
  1. 多目标边际优选法及其在大型引水工程渠道规模优化中的应用

    The Marginal Index Methodology and its Applications to Multi-objective Optimal Canal Scale in Large-scale Diversion Project

  2. 工厂拥有资深设计和工艺装配工程师多名,并针对工程项目及OEM专业渠道进行规模化生产。

    The factory owns senior design and process assembly engineer name , and according to project and OEM professional channels of large-scale production .

  3. 国际游资流入我国的渠道、规模及影响

    The Channels , Scale and Impacts of International Hot Money Inflow : 2002-2007

  4. 大型渠道工程规模的优选方法

    The optimization method for capacity of large-scale canal

  5. 但由于受到各种因素的制约,国内上市商业银行非利息业务在品种、范围、渠道、规模、利润率等各方面与国外银行相比还有着很大的差距。

    However , there is still a huge gap between domestic banks and foreign ones in terms of the width and breadth of services available , marketing channels , business scales and margin due to various factors .

  6. 从2007年发展至今,WZ移动分公司社会渠道发展的规模虽然达到了一定的高度,但各网点的营销热情和忠诚度远没有达到预期,各类指标发展不均衡。

    From 2007 , move between social channels development China mobile WZ company although achieved certain height , but the passion and loyalty of social channels is not expected , unbalanced development in various indexes .

  7. 本文接着分析了热钱流入的主体、动因、流入渠道、流入规模的估算方法以及流入领域。

    Finally the thesis analyzes the dominant factors , causes , channels , scale and fields of the inflow of Hot Money .

  8. 近年来随着企业生产能力提升,全球范围内产能过剩趋势日益凸显,在这一外部形势下,拥有众多销售渠道和巨大规模优势的零售连锁垄断企业深刻影响着产业链中博弈结构和利益分配。

    Under this kind of economic situation , retail chain enterprises with huge advantage of scale and lots of sale channels influence gambling structure in industry chain and the allocation of profit profoundly .

  9. 本文首先从中小企业的融资环境、融资渠道、融资规模和融资对各省的经济贡献分别对湖北、浙江和江苏地区的中小企业的融资现状进行全面、系统的归纳陈述。

    Firstly , from the SME financing environment , financing sources , financing and financing on the scale of the economic contribution of each of the provinces of Hubei , Zhejiang and Jiangsu financing situation of SMEs in the region to conduct a comprehensive and systematic inductive statement .

  10. 拓宽投融资渠道,扩大投资规模。

    Thirdly , broaden the trench of investment and financing , extend the investment scale .

  11. 如何拓展融资渠道,扩大融资规模对于公司的发展非常重要。

    How to expand financing channels and scale is quite important for the development of the companies .

  12. 我国风险资本融资渠道不畅,规模不大,根源在于缺乏一整套适合风险资本融资的制度。

    China 's venture capital has great difficulty in financing aspect and its scale is somewhat small , the cause of which is mostly lack of a series of venture capital institutions .

  13. 医院集团化管理以其有效资源整合、灵活政策措施、多种融资渠道、赢得的规模市场与效益,牢牢把握了市场竞争的主动权,被地方医院所广泛采用。

    The group hospital management drives local hospital reports of extensive adoptions , because of integrating with its valid resources , vivid policy measures , various margins outlet , the scale market that win and performance , and it holds the active power of market compete simultaneously .

  14. 这一体系的建立结合了电话营销和电子渠道的功能优势,实现了拓展分销渠道规模,降低渠道成本投入,扩大广告宣传效应,增加客户资源积累,提升客户服务水平的一系列目标。

    This system , which combines the advantages of telemarketing and electronic channels , achieves to extend the scale of distribution channels , reduce the channel cost , expand the advertising effect , increase customer resource accumulation , and improve customer service levels .

  15. 就信贷传导中的银行信贷渠道和企业资产负债表渠道而言,信贷规模总量受到调控下的银行信贷渠道又是货币政策信贷传导中发挥主要作用的渠道。

    When the bank credit channel and enterprise balance sheet channel are concerned , the bank credit channel under the total size regulation plays the main role in the monetary policy credit channel transmission . Finally , this paper gives a summarization of the main conclusions .

  16. 作者认为,在渠道权力结构理论背后存在着一个隐含命题,即渠道关系双方的规模与实力应当是对等的,或者二者之间的反差在一个合理的区间内。

    The author points out that there is a hidden proposition under the channel power structure theory , that is , the scale and strength of the two channel members in a rational channel relationship should be symmetrical or at least not too asymmetrical .

  17. 到2004年全国IT渠道数量已经突破76000家,从业人数超过100万人,全国IT渠道营业规模已直逼3000亿元,同时全国IT渠道平均营业额也从374万元增长到391万元。

    The national IT intermediary merchants quantity has already topped 76000 by year 2004 and the number of employees exceeds 1 million . At the same time , the total turnover has already been close to 300 billion yuan . The average turnover rises to 3,910,000 yuan this year too .

  18. 文章分析了西方具有代表性的有关分销渠道方面的观点,包括四个方面:分销渠道的形成机制,分销渠道的规模决策,分销渠道的组织类型选择以及分销渠道的管理内容。

    This paper analyses the representative views on the distribution , including channel formation mechanism , scale decision , organizational structure selection and management content .