营销创新策略制定等方面,对中小企业提出了管理建议。

    At last , we put forward some proposals for SMEs from marketing concept innovation , product innovation , channel innovation and marketing innovation strategy .

  18. 并进一步探讨了企业如何进行渠道创新,制定新型营销渠道策略,以适应新的市场竞争环境。

    Finally , we explore how to innovate in the channel , to develop a new marketing channel strategy to adapt to the new competitive market environment .

  19. 最后,根据S公司的实际情况,在分析宏观与微观环境的基础上,设计了其渠道创新模式。

    Finally , according to the actual condition of S company , on analyzing the foundation of macro-environment and micro-environment , we have designed its channel innovation pattern .

  20. 未来营销的行业趋势将体现在以下三个方面:渠道创新,决胜终端,人力份额。而渠道创新首当其冲。

    There are three trends in future marketing : channel creation , win by servicing customers , human resources , and the channel creation is the most important .

  21. 本文即以我国高科技企业为研究对象,系统深入地分析了其融资现状,探讨融资渠道创新的思路和措施。

    With a research object of high-tech of our country , the thesis analyzed the financing actuality systemically and thoroughly , discussed the though and measures of financing channel innovation .

  22. 行业营销摸式也从最初的价格战到近年来的概念战、服务战、渠道创新、决胜终端、营销组合等逐步提升完善。

    Industry marketing mode from the original price war in recent years to the concept of war , war service , channel innovation , and win terminals , such as marketing mix gradually upgrade perfect .

  23. 随后,在战略方案实施设计中,文章提出产品创新、营销渠道创新和服务创新是实施差异化的关键环节,这是文章的创新之处。

    Subsequently , at the implementation of strategic program design , article submitted product innovation , marketing channels of innovation and service differentiation and innovation is the implementation of the key innovations in this article are .

  24. 品牌内涵中品牌文化、品牌管理、渠道创新、客户管理和视觉符号等创新等劳动均属于脑力劳动,同样创造价值。

    Brand is an important carrier of corporate culture , which is an embodiment of mental labor creating values in form of brand culture , brand management , channel creation , customer relations management and visual symbols .

  25. 本文在分析我国医药市场现状的基础上,提出了医药产品营销渠道创新的基本思路与方法。

    The article studies the status quo of Chinese medicine market . On the basis of the analysis , the author put forward the basic methods to innovate Marketing Channels of the Medicine Products ( MCMP ) .

  26. 在具体的研究中,文章首先对营销渠道创新的相关理论进行解析,重点探讨创新理论对营销渠道创新的指导作用,提出营销渠道创新的概念及其主要创新维度。

    In the study , the paper first explained the related theories about marketing channel innovation , explored the guiding role of innovation theory in marketing channel innovation , proposed the concept of marketing channel innovation and the main innovation dimension .

  27. 新经济环境下国际营销渠道的创新与整合

    The Innovation and Integration of International Marketing Channel under New Economy

  28. 建立新的投资渠道及创新的金融产品。

    Fifth , it creates new investment channels and financial products .

  29. 试论企业销售渠道的创新与优化

    A Preliminary Study of Innovating and Optimizing Marketing Channels in the Enterprises

  30. 第二,通过融资渠道的创新,解决资金缺口问题;

    Second , resolve the fund problem by innovating ;