
  1. 效用价值、体验价值和信任对渠道偏好都具有显著的直接影响,而顾客价值也通过信任对渠道偏好有显著的间接影响。

    Utilitarian value and experiential value have significant indirect influence on channel preference through trust .

  2. 然后,考察消费者不存在渠道偏好时,绿色食品生产商的渠道策略。

    Then , it examines the channel strategies of the green food manufacturers when there are no consumer preferences about channels .

  3. 研究发现,只有当消费者对网络渠道偏好不是很大时,一致定价策略对零售商有利。

    Numerical studies reveal that the equal-pricing is beneficial to retailers when consumer preference of the online channel is not high .

  4. 结果发现,货币成本、体力精力成本和社会心理成本都会影响消费者的渠道偏好,其中影响最大的是社会心理成本。

    The findings indicate many reasons contribute to this preference such as curreney cost , physical or intellectual cost and soci-psychological cost , of which the last one has the largest influence .

  5. 要从研究消费者渠道偏好与购买准则入手,认识与把握零售终端商业模式的演进规律,找到零售终端策略的改进思路。

    Beginning with studying consumers ' channel preference and purchasing guideline , we can cognize and grasp the evolutional law of retail terminal commercial mode for finding out a way to promote retail .

  6. 因此,如何从消费者渠道偏好因素和渠道服务成本系数两方面建立模型进行渠道决策研究是本文重点研究的问题之一。第二,引入成型定制后多级库存控制问题。

    Therefore , how to make a decision according to the consumer channel preference and channel service cost is one of the key research issues in this paper . Second , multi-echelon inventory controls .

  7. 而对于制造商和供应链整体而言,大多数情况下区别定价策略要优于一致定价策略,当消费者对网络渠道偏好适中时,制造商选择一致定价策略可以使制造商和供应链整体损失的利润较少。

    The unequal-pricing strategy is better than equal-pricing for manufacturer and supply chain in most cases , while the equal-pricing strategy makes manufacturer and supply chain loss less profits when consumer preference of the online channel is moderate .

  8. 本次论文研究工作所建立的客户渠道偏好模型与相关思路,扫除了移动电子渠道发展过程中的瓶颈,从长远而言,而能够进一步发挥渠道为王的作用。

    This thesis work established model of customer channel preferences and related ideas , the mobile electronic channels to eliminate bottlenecks in the development process , from the long run , but can further serve as a " channel of the King " role .

  9. 研究结果表明:网络已经成为快时尚服饰消费者获得快时尚产品信息和购买快时尚服饰产品的重要渠道,但是不同类型的消费者,在购买决策的不同阶段,对渠道的选择偏好还存在一定的差异。

    The research result shows that , Internet has become an important channel for fast fashion consumer to gain information and purchase apparel products . However , different types of fast fashion consumers have different channel preferences at different stages of the purchasing process .

  10. 得出了混合渠道是绿色食品生产加工商的理性选择的结论;进一步分析了当消费者存在渠道偏好时,绿色食品生产商在混合渠道模式下如何进行渠道份额决策。

    It arrives at conclusion that it is the rational choice for the green food manufacturers to have mixed channels . It also analyzes in depth that how to make the channel-share decision for green food manufacturers in the mixed-channel mode when there are consumer preferences about channels .