
  • 网络channel efficiency
  1. 应通过更加精确的考核,来解决信息不对称的问题,提高渠道效率。

    To avoid asymmetrical information access and improve channel efficiency , assessment should be carried out more accurately .

  2. 我们意外地发现,在大多数时候,渠道效率在参考价格效应存在时有所提高。

    Surprisingly , we find that most of the time , channel efficiency is improved in the presence of reference-price effects .

  3. 提高信用卡营销渠道效率研究

    Improving the Efficiency of Credit Card Marketing Channels

  4. 渠道效率是渠道产出的服务效用。

    Efficiency of marketing channels is defined as the service utility that marketing channels generate .

  5. 本文通过对现实软件企业的分销模式效率状况的分析,提出提高分销渠道效率的六条途径。

    This paper analyzes the efficiency of marketing channels in actual domestic software enterprises and presents six approaches to improve the efficiency .

  6. 如果零售商在观察到需求之前决定货架空间,货架补贴可以提高渠道效率;

    When the retailer chooses shelf space before observing demand , the shelf space subsidy policy may improve the efficiency of the channel ;

  7. 过去的流通革命主要是指零售业态的变革以及整个流通渠道效率化的过程,其基本特征表现为流通业经营方式和组织形式的变革。

    The circulation revolution in the past means the change of retailing business forms and the process in which circulation channels become more effective .

  8. 因此,探寻一种能够解决渠道效率、渠道资源集成、渠道资源分配等问题的新的渠道管理观点十分重要。

    Therefore , exploring a solution to the channel efficiency , the channel resources integration , the channel resources allocation problems of the new channel management view is very important .

  9. 因此,渠道效率、渠道可控制性和企业产品与商业业态适应性,是家电生产企业选择销售渠道的三大要素。

    Therefore , the efficiency of channels , channels can be controlled and enterprise products and commercial activities adaptability , the electrical home appliance manufacturers of the three major sales channels to choose elements .

  10. 借助理论推导和数值分析,给出了需求价格弹性系数、零售商的价格竞争和风险规避程度对供应链成员最优决策和渠道效率的影响。

    Through theoretical and numerical studies , we analyze that the price elasticity of demand , the level of the competition and risk aversion are how to influence the decision-making of supply chain members and channel efficiency .

  11. 国产软件分销渠道模式效率分析

    Analysis on the Efficiency of Marketing Channel Pattern for Domestic Software

  12. 分销商解决冲突的方式影响分销渠道的效率和产出,而分销商满意度的高低又决定了其所采取的方式。

    Sales agents ′ solution to sales channel conflict affects the efficiency and output of sales channels . However , their selection of solution is decided by their satisfaction .

  13. 既解决了工程抗冻胀问题,节省工程维修费用,又大大地提高了灌溉渠道输水效率,节约水资源。

    It not only solves the problem of frost heaving of canal but also declares the maintenance cost , improves the efficiency of routing , and saves water resources .

  14. 渠道的效率高低在于渠道模式的选择。渠道模式的选择与目标市场特点、分销成本、管理方式、市场覆盖率要求、对中间商的激励程度等因素密切相关。

    High or low efficiency depends on the choice of marketing channel pattern , which is closely related to target market features , distribution cost , management method , market coverage requirement , extent to encourage middleman , etc.

  15. 在产业生命周期各个不同的阶段,这三大因素共同影响着渠道生产效率和渠道治理效率水平,从而最终决定企业应当选择的合适的渠道治理形式。

    During the different stages of industry lifecycle , it is the above three factors that collectively influence the level of channel production efficiency and channel governance efficiency , which ultimately determine what channel governance form an enterprise shall adopt .

  16. 如何提高渠道的整合效率?

    How to enhance the conformity efficiency of channels ?

  17. 渠道成本、效率、效益以及可控制性构成生产企业营销工作中最大的困扰。

    And the cost , efficiency , effectiveness and controllability in channel management have become the focus in marketing .

  18. 奶源是根本,销售是关键,产品到终端渠道链的效率和质量,成为企业在激烈市场竞争中关注的焦点。

    The milk source is the foundation , the sale is very important . The efficiency and the quality from the product to the terminal channel becomes the focal point which pays attention in the intense market competition .

  19. 然而,研究者在考察渠道沟通与效率时,更多的是着眼于企业的渠道任务和渠道环境及其影响,对跨组织人际关系和人际互动在营销渠道沟通中所起的作用则一直重视不够。

    However , in the study of communication and efficiency of channel , researchers more focus on business tasks and the channel environment and its impact , cross-organizational relationships and interpersonal communication in marketing channels is the role of inadequate attention has been .

  20. 随着21世纪市场竞争的日益激烈,营销渠道的运行效率更加直接影响着企业的市场地位,因此企业管理者及学术界对渠道的关注持续升温,渠道管理研究在各个行业的应用日益增多。

    With the intense marketing competition in 21st century , channel 's operating efficiency affects enterprise 's status more directly . Therefore superintendents of enterprises and academic scholars pay more attention to channels . What 's more , application study on channel management increases day by day in each industry .

  21. 总归一句话,我们需要的不是额外的销售渠道,而是更有效率的制造流程。

    To sum it all up , what we need is not additional sales channels , but more efficient manufacturing processes .

  22. 网点作为最有效的营销渠道,其运营效率直接影响到它在社会中的形象,甚至其持续的经营发展目标。

    Network as the most effective marketing channels , and its operation efficiency directly affects it in their social image , even the continuous business development goals .

  23. 解决“民工荒”问题的关键是建立一种有效的“呼吁”机制,拓宽呼吁渠道,提高呼吁效率;培育民工的归属感、认同感和忠诚度。

    The key to the problem is to set up an effective appeal mechanism , widen appeal channels and improve appeal efficiency , thus cultivating laborers'sense of belonging , recognition and loyalty .

  24. 分析结果表明,房价在货币传导机制中的作用较为显著,房价渠道的总体传导效率较高。

    The result of analysis indicated that the role of house price in the monetary transmission mechanism was significant , and the efficiency of transmission through the channel of house price was high .

  25. 指出如何分析渠道缺口和进行效率评估,以及在新的网络业务趋势下,重庆电信营销渠道的优化、整合方向。

    The last , this paper also points out how to analyse the channel 's breach and have an efficient estimation , under the new net operation 's trend , the direction of Chongqing telecommunication 's marketing channel 's optimize and conformity .

  26. 所以说汽车市场的得失成败往往取决于汽车营销渠道模式的运行效率,谁拥有稳定的、畅通的营销渠道,谁就能在汽车市场中占据优势地位。

    So the auto market success and failure often depends on the operation of automotive marketing channel patterns efficiency , who owns the stable , smooth marketing channels , who will be able to occupy the dominant position in the automotive market .

  27. 在我国,公司主要以间接融资方式为主,直接融资也主要以股权融资为主,公司债券融资所占的比例很小,导致我国公司融资渠道狭窄,融资效率低下。

    In China , indirect financing are the methods which the company mainly use , while direct financing mainly use equity-based financing , the proportion of corporate bonds financing is very small . That makes China corporate finance a narrow channel , financing and low efficiency .

  28. 建立服务增值渠道也为提高渠道效率和为传统渠道的角色转型提供了新的领域和战场。

    And the value added channel also is the field of the traditional channels reform .

  29. 二是疏导我国现行的货币政策传导渠道,提高信贷传导渠道的效率。

    The second method is to unclog our current monetary policy transmission channel .

  30. 代理渠道的成本不断攀升,渠道效率有待提升;

    The cost of agent channels rising continuously ;