
  1. 最后提出固网运营商营销渠道转型的一些策略与建议,具有较强的实践指导意义。

    Finally makes some suggestions on the fixed-network operators marketing channels transformation .

  2. 全业务背景下运营商营销渠道转型研究

    Study on the Marketing Channels Transformation of Fixed-Network Operators in the Full Service

  3. 本文提出的渠道转型和协同策略已在广东联通部分地市进行实施,对渠道综合效能提升显著。本文的研究成果对处于电信业务转型期中的广东联通的渠道运营管理具有重要的指导意义。

    The results of this study have significance on channel management of China Unicorn Guangdong Branch which is in te period of business transition .

  4. 自营渠道功能正在转型;

    The function of self-building channels being transformed ;

  5. 专注供应链的公司LCPConsulting委托他人完成的独立研究发现,如今,英国和美国的零售商正在拿出年营业额的3%,投入向全渠道经营模式的转型。

    Independent research for LCP Consulting , which specialises in the supply chain , found that retailers in the UK and US are investing 3 per cent of annual turnover in moving to an omni-channel operating model .

  6. 营销渠道的建设及网点营销营销渠道转型通过实施网点零售业务营销渠道转型项目来实现。

    The construction of the marketing channels and network marketing channel power were achieved through the retail business transformation projects for Outlets .

  7. 建立服务增值渠道也为提高渠道效率和为传统渠道的角色转型提供了新的领域和战场。

    And the value added channel also is the field of the traditional channels reform .

  8. 接下来重点分析了上海移动自营渠道和代理渠道目前存在的问题,并提出渠道转型的设计原则。

    Next , the article mainly analyzes the existing problems of self-channels and agent channels of Shanghai Mobile and proposed principles of channel restructuring and designing .

  9. 然后通过深入分析中国电信行业及其营销渠道的发展演变历程和国内四大电信运营商营销渠道的现状,进而阐述固网运营商进行营销渠道转型的必要性;

    Then thoroughly analyzes the China telecom industry and its marketing channels development evolution course as well as the present marketing channels situation of the four main telecom operators , and elaborates the necessity of fixed-network operators marketing channels transformation ;

  10. 营销渠道的变革是任何一个服装企业都绕不过去的弯,可以说,未来服饰企业都将面临如何实现销售渠道转型的问题。

    Almost every fashion company has to figure out how to transform sales channel systems .

  11. 从长远看,渠道模式的生命力在于其与外部环境的动态适应性,家电生产企业应不断提升预见能力,保持对外部环境的敏感,前瞻性的推动渠道变迁和转型。

    So the manufactures should upgrade constantly the ability to foresee changes , be sensitive to external environment and promote initiatively the channel to change and transit .