
  • 网络Channel marketing;cross-channel
  1. Internet的快速发展和电子商务的高速成长,在改变人们生活方式的同时,也创造了新的商业行为和渠道营销模式。

    The rapid development of Internet and e-commerce not only change lifestyles , but also create new business practices and channel marketing model .

  2. MP3网吧的渠道营销模式研究

    A Study of the Channel Marketing Mode Associated with the MP3 Player at the Internet Bar

  3. 美国国家半导体有限公司(NS)在中国的渠道营销策略

    Channel Strategy of National Semiconductor ( NS ) in China

  4. 第五章:运用PEST分析、SWOT分析等工具,对中国移动电子渠道营销的外部环境、内部状况、竞争对手情况进行全面分析。

    Use the PEST and SWOT method analyze the external environment , internal status and competitor of electronic channel marketing of China Mobile .

  5. 同时针对G银行网络银行营销的实际情况,给出G银行网络银行客户关系营销、产品创新和多渠道营销策略与措施。

    At the same time for G bank network bank marketing situation , Given G bank network bank consumer relationship marketing , product Innovation and multi channel marketing strategies and measures .

  6. 用AHP法构建了房地产多渠道营销评价指标体系,使用了主成份分析法选择最优渠道并确定影响渠道建设的关键因素。

    Building multi-channel evaluation index system with the AHP method , using the principal component analysis to choose the best channels and to identify the key factors affecting channel construction .

  7. 通过对电信和联通的渠道营销策略进行深入的分析,并用PEST及SWOT分析模型分析陕西移动公司营销渠道策略与竞争对手相比的优劣势。

    By analyzing the telecom and unicorn marketing channel strategy , and use PEST analysis and SWOT model analysis of Shaanxi Mobile Corporation marketing channel strategy compared with the competition advantages and disadvantages .

  8. 最后,为保障措施的有效实施,提出AA联通应该调整社会渠道营销机构、加强社会建设、做好社会渠道宣传、加强社会渠道维系。

    At last , such conclusions are made that AA Unicom should adjust marketing institutions of social channels , enhance social construction , improve promotion of social channels and maintain them so as to implement the above measures effectively .

  9. 重组后山东移动渠道营销策略的设计与实施

    Channel Strategy Design and Implementation of Shan Dong Mobile after Restructuring

  10. 浅析国企机制对渠道营销的影响

    On influence of state - owned enterprise system to marketing channel

  11. 这些研究结果为实施多渠道营销战略提供了重要启示。

    These results highlight some managerial implications for implementing multi-channel marketing strategy .

  12. 中国移动锦州分公司社会渠道营销策略研究

    Studies on Marketing Strategy of Social Channel on China Mobile in JinZhou

  13. 本文研究成果可以丰富自有品牌双渠道营销的发展理论。

    The results can enrich the dual-channel marketing theory of the private brand .

  14. 间接渠道营销的旅游广告研究

    Research on Tourism Advertising in Indirect Channel

  15. 面对机遇与挑战,中国大学出版社选择了多渠道营销模式。

    In front of opportunities and challenges , Chinese University Presses have selected multi-channel marketing model .

  16. 在建立传统渠道营销的同时,把资源重点放在网络营销上。

    In addition of establishing traditional channel marketing , we have put our resource focus on network marketing .

  17. 三是对于中低端产品给予了酒店餐饮渠道营销的设计。

    The third , for the low and mid products in hotel or restaurant about the marketing channel design .

  18. 本文针对酒厂的市场困境:一是同类产品的竞争压力日益增大,二是渠道营销成本日益增长,三是投资新产品开发和推广的风险也日趋增加。

    The second , the costs of channels marketing rises . The third , the risk about investment of a new product increases .

  19. 第四章:详细介绍中国移动电子渠道营销现状,并借助相关理论,从现状中分析出目前电子渠道营销存在的问题。

    Introduce current situation of electronic channel marketing of China Mobile , and try to analyze and summary the existent problems . 5 .

  20. 因为渠道营销策略还处于实践初期,在执行过程中还有很多有待完善的地方。

    Because the channel marketing strategy is still in the early stages of the practice , still has many places needed to be improved .

  21. 作者分别从整合营销、差异化营销、事件营销、多渠道营销等方面进行全方位分析。1、整合营销。

    The author took the comprehensive analysis respectively from the marketing , differential marketing , events marketing and marketing channels . 1 、 Integrated marketing .

  22. 对零售终端的管理,是营销新观点&逆向渠道营销模式的要求,体现了营销行为以市场为中心、以客户为导向的原则。

    The retail terminal management , markets new ideas - " reverse-channel marketing model ", reflecting the marketing behavior of market-centered , and customer-oriented principles .

  23. 确保期刊自身过硬的出版质量、加强期刊自身形象的宣传、开辟多渠道营销等是期刊营销成功的重要方略。

    Ensuring the publication quality , intensifying the publicity of its image and opening up more channels for marketing are the marketing strategies of periodicals .

  24. 中国通信行业面临着全新的机遇和挑战,以往单一的渠道营销已经不能满足电信企业面对的市场竞争。

    The telecommunications industry is facing new opportunities and challenges ; single channel marketing in the past can no longer face the competition in the market .

  25. 随着我国商品经济的高速发展,现代市场渠道营销理念已不再是单纯的销售产品,营销渠道的作用、职能与地位已经发生了重大变化。

    Along with the development of merchandise economy of our country with high speed , Modern market channel sale concept already does not be simple product sales again .

  26. 旦商品生产出来,它们大多数并不直接到达最终用户。而是`通过各种渠道营销到买主。

    Once goods are produced , most of them do not go to the end users directly . rather , they are distributed to the buyers through various channels .

  27. 当前,顺应市场形势变化,以建行为代表的国内商业银行纷纷实施转型,有效增强营业网点渠道营销能力及市场竞争力。

    Adapt to changing market conditions , the domestic commercial banks had to implement restructuring with China Construction Bank on behalf , to boost business network channel marketing capabilities and market competitiveness effectively .

  28. 它打破了传统实体渠道营销的限制,充分借助互联网、通信技术和一些专业设备的优势,向客户提供数字化营销和服务。

    It breaks the limit of traditional entity channel marketing . Leveraging the advantages of internet , communication technology and some kinds of specialty equipment , it provides digitizing marketing and services to customers .

  29. 国内生产厂商和经销企业数目增长很快,市场竞争日趋激烈,许多中小医疗企业由于渠道营销策略欠妥,营销渠道管理水平不高,制约了企业规模的发展。

    The number of manufacturer and marketing firm are growing rapidly , the market competition becomes increasingly fierce . Because of poor channel marketing strategy and marking channel management level , many small medical enterprises development are restrict .

  30. 通过公司的营销部门对于渠道营销策略的不断深入挖掘,它所产生的营销效果和效率将不断提升,为公司今后发展壮大发挥更积极作用。

    We believe that with the hard work in the market department and the deeply analysis of the marketing strategy , the efficiency of marketing will continue improved and will play more active role in the development of the company .